Sunday, August 29, 2021

5 crucial points on the PN govt's health performance

Short speech prelude:

17 months of PN govt on health performance, many would judge significantly on the pandemic control outcomes. If we take the final outcome as when they left the office, the public perception is most probably not good. In fact, whether the assessment claim is true or not, certainly their pandemic control policies and measures were largely criticised and these are made good excuses or reasons to pressure their exit. Their first and early successes before the third wave of pandemic were already in the distant past, many would argue the credits may not pass entirely or largely to the political leadership but the competent health department civil servants.

Yes, political leadership is problematic, because during the pandemic, health ministry is probably the most important portfolio in the government, but the person held the minister position is Dr Adham Baba. People yearn for leadership to get them out of this mess of double jeopardy in public health and economic, but the health ministry seems to keep afloat and autopilot by the civil servants under the leadership of Director General Dr Noor Hisham. The latter even was made the national hero and superstar in early days of COVID-19 pandemic. This shouldn’t happen if the health minister were competent enough. One even can have doubt about Dr Adham Baba, how effective he could articulate and defend the MOH positions in the cabinet and the MKN meetings? MOSTI minister Khairy Jamaluddin is the complete opposite to Dr Adham Baba, he shows what a competent and effective leader can make the difference and impact. He ran the National COVID-19 immunisation programme so well until no one among the general public knows who is DG or KSU in his ministry.

One thing is about fighting the covid-19, another is to deal with non-covid health issues. Since the beginning of the pandemic, many among the public start to appreciate the importance of health policies. Many health advocate groups, opposition members and even DG himself called for strengthening public health, by allocating more resources for the health ministry. In the end, Budget 2021 was a big disappointment, because it failed to show the political will and strong intent from the government investing in public health. MOH operating budget was cut, allocation for services and supplies for the ministry were also slashed, even the budget for the Public Health department was also shrunk by 12%. They would do themselves a lot of good deeds and save troubles if they had allocated significantly more for creating many more permanent positions in the Medical department, this was the prelude to the Code Black and Hartal Doktor Kontrak movements.

Although the housemanship and contract doctor issue have a long history passing through many governments including Pakatan Harapan, they may also be complicated. What the Prime Minister offered to the contract doctors prior to their nationwide strike was just another temporary stop gap measure. Only when push comes to shove, then the government responded, before that they seemed to be just sitting on the issue.

Vaccination is traditionally a health matter implemented by the MOH, but on COVID-19 vaccination, it becomes joint-effort, perhaps under the leadership of the PICK coordinating minister Khairy, it is the only exemplary health performance under the PN government. But even that, home ministry often sabotage by initiating campaigns to arrest undocumented migrants. This complicates the pandemic control measures, including getting them to be vaccinated.

In short, under the eventful 17 months under the PN govt, their political leadership in the MOH is shambolic and, some argue, almost non-existence. The then Prime Minister Muhyiddin even had to appoint a special advisor on public health in Dr Jemilah Mahmood to show the internal deficit. 

5 crucial points on the PN govt's health performance

  1. Incompetent and doubtful political leadership in health matters


PN government had selected Dr Adham Baba as the health minister, and stuck with him throughout the 17 months in governance. Despite being a medical doctor listed in the Medical Register, Dr Adham Baba’s deficiencies in ability to comprehend many complex issues, make good judgement as well as take timely and appropriate actions to remedy the situations and solve surging number of problems emerged due to the pandemic, are too obvious for the whole nation to see. His public unscripted appearance and speech delivery at times were disastrous and left him being a laughing stock for the nation. This is not helpful when the nation needs a capable and convincing leader to lead the people out of the pandemic, while his personal qualities were questioned and his reputation had been taken enormous hits. The people are not sure what were his contributions in the health ministry and how effectively he defended the MOH positions in the MKN and cabinet. The health ministry seemed kept afloat simply by the excellent support and deliveries from the competent civil servants. 


