Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Mu变种毒株,值得我们担忧?(群議論點-9月15日) (愛FM《名師早點》9月17日)


8月30日,世界卫生组织将这个Mu变种毒株列为值得注意的病毒变体(Variant of Interest,简称VOI),成为目前名单裡的第五个VOI变种毒株,包括早前大家也曾关注过的Lambda。


Mu变种毒株是在今年一月在哥伦比亚发现,如今已传播至全球的49个国家。虽说如此,Mu变种毒株在全球病例佔有率少过0.5%,影响范围主要还在哥伦比亚,其他南美洲国家进行的变种毒株基因排序检测,也只是偶尔发现有病例,Mu不是最主流的变种毒株种类。全球的病毒检测数据也显示,Mu的传播率自从7月中突破1%的新增病例关卡之后,就一直往下坡走。这也意味著Mu的威胁并不如目前的“老大哥”Delta变种毒株。Delta从5月11日被世卫组织列为需密切关注的病毒变体(Variant of Concern),差不多只用了两个月就从7%的全球新增病例飙升至7月20日的90%。目前仍是一统江山的变种毒株,估计佔全球新增病例的98%。





Prelude/Introduction to the Recall Election TMI article

 No one should hard sell (or oversold) the idea of recall election being the antitode or solution to the party-hopping issue. It is largely untested. In principle it may work, and I agree with the proponent to perform the 'political clinical trial' to find that out, but I should also forewarn the possible treatment failure to the targeted 'disease' -- most probably recall election is not enough, and itself is not the 'right medicine' to stop the political defections leading to the change or collapse of government. In this article, I elaborated and put forward the reasons why this is the case.

The fact is, recall election and the so-called anti-hopping law can co-exist, and they should serve different functions -- the former is more of a 'generalist' (for performance, integrity or even moral issue as the ground for recall), while the latter is a 'specialist' for preventing power-grab via party-switching. So, I am a social democrat myself, not against the recall election mechanism.
In this article, I also proposed how the current prevalently perceived anti-hopping law can be tweaked and improved to circumvent the judgment precedence set in 1992. I call it Reaffirming Mandate Law.
I maintain, any party defector/quitter should subject to automatically triggered by-election, as a democratic test, to find out if one still commands the mandate to represent the particular constituency. Recall election is just adding too many extra-rounds of qualifiers to the real test. Recall election should also be made more difficult instead of easier, to avoid being abused -- so the chances of using the recall election mechanism to beat the group of 'badasses' to 'restore' one's favourite governing coalition to power, are not high. The odds are stacking against you. I just don't want you to be disappointed in the end.

*** Tindak Malaysia's remark and review of the article: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=4504879936237267&id=205226019536035

We shall take a minor diversion from our Redelineation History Week today
Today, we examine an article written by Dr Lim Chee Han where he provided a nuanced critique about recall elections and an option in between anti party hopping law and recall elections (reaffirming elections). While we disagree with the concept of reaffirming elections, we would like to give particular focus on the current discourse on recall elections
We support Recall Elections. However, we cannot deny the few downsides of relying on this option as the pinnacle of deterrence against hopping. Firstly, a recall election process takes months and if it is used specifically for hopping, the impact of recall elections is very delayed. In the process of delay, the political scene would have changed significantly and finally the recall elections will end up preserving the mandate of the hopping politician.
Secondly, we wholeheartedly agree that recall elections being used specifically to tackle party hopping is unusual. The essence of recall elections is to allow voters to sack a politician or a leader who is underperforming or commit acts that could be deplorable by society (ill remarks, being involved in scandal). A recall elections which is unrestricted unleashes the full options for voters to sack or keep hopping politicians, underperforming leaders and scandalous representatives. A restricted version of Recall Elections as espoused by YB Azalina skews the flexibility of recall elections, the very strength of the process
Thirdly, we need to ask ourselves on how to curb the abuses of recall elections. One of the most common abuse can happen be political parties to mobilize voters to initiate petition to reverse a particular political outcome. Moreover, additional measures would be required to verify signatures (especially for the first few stages of recall process). We don't want to have a situation where paid signature industry is born in Malaysia and recall elections is to be guided by these paid signatures
A hybrid of recall elections and anti-party hopping law will serve the effective forms of deterrence to party hopping culture in Malaysia. A full appreciation of strengths of both options must be taken account. It is plain wrong to say Recall Elections is better than Anti-Party Hopping Law or vice versa
To stop party hopping, holistic measures from bottom up and top down views would be required. Single reliance on recall elections to curb party hopping as the pinnacle form of deterrence is simply misguided view

Recall election may not deter party hopping


Don't get me wrong, I am supportive of having the recall election mechanism in place for many good reasons – to allow the voters who are highly dissatisfied with a certain elected representative’s performance or public behaviour to be able to act to recall the mandate.

Actually, it could be on any ground that can garner popular support that the voters deem the person is no longer fit or legitimate to represent them, be it integrity issue (that is, told a significant and damning lie in public or misappropriated public fund for private use), or moral issue (that is, acted or uttered racist or sexist words, showed indecent or unacceptable behaviour in public).

