Friday, August 25, 2023
Wednesday, August 09, 2023
安华回答:必须看待历史脉络和“社会契约”;若上诉个案处理,他和部长可以帮忙,这比较容易办,但若要改变政策(废除固打制)会导致他们败选给国盟的伊斯兰党和土团党,非土著的权益情况会更糟。他继续批评绩效制不公平,因为城乡经济能力和教育水平有差距。他甚至抛书包提及美国哈佛政治学教授桑德尔(Michael Sandel)的著作力证绩效制大有问题,因此美国需根据肤色有扶弱政策确保有一定人数的非裔国民入学,保障少数民族的利益。为了扶弱(affirmative action),安华以此为例辩护固打制存在的需要。
State polls: Overhaul Penang’s public transport and end mega-reclamation (3 Aug)
I represent Penang Forum, a coalition of key civil society organisations and individuals in Penang to support Bersih’s #VoteLokal campaign.
This is indeed a great call; we thank Bersih for initiating this campaign to highlight local and state issues.
For the current state election campaign, Penang Forum would like to call on all contesting parties and candidates to talk about their policy ideas and solutions to the longstanding local and state issues and to stop greenwashing the issues – green as in environmentally green and green as in fearmongering about the political “green wave”.
We want real and practical solutions for sustainable development; we can no longer accept the type of plan that sacrifices local communities to vested interests. Please put the interests of the people first, not your developer friends.
The traffic congestion is worsening due to the still broken public transport system in Penang, despite three terms of uninterrupted 15 years of DAP-led Pakatan Rakyat and then Pakatan Harapan state government.
We also lost a decade of opportunity to properly develop our public transport after Halcrow’s transport masterplan was released and endorsed by the state government in 2013.
Why? The subsequent “Penang South Reclamation” plan by SRS Consortium, favoured by the state government, is a colossal mistake and a disaster in the making. Though reduced from three islands to one, Penang is still threatened with a very large island reclamation project in the south of Penang Island – and this has nothing to do with public transport anymore!
We understand that the caretaker government should not make major policy decisions during the election campaign. Nevertheless, projects which contradict the electoral promises of sustainable development should indeed be abolished!
Now that the controversial Petaling Jaya Dispersal Link (PJD Link) highway in Selangor has been cancelled, we demand that the new government cancel the “Penang South Island” land reclamation project entirely.
The new state government should also think beyond the Kuala Lumpur public transport model of “LRT” [overhead light rail] and monorail to solve Penang’s traffic problems. Even the MRT [mass rapid transit] has not saved KL!
Shockingly, so-called progressive Penang is the last state in Malaysia without a single gazetted local plan for either Penang Island or Seberang Perai. Penang voters and the general public want to have a greater say and better participation in the formulation of the local plans. Judge your politicians and governments not by what they say but by what they do!
And Penang voters, please ask the candidates important and difficult questions, and make a rational decision to cast your votes accordingly. The party logo itself is not the answer, we must do our own homework.
Lim Chee Han is a Penang Forum steering council member. He delivered this address at the launch of Bersih’s “#VoteLokal” campaign
Saturday, August 05, 2023
‘NHI too costly’ - (June 2)
Extracted from an interview article featuring also a proponent for the social health insurance.
The article title and URL link: National health insurance the way forward, says academic
‘NHI too costly’
However, Dr Lim Chee Han, a senior researcher for the non-profit Third World Network, is opposed to the implementation of a NHI scheme.
Lim said the administrative cost of managing the scheme would be hefty – at least RM3.9 billion.
“This is more than the estimated RM2.4 billion for the health ministry’s management costs under the 2023 Budget.
“If the country switches to a NHI, it will cost RM 1.5 billion more,” he said.
Lim said Malaysia already had a good public healthcare system financed by general taxes and that it would be better to improve the public healthcare services instead.
The government should source revenue from the capital gains tax, goods and services tax, sin tax or a small percentage of income tax earmarked for healthcare, he suggested.
He said cost escalation was a concern under NHI if patients were prescribed unnecessary procedures and medication, especially by private healthcare providers. To control such costs, he said, a mechanism would have to be set up, adding another layer of cost to the healthcare system.
“If healthcare costs fail to be controlled, the NHI authority will have to increase the premiums that people pay,” he said, adding that Taiwan, South Korea and Germany were struggling to control costs and were constantly pressured to increase premiums.
Lim said the current public-funded healthcare system gave “no incentive” to anyone to overtreat a patient and if there was a shortfall, the health ministry could request for additional funds.
He acknowledged that an advantage in a NHI system was that patients would have access to private healthcare facilities besides public ones.
“But patients will have to pay extra if the charges go beyond the limit covered, either by paying it themselves or by private insurance,” he said.
