Tuesday, May 31, 2011
我們應該互相尊重互相欣賞不是好咯...何必‘看衰’ 或貶低其他人因為別人跟你不一樣?
p/s: 給那個在西方人面前感到自卑,卻可以肆無忌憚地看衰/歧視黑人和其他有色人的一位朋友。 *搖搖頭*
p/s: 給那個在西方人面前感到自卑,卻可以肆無忌憚地看衰/歧視黑人和其他有色人的一位朋友。 *搖搖頭*
Tak kenal maka tak sayang
Tak kenal maka tak sayang.... Jadi, kalau sudah kenal, mesti kita sayang?
aduhai, sakit kepala ni, kerana sudah kenal ramai orang!!!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
- 我樂觀,是因為要把悲觀消極的心態埋起來,別讓它影響或蒙蔽我繼續往更多美好方向前去的清晰思路。
- 我永遠要給機會一個機會。因為這樣,當機會來敲你的門時,你就不會錯過了。
- 人生難免有不如意的事,但記住,這不會是常態。所以要看開點。
I phone is no better than 'eye'-phone
my self created original I phone joke... targeted particularly at person who owns an I phone and acts very lansi/boast about that.
Imagine if that someone asked you whether you have got an I Phone, you just answer, 'Yes, I do have.' 'You wanna see? come, come... come looking into my eyes'. After awhile of eye-contact, then you say: 'i am calling you now.. i am calling you now, please pick it up! pick it up!!!'
That guy/gal must look rather confused now, then you continue saying: 'i am also using 'Eye'-phone, why don't you just pick it up just now?'
Imagine if that someone asked you whether you have got an I Phone, you just answer, 'Yes, I do have.' 'You wanna see? come, come... come looking into my eyes'. After awhile of eye-contact, then you say: 'i am calling you now.. i am calling you now, please pick it up! pick it up!!!'
That guy/gal must look rather confused now, then you continue saying: 'i am also using 'Eye'-phone, why don't you just pick it up just now?'
無論是任何智能產品,都無法取代日常生活中的人與人之間的互動和 自然溝通。科技雖然可以把文字和圖像傳送到,卻無法把誠意和真實 情感用最真的聲音表達出來。
(p/s: 這個電視專題報導,給了我這一些感想)
Monday, May 23, 2011
Problem with angmo names!
oh u know... there are some friends of mine, suddenly changed to angmo/christian name, made me suddenly don't know who are they at the first moment, and a bit uneasy with them later (when they start to identify themselves as such). I don't know why these person have to do this...because for all these while i know them only through their real name in chinese and in english name as appeared on IC.
Your own original name not cool meh? very hard to pronounce or memorise meh? when change to angmo name, feel more chiu , cool and better meh? I don't understand lah.
Of course that is certainly their choice. But I refuse to follow their step and can't be bothered to change. People know me better as Han here, imagine if i were called Brian, Alan, David , bla bla bla... how could you associate those name with me (and with my identity)? I am proud to be known as Han, as always.
Your own original name not cool meh? very hard to pronounce or memorise meh? when change to angmo name, feel more chiu , cool and better meh? I don't understand lah.
Of course that is certainly their choice. But I refuse to follow their step and can't be bothered to change. People know me better as Han here, imagine if i were called Brian, Alan, David , bla bla bla... how could you associate those name with me (and with my identity)? I am proud to be known as Han, as always.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
只要兩顆心 一句關心
~《你還可愛麼》午後公園 ~
(p/s: 摘自其中一個香港短片的結尾message)
李嘉誠基金會「香港仁 愛香港」公益行動
邀請十二位香港導演炮製十二套不一樣的創意短片,展現嶄新感動方 程式以喚醒香港人的無限愛心。
Different opinions
You are entitled to your own opinions, but I also reserve the rights of expressing mine. If we have to finally agree to disagree, and respect each other's view, then I would make no more effort into persuading you.