The public shifted their attention and yearned for leadership, giving rise to the stardom profile of Director General of Health, Dr Noor Hisham. This should not happen if the health minister were competent enough to handle the communications and deliveries in terms of health policies and measures. The NIP Coordinating minister Khairy Jamaluddin is the total opposite case to Dr Adham Baba, he is a prime example showing how much difference and impact a competent and effective leader can make.

2.              Failure to contain the pandemic due to political and external interest interference and not based on prevailing evidence


2 critical mistakes at the early third wave of pandemic paved the way for the subsequent  failures to suppress the COVID-19 disease transmission in 2021: i) Slow response in closing the Sabah state borders during the early outbreak of the third wave pandemic. The outbreak was exacerbated by the Sabah state election campaigns, which was unnecessary if not for the political actions by certain leaders to grab power via  defections. ii) Premature reopening of all state borders in early December, just when the pandemic situation was in control and improving. This intervention decided at the MKN resulted in widespread seeding of the virus throughout the country and caused the high peak in February. As a consequence, the viral load in the local communities became so high until it became entrenched as endemic, this sets the prelude to the series of subsequent failures of the disease containment strategies. MITI’s allowance for many firms and factories to continue operating as ‘essential services’ during the FMCO period helped sustain the disease transmission at the localities.

3.              Failed in investing more in public health under the Budget 2021


Despite the repeated calls by the health advocate groups, political parties and even the DG Health to increase the financial resources for the MOH, Budget 2021 was a disappointment. The MOH operating budget was reduced by about RM718 million, particularly the allocation for services and supplies was shrunk by RM1.3 billion. The government significantly cut back the budget on the Public Health overall programme by 12%, this is not a good message of intent to show that the government wants to strengthen public health, even though it is true that the government had allocated a lot more in a separate pool of funding only for COVID-19 pandemic.

4.              Temporary but unconvincing solutions for the contract doctors


To be fair, the housemanship & contract doctor issue has been a long standing issue, dated back to more than 10 years ago. Moratorium on new medical schools and programmes first imposed in 2011, pushed more desperate students to seek opportunities in overseas medical institutions, and they came back wanting to serve.


The contract system adopted in 2016, only served as a delay tactic to overcome the Public Services Department (JPA) bottleneck for appointing house officers as well as medical officers to the permanent civil servant positions. But the subsequent governments did not have the political will to significantly increase the number of positions to absorb the contract doctors. 


On the Hartal Doktor Kontrak movement, the then Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin finally responded on 23 July 2021 by offering another temporary stop gap measure with a 2 year contract to those who had completed mandatory service (or 4 years if accepted for specialist studies), as well as upgrading the contract benefits. He promised to fix the system. 


Although the systemic issue is complicated and hardly one can expect the government with such a short tenure to solve it, the government did not seem to deal much on the issue but only when push comes to shove (CodeBlack and Hartal Doktor Kontrak movement).

5.              Effective vaccine rollout campaign, held back by obsession to arrest undocumented migrants


The rapid pace of vaccine rollout under the National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme after June 2021 is one of the best performing acts and effective policy implementation by the PN government. The inclusiveness of the vaccination campaign (eg. multilingual official website, vaccination plan to include migrant workers and undocumented migrants, invited opposition lawmaker to be one of the coordinating officers), effective and clear public communication (eg. regular press conferences, statements, and public talk appearances), willingness to share more data in public, and spot-on strategic decision (eg. allowing the public to go for an opt-in option for AZ vaccine when the initial doubt raised about the vaccine) -- all these exemplary records  boosted public confidence in registering and getting the vaccine. The vaccine rollout rate during Jun-Aug saw Malaysia being one of the fastest immunised nations in the world, and it could have already protected many people from COVID-19 harm if only the pandemic were less severe.


However, the Home Ministry had a different idea. They were adamant in arresting undocumented migrants under the disguise of protecting the citizens from infection. Human rights aside, even if it were just about public health, that was obviously a wrong approach. These gave rise to multiple clusters in the immigration detention centres with a high number of positive cases. The policy also causes many undocumented migrants went hiding for the fear of arrest. This complicates the COVID-19 pandemic control management and interventions, and helps sustain a certain viral burden in some unreachable communities which were forced to hide.