Although betrayal of voters’ mandate due to party switching could also be one big issue for recall election, the mechanism itself does not serve as a deterrence stern enough to prevent the phenomenon of party hopping affecting the ultimate outcome: change of government and reward for the defectors. Let me elaborate further.

One big factor why some political parties and politicians are more ready to accept the recall election proposal as an alternative to the generally dubbed anti-party hopping law is that the affected politicians can keep their seats until being challenged officially.

Several big hurdles for the electorates to overcome in order to recall a particular elected representative. The burden is on the challengers in terms of running the petition signature collection campaign passing a certain threshold of electorate size and then the signature verification processes.

It is by no means easy; the discontentment has to be high and popular enough to ignite people’s passion and sustain the campaign against the politician in question.

Just look at Bersih 2.0’s halted mock recall election campaign against Tebrau MP Steven Choong in August, this spells the difficulties of the public petition campaign to move against less high-profile party hoppers like Steven Choong.

If 10 elected representatives have “jumped ship”, let’s say recall elections have to successfully bring down at least five, opposition parties have to wrest back all the recalled seats in the subsequent by-elections to “restore” the balance and gain back the dominance in parliamentary seats.

For this series of events to go through, what is the probability of success? What if the defectors just gamble the chance for power and favours, and play a “catch-me-if-you-can” game?

Another consideration would be, who can fund and sustain the possible long campaign in all 10 constituencies (and what if the number is even bigger than 10)?

How long is a successful recall process going to take? This does matter a lot, as the idiom often goes “a week is a long time in politics”.

In my previous article, I found that the high-profile recall election case in Taiwan, Kaohsiung former mayor Han Kuo-yu took 234 days.

If the defectors were allowed to form a new government and be sworn in as ministers or deputies alike with elevated and consolidated power stature, could the balance of power not tip largely in favour of the incumbent seat holders with government resources and machinery at their disposal?

If it were an anti-party hopping law, defectors would have been stopped immediately, and no power grab is possible in this way, let alone letting the defectors build electoral advantages over a relatively long period (about eight months in Han’s case) spoiling the attempt or preparing for the possible recall.

With so many perks on offer, what is so deterrent about the recall election for the defectors not to gamble on?

India, Pakistan, Kenya and Uganda have the similar first-past-the-post electoral system like Malaysia, and also often face party hopping issues.

If recall elections would have been superior in deterring political defections, why these party hoppers-prone countries do not already adopt this measure?

Among the four aforementioned countries, only India has a recall mechanism at the state level but not at the most powerful lower house (Lok Sabha).

In fact, it is uncommon for the recall election to be used mainly to deter political defections in the world. It is mostly used to act against the municipal leaders (that is, mayors, governors) for performance or integrity-related issues.

One can look at the most active users of such recall elections in the United States. Although there are some good examples of successful recalls, that is also accompanied with a long list of unsuccessful recalls or failed attempts to qualify for recall elections. The latest case is California Governor Gavin Newsom who survived the recall.

One has to be cautious about the recall mechanism as a double-edged sword in that it could also be used by some civil groups to force out lawmakers that they do not like. Think Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia mobilising its grassroots to recall Segambut MP Hannah Yeoh.

Peru is another country where the citizens actively use their recall mechanism. Between 1997 and 2013, 45.5% of all 747 municipalities had experienced more than 5,000 activated recall referendums against locally elected officers. Welp (2014) explains the weakness of the institutional design of the mechanism that leads to a series of successful activation of recall referendums in Peru.

More importantly, it points out how political parties have the incentives to exploit the weakness to “gain power between regular elections”. Thus, the design of the recall election mechanism has to be made with careful and considerable deliberation to avoid being abused.

It is also fair to say that the current prevalently perceived anti-party hopping law is not without problems.

One often mentioned issue is that the elected representatives would be held even in tighter grip if the law becomes the new order, as the politician fears the consequence of being sacked and, hence, disqualified as the sitting member of Parliament or assemblyman if they do not toe the party (leader) line.

This statement appears as if the current party politics is not already showing this party toeing phenomenon, which may not be solved by an anti-party hopping law, nor a recall election can remedy.

At the same time, what I find most problematic is that the argument tars all politicians with the same brush that they are interest (read: seat)-bound and dare not take principle, conscience and public interest first.

However, I also acknowledge in some legitimate circumstances, anti-party hopping laws could be too rigid and punitive. For example, a splinter and realignment of ideology or principles for the Amanah lawmakers prior to the 14th general election.

In fact, the penalty of disqualification of the legislative membership is the core contention that was said to contravene the Federal Constitution on the freedom of association, as this was the judgment precedence set in the case of Dewan Undangan Negeri Kelantan v Nordin Salleh (1992) 1 MLJ 697.

What if there could be a third way, not requiring the party quitter to relinquish the seat immediately? He or she could continue to hold office until the automatically triggered by-election, reaffirming the mandate for the particular seat.

What is required to deter is the single-member party hopping resulting in the change of government, hence it is fair to temporarily suspend the right of the defectors to pledge new allegiance or support for the other coalition until the by-election results confirm the mandate for their seats.