(Especially for friends, I put friendship value higher, and usually wouldn't allow argument spoils the friendship. Unless the argument is itself vital for the continuation of friendship)
(Especially for friends, I put friendship value higher, and usually wouldn't allow argument spoils the friendship. Unless the argument is itself vital for the continuation of friendship)
Friday, May 20, 2011
他们是说到做到的,并给予我们深度的评论和课题分析,让我受益不浅。那么独立,专业和秉持着新闻自由专业负责任启迪明智的中文媒体,哪里还有得找?我们岂能让它就此倒下?(我看到了以前 英文媒体的遭遇,何不让我心寒)
P/s: 一直以来我都是他们长期的自动自愿捐助者,可是看来我的捐助数额还是有限的。
他们是说到做到的,并给予我们深度的评论和课题分析,让我受益不浅。那么独立,专业和秉持着新闻自由专业负责任启迪明智的中文媒体,哪里还有得找?我们岂能让它就此倒下?(我看到了以前 英文媒体
P/s: 一直以来我都是他们长期的自动自愿捐助者,可是看来我的捐助数额还是有限的。
《花水木:依然想念你》(Hanamizuki) 观后感
昨晚,我才刚观赏了这部日本爱情电影 (Hanamizuki)。看了一些影评说,这是一个纯爱的电影--跨越了十年的时空,一对原本同乡的情侣因各怀理想而被迫两地相恋,过后抵挡不了现实的残酷而分离,命运峰回路转最后还是能与最心爱的人在一起走到最后。对于详细的故事,我不好在此阐述了。你们可以先观看这部电影(預告片在此)再参考这两个分析得不错的影评(1和2)。剧情故事不像一般印象中的爱情故事般的轰轰烈烈,要不然拖泥带水,再不然老套的桥段…这故事让人舒服,自然,和有淡淡的清新,也有间中曲折的部分,不少观后还是难忘的镜头(和感觉),轻易地引起我的共鸣。再加上镜头拍摄色彩优美和风景迷人…取景自北海道,东京,纽约,和加拿大,在配上搭景的动人soundtrack,让这部电影占据了我心中高分电影的一席位,也就是为什么我会喜欢和推荐这部电影的原因了。
这电影基本上没有卖弄悲情或大起大落的情节…一些简单的对白,表情和动作就说明了很多的情感---很自然很原始的情感。虽然最后的结局让男女主角百转千回后重逢在一起,显得比较商业化的安排,不过我还是很欣慰两个真心相爱的人最后可以在一起。有一天,我也希望如此,会有如此的那个她。 =)
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Those days as Special Assistant
After reading my friend's blog (about her work experience), I start to miss those days working for Selangor state government, where I faced different unexpected challenges, handled and analysed a variety of issues & cases, dealt with different people everyday. Those works made me feel like doing something meaningful & contributing positively to the society, environment and democracy -- those things i truly care about.
(这是重新改装重刊的一篇,因为原先的最初那篇被 blogspot 的错乱系统吞掉了 )
“恐蛟龍得雲雨,終非池中物” ,我知道我可以成就一些更高更遠的事業,尋找那個真正適合我的性格,特長,和抱負的事業,不會喜歡一個人長期悶呆在實驗室裏。我喜歡思考辯論,喜歡看待和 分析大局,喜歡接觸群衆,見人溝通作思想交流,喜歡用我的熱忱去做一些東西可以帶來實質的改變,然後直接從受惠受益的群衆得到微笑的肯定,帶來歡樂和意 義。
我知道當初選擇這條路,畢竟是我自己的選擇,沒有理由可以後悔和怪誰。也許是到了這個博士階段 ,才看得清楚自己究竟喜歡些什麽,想要些什麽。或許這與目前德國這裡的生活經歷和環境有關,使我對科學殘留的熱忱逐漸地被消耗磨滅。又或許是因爲當初我在 倫敦碩士班遇到了恩師和伯樂,給我極大的鼓舞和支持,賦予我在科研方面的重大意義,點燃我當時為科研的熱忱和傻勁。我有一班非常要好同甘共苦的系友,有一 個大家庭式互相關愛的研究院同事和朋友。那段碩士時光是我求學里程中最快樂的短暫日子,所以才滿懷期望繼續了博士這條路。但是,我不知道,碩士和博士原來 是完全不可同日而語。在博士歲月裡,不只是我,我不少的前碩士系友也有同感(那天在倫敦與他們暢談互怨才發覺原來不開心不得意鬱鬱不得志的,也不只是 我)。
我 當然會繼續我的博士,直到完成和畢業。以後我有興趣和嚮往做一些跨領域的工作,最好可以結合目前我有的科學知識和專業技能,然後與管理,領導或(政策)策劃相關 的工作。也許很多人會認爲我一定去參政非去跑政治最前綫不可,其實我目前並沒有如此的想法。我覺得,我未必要成爲議員才可以有成就。那些成爲議員的,通常 都會過忙,漸漸地陷入黨派政黨政治的鬥爭也許最後會忘記了當初的理想。而我是很理想派的,我比較希望能保留和運用我的專業和良知來'參政',尤其是影響政 策的制定。兩個我比較有興趣的方向,就是大馬的科研發展和醫藥改革,因爲那些是最符合目前我的專業的。
我 不怪我那些已是专业人士的朋友总是抱怨马来西亚(政府)的不好,对他们何等的不公平待遇。他们一直很想离开这里,寻找外面更美好的天空。这是正常有事业上 进心人都会如此想的事。现在他们的待遇难道是他们应得的吗?又怎么能忍心怪他们欲离开的念头呢?爱国论又可以绑住多少人的心呢?
去过了国外,来到了西方世界,在两个不同的国家住了6年了,你问我他们(西方人)真的有如此那么好,那么强,那么厉害吗?我倒不觉得,反而我想问的是,我 们国家土地有,丰富资源有,聪明人刻苦耐劳的人都有,独特的多元文化语言社会,食物那么好吃,那么美丽的国家,为什么我们的国家还是会比人家差呢?这是我 们马来西亚人应得的结果吗?