題:依斯迈内阁变动小学问大 巫统重掌选举战略职务




馬華和國大黨的部長副部長位子沒什麼變動,除了鄭聯科上議員轉為青體部副部長,而土團黨前霹靂州州務大臣Ahmad Faizal則獲得關照正式坐上青體部部長。




依斯邁沙比里(Ismail Sabri Yaakob)在本月廿一日宣誓成為第九任首相後,馬來西亞由一個新舊參差的政府統領。坊間稱這個由巫統領導的政府為國盟2.0,對掌權的巫統來說,則傾向於自認國陣政府。前首相慕尤丁(Muhyiddin Yassin)任內敗筆之一,就是委任無能的阿漢峇峇(Adham Baba)當衛生部長,影響民衆對公共衛生和抗疫的信心。如今新政府繼續面臨嚴重疫情、振興經濟兩大挑戰,衛生部的表現至爲關鍵。本文主要評述慕尤丁政府五項公衛政策表現。

一、公衛領導無能備受質疑:慕尤丁執政十七個月期間,堅持把阿漢峇峇留在內閣。儘管後者為合格注册醫生,但抗疫能力闕如,判斷欠佳,卻屢次失言口誤,無論「溫水消除冠病」、「與五百個國家視訊會議」、「西班牙蒼蠅」,皆成國人笑柄。當國家需要有勇有謀的部長領導抗疫時,沒有人知曉阿漢峇峇的貢獻,更不清楚他如何在國家安全理事會和內閣捍衛部門政策。衛生部似乎僅能依靠出色的公務體系支援其運作。抗疫領導心切,民衆關注點投射到衛生總監諾希山(Noor Hisham Abdullah)身上,造就抗疫初期的「救星」形象。如果衛生部長有能力貫徹政策措施、擅長溝通,這本來就不該發生。負責協調「全國新冠疫苗接種計劃」的科技部長凱里(Khairy Jamaluddin)則與阿漢峇峇恰好相反,他的表現說明一位有能力的領袖可以帶來影響和改變。




直到合約醫生醞釀罷工,慕尤丁遲至七月廿六日才承諾解決問題,端出臨時應急措施,同意爲完成義務服務者(mandatory service)延長合約長達兩年(錄取專科醫生訓練者四年),提升合約福利。雖然這課題有其複雜層面,要求一個任期短暫的政府徹底解决或許不切實際,但當局似乎未積極處理,直至「黑色星期一」穿黑衣上班(Code Black)、集體罷工運動(Hartal Doktor Kontrak)後才被動回應。





Saturday, August 21, 2021

CityPlus FM interview: 【下班有话题】新政府上台之後,防疫措施如何管理?(19 Aug 2021)





这期节目邀请对公共卫生有所研究的群议社政策研究员 林志翰博士,来和我们聊聊,新政府是否可以从国盟政府的抗疫的经验中,汲取教训和做出改善?国内的防疫措施要继续由政治领袖来主导还是医疗官员?





会不会有变数呢?114只是比111简单多数多了3席而已,换句话说,只要四位或以上过档过去,大家又白忙一场,被兜着转了 -- 那时就要看适不适合举行选举解开这僵局。

刚才我已提了所谓的‘变数’ -- 114是微差多数执政,不是安华常挂在嘴边的一个“强大有力“”的支持数目。








不少人常常误会民主是5年一次投票的事。那是选举民主,但那不是民主的全部。日常生活中的政治参与,比如地方或社区的决策,乃至国家政策的讨论,在社交媒体发表看法关注课题,或参与公民社会组织的活动,这些都是参与式民主。我们要常监督和问责自家的国州议员,批评任何不当或不对的言论或行为,不能姑息龌龊的政治文化,比如贪腐,跳槽或yes man效忠党领袖行为。


