Sunday, April 07, 2019

Understanding about National Debt

A journalist asked me if i could respond to this speech from PM Dr M. He asked 'Is the PM's target realistic and is the national debt really that big of a problem?'
I am always serious to journalist's question put forward to me. Here is my reply:
First, the public has to understand the nature of so-called national debt. According to the Economic Outlook published by MOF, the Federal government debt is estimated to reach RM725.2 billion or 50.7% GDP, where 97% are domestic debt. What are the components? Treasury bills, Malaysian Government Investment Issues (MGII), Malaysian Government Securities (MGS) and Government Housing Sukuk. MGII and MGS are the two most prominent sources, took 95% of all domestic debts. These are the capitals that the government raised for public spending and infrastructure development, and the investors are for the returns. As long as the government understands that they have a duty to repay on time the interest accrued due to these capital investment, and make sure their fiscal policy is sound and prudent, do not continue raising capitals unsustainably and go waste or splurge, then the fiscal position is under control. No one is asking the government to immediately repay the whole debt, instead we should ask the Prime Minister Dr Mahathir what does he actually mean by 'recover from past administrative, financial problems in three years' and 'we will be able to settle out debts'? To what extend? What is the target or measurement yardstick? The debt sum that he quoted 'RM 1 trillion', I presume that he has actually included the contingent liabilities especially the loan guarantees to GLCs and Statutory Bodies (RM179 bil and RM60 bil, respectively in 2017).
Second, many countries (including advanced economies) do have a norm to have consistent budget deficit and reasonable high debt. For example Singapore has 112.2% government debt to GDP ratio, it is not the measure or reflection of fiscal health. The PH government's priority should be ensuring the public spending and investment are adequate to address the current needs of people, and future.
Third, cutting down the expenditure, especially the mega projects, is the obvious way to go, but the government has to consider the options carefully. Most mega projects are infrastructure development projects, they are normally borne by GLCs. For example, the MRT projects are developed by MRT corp; LRT projects are by Prasarana , both are GLCs under MOF. Cutting cost, if it is by cutting corner (ie. compromising the quality of delivery and user friendliness), this will not bring returns to the companies. One should not think negatively about the capital raised (ie. debt) to fund these public infrastructure projects, because when they are done properly, they will be 'assets' in the company books, many are often conveniently overlooking this fact. Even in the context of cost-cutting, the government has to make sure by the time when the projects are completed, this brings maximum values to the public. If the public and communities are not utilising the infrastructure, it will be even bigger losses suffered by the GLCs (and the government) when operating and maintaining the assets and services. A cantonese idiom often reminds us not to, 'just because you wanna gain a candy, you burn down the whole factory' (“给你一粒糖,烧掉整间厂”)








上个月我在群议社和共思社联办的《我是布莱克》(I,Daniel Blake)电影分享会里就感慨地道出了这段往事,正好这部电影触及的主题是英国官僚体制下冰冷无情的社会福利政策,以及城市社会底下阶层的日常贫穷挣扎。





首先,我国联邦宪法第九附表就列明瞭社会福利乃是联邦与州政府共同的责任权限,出现在共治列表(List III Concurrent List)的第一条文。该条文也阐述对妇女、孩童与青年的保护。自从2004年,社会福利局就隶属在联邦的妇女、家庭和社区发展部。州政府则部署成立本身的社会福利州级部门以及县级福利办事处。

据报道,联邦政府在2013-2017年五年內发放了411亿令吉的福利津贴。其中最大笔的福利津贴项目就是人民生活援助金(Bantuan Sara Hidup,前称为BR1M),估计在今年会发放50亿令吉给超过400万户人家。而主要通过社会福利部发放给具体的弱势群体例如老人、小孩和残障人士的援助金,2017年的发放总额是15.1亿令吉,大约51万人或1.6%总人口因此受惠。







有时,地方特殊复杂的社会状况和福利需求,更显得联邦政府官员山高皇帝远,埋下了伏笔製造各级政府和官僚的相互指责、內斗纷爭。更重要的是,往往政府对社会福利政策的瞭解仅停留在现金补给(cash handouts),而社会弱势群体有时真正需要的是实际具体的社会服务,比如说丧偶无儿的老人需要有专人看管协助。




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