无论最后我的事业在哪里发展也好,我还是心系家乡,等待着最好的机会回家 -- 为理想,为家庭,为社会,为国家。我爱我的国家,我要成为协助参与建设发展国家的一份子。我不是逃兵,我是爱国者。
Bad mood because of bad performance
Sometimes you might hope that one more day things would get better, one more chance things wouldn't be the same. But the reality is, you don't have one more day or one more chance. You must perform and deliver that, when the time comes.
(I regret that i didn't today)
Monday, May 16, 2011
Monday, May 09, 2011
Sunday, May 08, 2011
Saturday, May 07, 2011
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Angry for a reason (or many reasons)
In reference to the blog post above, I believe the author tends to simplify things, and not going into analysing the phenomenon of the emotions of the rally crowd in details. Emotions appear only on the surface, people don’t get angry just because of the rally talks, rather they agree from the bottom of heart with the analysis of the speakers. That doesn’t mean that they all are obsessively emotional and not thinking seriously for what it really matters or means to them. In a democratic country, where the people can freely participate in politics or policy formulation, still they show emotions to what favour them and what does not. They believe that, if the ruling party doesn’t concern about their causes, or take care of their interests, some of them (who maybe are the disappointed long-term supporters) choose to negotiate or pressure the ruling party to compromise into giving grounds (very often if the party refuses to oblige, they must decide it based on some other conflicting interests); some of them who do not see hope in the changes forthcoming from that ruling party they could go to the other competing party who can promise and champion their cause. In the end, democratic free and fair election is the only game in town to resolve all these conflicts to a certain extent. People can exert their free will and judgment into some representatives can truly represent their voices, and thus influence the making of new policies to deal with certain critical issues or concerns of people.
In a semi-democratic country like Singapore, to change within the system, if it were truly could be done, and people still lay hopes on that, I guess more of the people would choose this easier path to achieve the goals, and therefore people would be expected to be less angry towards the ruling party (government before the election, now interim not incumbent ). The reasoning is simple, because of the heavy tilted advantages (read: unfair and not-free election to a large significant extent) towards the ruling party, the ruling party will be almost certain to restore the power after the election, people choose cooperation would be easier to get what they wanted. Their causes and concerns, I believe, are what matter to them the most, and they don’t care which party as long as the party supports and listening their voices.
I think this explains why the people are angry or emotional… they are simply disappointed or disillusioned or lose hope in the ruling party that they can truly represent their voices, and implement the change they would like to see. If those were just petty issues, or non-political issues, it would be silly for singaporeans to express their dissatisfaction against the big-bro government for the fear of serious repercussion. The opposition parties would not be easily ‘inciting’ the emotions, certainly cannot fool the smart and calculative Singaporeans, if the undercurrent dissatisfaction of how life and politics go in Singapore on the ground simply doesn’t exist. If the previous government has done well all the time and capable at fixing the problems/issues raised by oppositions, they certainly have less to worry and sure they are still popular. If the indication points out that the government has failed and no (or less) indication of changes on offer, not blaming the ruling party then blame who? In the end, who is in power to formulate and enforce the policies to take care of the citizens in all aspects?
Therefore voting for opposition parties, signify the ruling party (if they still go on and win the elections) that the grassroot grouses can be ignored at their own peril, and let the capable new voices to perform and represent them, to push for the changes they would like to see. Voting for opposition, could probably be an informed decision, and cannot be regarded as 'not voting wisely' or emotional votes (that is why Malaysian ruling coalition BN always in denial). Remember, the result of the general election should always reflect the situation on the ground at that particular period of recent time (eg. 4-5 years performance of the last term), disregard the glorious past and how much the ruling party has been contributing to this country since independence. A political party must keep up the pace, evolve and be forward looking at shaping the future of the nation and society.
Always with good check and balance, the democracy is healthy and thriving and eventually beneficial to the people. Somehow I believe Singaporean politicians can carry out their responsibility professionally. So, make an informed decision and vote wisely!
(p/s: sure, voting for the ruling party could also be a wise and informed decision, i don't deny that, as long as you can also reason that out...after all, democracy cannot be just having one voice-- that is fake!)
(p/s 2: sure, that is not my country, people may condemn me for not fully understanding about their nation before comment, therefore i make quite an principal theoretical statement responses to that blog, from the standpoint of what democracy, election, and government mean. I will not go through point to point rebuttal of that blog, but many of the author's arguments i found are flaw, just reflects that she doesn't fully understand or appreciate the values of democracy and what are the responsibilities or functions of government.)
(p/s 3: For the case of my country and state, so far (and most likely still be valid at the point of next election) I would definitely vote for current PR state government (ruling parties) and vote against BN federal government. That is simply not emotional... i have too many reasons to do and say so. You would see how my argument and testimony work for the incumbent Selangor State government. 8-) )
Sunday, May 01, 2011
Everything you do, every word you say
Never underestimate your influence and significance to others, at least the people around you. Every action and every word from you, may mean something to somebody.
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