再来的一个惊心动魄的数据是,自开战以来在阿富汗军事运营,美国政府已耗费了2.26万亿美元(trillion US dollar)。(注:1 trillion有12个零)虽然美国是经济大国,这绝对是重大财务负担,而且还是无底洞,因为这是一个不能完胜的战争!即使现在撤军了,一些军人福利预算还是会得继续支付直到他们往生。





Friday, August 20, 2021

BFM Interview: Evolution of MySejahtera



Malaysia’s businesses are slowly reopening, even in Phase 1, for fully vaccinated people. Are we ready? First, we check in with two business owners, one representing F&B, another hairdressers and salons. Then, we look into the complaints around MySejahtera and our digital certificate as a means of verification. Image Source: Louis Hansel - Restaurant Photographer, Unsplash

Produced by: Adeline Choong, Tasha Fusil, Loo Juosie

Presented by: Lee Chwi Lynn, Sharmilla Ganesan

Link here to the page and podcast audio:


1. MySejahtera has been around for a while now. How has it been evolving to suit the changing needs of pandemic management? 

Indeed, the first version released on Google Play Store on 17th April last year, with the version name: V1.0.10, until the latest update released on 2nd August this year, V1.0.42, that means Mysejahtera has now about 16 month history and evolved through 32 updates.

Besides the usual check-in function, It has definitely transformed significantly for 4 major uses:

1.   Hotspot identification

2.   Infection risk for oneself

3.   Home quarantine tool to communicate with the authority including the latest feature to update self-test result

4.   Vaccination appointments and digital certification

With its update rate of 5 versions per 2 months since the beginning of National COVID immunisation programme, we shall expect the app software to be sensitive and update frequently to meet the needs of the authority and the users.


2. More specifically, there have been complaints from owners of premises that the current app makes signing in rather complicated - especially since now they’d have to check for vaccination status as well. What kinds of changes could make this process smoother and more user-friendly? 

I agree. The current system in the Mysejahtera which produces the digital certificate is too subtle and inconvenient for the business operators to check for the details for every entry on a daily basis. The checker has to be in person getting up close to see the date displayed in the digital certificate. Imagine if the person has to check 60 customers per hour, or 480 customers per day, it would be tiresome. Yet, they would be equally fearful for the hefty compound received if they did not do it properly.

Many have suggested the fastest way to get around this issue is to have the digital certificate turning into a different colour say blue for fully vaccinated persons and that should be easily distinguishable from a distance. Still, if the business operator also has to check the infection risk of the customer, that means he or she needs to look at 2 different interface pages of MySejahtera. Better if the app developer can combine both info shown in one page.

Alternatively, MySejahtera could also consider developing one system for the business owner to scan the customers’ Mysejahtera QR code instead, and this could give a light or sound response for every positive or negative entry.

3. What other features might be helpful at this stage of the pandemic - where vaccinations are still ongoing, and the government is starting to open up the economy? 

For the authority, useful data could be collected from the users based on their vaccination status, to see the behaviour patterns of checking in and infectivity risk in the community.

Many countries are still learning about the vaccination effect on reducing the virus spread. The authority has to devise public health policy based on evidence, so this would be one kind of important info which can provide insights.

For the users, it would be helpful if the authority can set up other Malaysian language versions if possible. This is to learn from the efforts. And for the helpdesk service, maybe there should be another button for the call center service catering for people who are not so comfortable in navigating so many options and text lines to find the answer… currently there is only one Emergency call line, this should not be abused.


4. And looking at data gathered through MySejahtera - recently, an article by Malaysiakini explored data published by GitHub which showed there were more logins through the app during the recent full lockdown, as compared to MCO3.0. What’s your take on that? 

Yes, the trends described in the article are true. At the national level, it is safe to say that the current activity level judging by the frequencies of unique check ins, we are back to the level of early May, or pre MCO3.0, even though there are about 15% of business locations still do not open during the same period, either they are already foreclosed or they are not ready to let their workers back in. 