To live up to the true spirit of representative democracy, automatically triggered by-election is important to find out who actually still commands the mandate to represent a particular constituency. This is a necessary, legitimate and straightforward democratic test, not a penalty.

Unlike the recall election, it is like playing many extra rounds of qualifiers with added difficulties in order to sit for the true test.

Why spend so much money and effort in arduous procedure and yet may not be an effective recall election, while one can have an automatically triggered by-election mechanism to find out who the seat should really belong to?

Let’s have the “specialist” reaffirming mandate law to deal with the party hopping and changing government issue while keeping the “generalist” recall election measure for other legitimate usage purposes. 

71st article for Agora@TMI column, published on The Malaysian Insight, 20 Sep 2021 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

(中國報採訪 9月12日)持续爆发还是瘟疫 压下 新病例 才晋流行病


























































Thursday, September 09, 2021

On the publication news of the book "Systems Thinking Analyses for Health Policy and Systems Development A Malaysian Case Study" (2021, Sep)


After completed the final draft by 2019, finally the book about Malaysian health policy and systems development is published by Cambridge University Press.
I contributed as a co-author for the Chapter 11 "Medical Products", and 2 case studies (11.1 & 12.1).
The good thing about this publication is, this is an open-access book, you may download and read the whole book or selected chapters at your own convenience.
Thanks to the strong dedication and commitments from the UNU-IIGH team who was doing the editorial works. Plenty of meetings at the UNU-IIGH meetings, quite a number of draft versions and revisions (as well as numerous sketches of the systems diagrams to go with David). Special thanks go to the Editors Dr Indra Pathmanathan, Dr David Tan and Lim Shiang Cheng. They had given great opportunity and a lot of patience to me and co-authors.
I'm grateful to have collaborated with my most knowledgeable co-author Prof. Thomas Paraidathathu, he did most of the heavy lifting on the pharmaceutical development history in Malaysia. Also, I'm glad to team up with Dr Faizul Nizam Abu Salim to write about the great achievement of affordable treatment of Hepatitis C in Malaysia. This is truly a success story linking the Ministry of Health with many leading health advocacy groups and NGOs.

The Book link: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/systems-thinking-analyses-for-health-policy-and-systems-development/0DAB5C2C7DC74E515AA1ADC18EE61A68

Monday, September 06, 2021

群議論點:新冠疫情走向地方流行病的影响 (《名師早點》9月7日)




FB link: https://www.facebook.com/agora.msia/posts/997575941019778

Friday, September 03, 2021

8度空間華語新聞專訪:地方流行病的防疫措施差別 (9月2日)

 題目:【局部防控医疗能量正常化   “地方流行病”个人防疫无差别】






今年1月,环境与水务部秘书长再尼乌江(Zaini Ujang)就撰文陈述疫情对环境的冲击。数据显示去年的行管令1.0期间,空气污染指数改善至良好的天数增加了大约四分之一,而主要空气污染指标PM2.5细颗粒物浓度也降了靠近六成。而国内29条长期监督的河流当中就有8条的水质获得改善。早前媒体亦有图文报导一些穿过市区的河流难得显得清澈。巴生河的下游闸门捡出的垃圾量也减少了一半。这一再地说明环境状况与人类行为及经济活动息息相关。这些所谓的环境素质改善也随著后来的行管令松绑解封而逐渐打回原形。




3)呆在家里时间更长,耗电更多、电费更贵? :这个说法不必然,主要看家家户户如何用电。其中最关键的是冷气机的使用量。如果办公室没开门,那里就注定先节省了能源。那么在家里呢?笔者会尽可能不开冷气机,若真的需要也会控制在摄氏25度或以上,只要有些凉意就好。不同于办公室,在家里可以穿得更清凉,照理来说更能调适室温。

4)下厨或点叫外卖? :疫情严重时行管令禁止堂食,不会下厨者或太忙碌的人,就会点外卖。分别是,到底那人是通过电召应用程序平台如GrabFood Panda订购,还是亲自前往餐厅打包?后者的话,还可提供自己食物盒,减少了很多不必要的塑料物。不得已电召的话,有些餐厅会提供比较环境友善的餐饮容器和包装,但依然有不少餐厅提供各种大小的塑料盒只因为更合适及稳固携带。即使说这些塑料盒最后都可再循环,但试问多少人会像笔者先把它们洗干净方便回收处理?所以,如果能够最好还是多一点亲自下厨或烘焙,这样就能直接减少包装垃圾。


5)出外购物,自备袋子:疫情爆发前,这个做法早该被鼓励。很多人误会再循环是最好的环保表现,事实正好相反,拒绝接受不必要的一次性用品才是上策。 Reduce(减少使用),Reuse(重复使用),和Recycle(再循环),所谓处理废物的3R环保口号排在最前面的是减少使用,最佳策略就是拒绝接受。要环保就必须要先做好准备。笔者会选择去光顾那些超市允许顾客自行包装,虽然仍常遇到工作人员费解为何使用自家的旧塑料袋包装新鲜食材。有时他们还好心要免费提供全新的塑料袋取代我的,看来他们误会了。事实上,塑料袋不是环保的公敌,而是一次性塑料用品,若能重复使用就最好不过了。