Friday, August 04, 2023
What to look for in an assemblyman (31 July)
Will you vote in the state elections? Are you worried about the so-called “green wave” and the fall of the federal government as a result? Have you been told how to vote and have you already made up your mind before you even know the candidates? Don’t let yourself be swayed by the negative campaign of fear and vilification being waged by some parties.
The fear that some quarters are spreading may not be rational or even relevant to the state elections. This article aims to raise voters’ awareness of what is important in the state elections, what issues and policies voters should be asking about and educating themselves on, so that they can make a rational and good choice of who to vote for.
Firstly, voters need to understand that electing an assemblyman and a state government is different from electing a member of parliament and the federal government. Fundamentally, the federal and state governments have different but also overlapping jurisdictions of power, as stated in the ninth schedule of the Federal Constitution.
What a state government can do is set out in Lists II (State List) and III (Concurrent List). This means that voters should be concerned about the policies that the candidate and his party would propose on matters of state land, religion, agriculture and forestry, local government, permits and licences, social welfare, public health, town and country planning, housing, drainage and irrigation, libraries and museums, preservation of heritage and many more.
Voters should not forget to evaluate the performance of the caretaker state government as well as the opposition and its representatives. Was there a controversial plan or policy that was announced in the last term and supported by the current candidate seeking another mandate?
For example, if the representative had voted for an environmentally destructive and socially unjust plan, such as land reclamation, mining licenses, or building a highway through a densely populated neighbourhood, then his credibility as a defender of the public interest should be examined.
Also, did the assemblyman attend all the meetings when the state assembly was in session? Did he ask the right questions on behalf of the people and participate in the debates to scrutinise policies?
This information would help voters to know how competent, dedicated, and professional the state representative was and decide whether to re-elect him regardless of party affiliation. In any case, one should judge whether the candidate has ideas to improve the wellbeing of the constituents and how he can bring changes to the state as an assemblyman.The candidate must show good knowledge as well as the right attitude for dealing with people and their demands.
Often, people confuse the assemblyman’s role with that of a local councillor and expect him to solve local problems. But honestly, who can blame them? It is well known that the state government appoints local councillors who suit its political interests. This has been the case since local elections were suspended in the 1960s.
Therefore, it is in the best interest of the people if the candidates and their parties will commit to reinstating local government elections, thus bringing back accountability to the currently politically controlled and democratically deficient local councils.
Campaigners, including leaders of the federal government, should refrain from threats or insinuations of non-cooperation or punishment if the electorate picks the other side. Usually, the message is spun to persuade the voters that having the state and federal governments on the same side can facilitate better “help” for the people. I urge the federal government to respect the democratic outcome based on the general will and wishes of the majority of voters.
Voters should also understand that in an electoral democracy, every political party and every individual has the right to stand but every vote they canvass for is earned on their own merits. They do not “split” votes so they should not be called “spoilers”. Parties who feel affected by the loss of votes should hold a post-mortem to find out how they failed to persuade some sections of the electorate. It is bad politics to blame others for one’s failures and disregard other people’s democratic rights.
Voters also need to realise that tactical voting would lead to a more polarised “us-versus-them” political mentality, which is not conducive to building a democratic, progressive, and harmonious society. Voters need to understand what they are voting for in the state elections, which is separate from the general election. This separation of federal and state elections is a new phenomenon, which is good for bringing more clarity to what a state government means to the electorate.
165th article for Agora@TMI column, published on The Malaysian Insight, 31 July 2023
首先,選民需明白,投選州議員及州政府,與投選國會議員和聯邦政府有所不同。聯邦政府和州政府的權力管轄範疇也不同,兩者亦有重疊,並且列明在《聯邦憲法》第九附表中的清單 II(州政府清單 State List)和清單 III(並行清單Concurrent List)。
聯邦政府以及各看守州政府也不應在競選期間,以及州議會解散前的至少一個月推行派「糖果」政策或作出重大決策。掌權和掌握資源的政治人物和政黨會因這些政策宣佈,而吸引選票,甚至影響選情,這正是他們想要達到的效果。若一個關懷人民的政府擁有長期一致的表現記錄,為何需要在競選期間和前夕通過這樣的方式拉抬選情?首相安華(Anwar Ibrahim)在二〇二三年七月二十七日宣佈分派一百令吉電子錢包給所有B40和M40成年人,安華本身和淨選盟皆不認為這是賄選行為,而認為這是聯邦政策且無條件分派給全國人民。但根據前述的定義,我仍認為安華此時有選舉拉票的意味。另外,雪蘭莪看守州務大臣阿米魯丁(Amirudin Shari)在二〇二三年七月三十一日毫無預警之下,發文告宣佈取消八打靈再也疏散大道(PJD Link)計劃的申請。其實為何非得要在這個時間點宣佈,而看守大臣真的有權作出如此大的決策?