The difference is, currently the daily new case number is about 8 times bigger than early May. But if we look into hotspot identification, the number of large hotspots is currently about 55% of the early May, while the number of small hotspots is about the same. This shows that the current MCO or NRP measures can keep large hotspots in check, but not small hotspots.


5. Why is this sort of data useful? 

I appreciate such data provided, for us to understand the effects of the government’s pandemic control measures to the behaviour of people in the community and work locations responding to the measures.

The public data is only useful if people do use it and analyse in meaningful ways. Surely the authority has much refined and granular data useful for them to strategize the disease control management and take appropriate actions in particular locality. The public data is currently only provided at the state level. 


6. To your knowledge, is this sort of data being used by the government in helping with the process of opening up and recovery? 

If you read the lines from the Director General of Health Dr Noor Hisham’s short statement yesterday, he mentioned that the opening up of economic sectors and relaxation of some restrictions such as dine in, are not based on public health recommendations but on economic consideration. 

So, if the data evidence were seriously employed by the authority to control the pandemic, the policy recommendation should be opposite to what is currently practiced in the NRP phase 1 and 2 states. 

However, this is already not so desirable for the public who are experiencing many socioeconomic issues under prolonged lockdown and severe restrictions. Given the full vaccination coverage is going up rapidly in some states, hence, this is the compromise. People do have a choice to respond, by not utilising the opportunity and freedom given to them, for the infection risk consideration. It is at their own discretion, but there are others who would have to do something to survive for a living. Thus, we should expect high daily new cases perhaps until October.


7. How do you see MySejahtera continuing to evolve and change? How long will it continue to be relevant?

MySejahtera will continue to be relevant as long as the pandemic is still on. This MySejahtera app will continue to be part of the major requirements for many SOPs in place, as well as the main communication channels between the people and the authority, and the authority needs the data from MySejahtera app to monitor the situation and take most appropriate actions based on the evidence.

So I expect everyone to keep it in your phone for at least another year, mark my words!


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Malaysiakini interview: MySejahtera data shows more check-ins during lockdown than MCO 3.0 (16 Aug)

Title: MySejahtera data shows more check-ins during lockdown than MCO 3.0

Lim: Lockdown didn't achieve the desired effect

Public health policy researcher Lim Chee Han told Malaysiakini in an interview that even the most stringent lockdown did not appear to have achieved its desired effect.

Lim, a senior researcher at the Third World Network, said for the long period of the total lockdown, Selangorians only managed to reduce their activities or interactions by about a quarter while the number of locations open was reduced by 20 to 30 percent, compared to the mid-April peak activity level.

“The people’s activity level peaked in mid-April and then Covid-19 cases were also picking up from there, leading to the MCO 3.0 being firstly implemented in the six districts in Selangor,” Lim said.

He said in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, the MCO 3.0 and total lockdown periods brought activity level down to at most 50 percent but this later crept back up while the total lockdown had a milder reduction of about 25 percent until the enhanced MCO dented it a little.

According to Lim's ground observation in the Petaling district, one of the districts with the highest daily Covid-19 cases in the country, the trend is similar to the MySejahtera data for the lockdown period.

“Even if I don’t go out that much and work from home, with at the most twice-weekly trips for grocery shopping, I notice the condominium residents car park is increasingly vacant during the day, ” he said.

He also noticed that traffic flow on the Federal Highway was getting heavier by day, parking lots in front of shop lots getting filled up faster and an increasing number of roadside stalls selling takeaway food.

“Hence the so-called measure stringency of any MCO can only be true and effective if there is total compliance and strict enforcement from the authority,” Lim stressed.

Nonetheless, he reminded that the numbers for check-ins using MySejahtera cannot serve as an absolute number for people active outside of their homes, though it still can be useful as an indicator for the level of people’s interactions and activities outside.

“For example, if you stay home and order food or grocery by delivery, then delivery persons will have to sign in, undermining the reality that many do stay at home or work from home,” he said.

Full article: here