Wednesday, July 25, 2007


'If you want people do not know, unless you don't do it.'

This is a strong advice to the government today which its senior ministers announced the crackdown on the bloggers and cyber activists.

Quote: "We want blogs to be clean, a place to obtain accurate information, a reference point for honest opinion, not a platform to abuse and slander people," Nazri, minister in the prime minister's department, said.

Blogs and cyberspace are the breakthrough to obtain in depth information about the blackbox operations of the ruling party, and some insider stories about the opposition parties as well. One thing to be certain is, the mainstream news is never a channel to provide accurate information in the first place. They lost the credibility to pronounce that because according to the global chart of The Freedom of Press, they did even worse than some African countries. It is such a shame that we couldn't express our honest opinions about the governance. That's why many people are inspired and enlightened by the civil movement that demands a clean, and transparent government and Freedom of Expression, through cyberspace. I am very sure that many well-known bloggers such as Jeff Ooi, they are responsible, credible and mature enough in their writings and most likely could provide us the stories and analysis closer to the reality, than the mainstream media which tries to hide many things. I need not to give many examples, it happens just too often. The possible involvement of DPM Najib Abdul Razak in the Mongolian Murder case is the glaring example how the mainstream medias were instructed to hide the stories.

So, i urge the ruling party and the government to be brave to face public's scrutiny. If you do not do something wrong, let's not be afraid, but please be very afraid if you ever did. No matter how hard you try to hide is in vain. Just wait for the 'judgment' days -- we bloggers will not be afraid expose anything related to hypocrisy and corruption and abuse of power of what you have done. This thing will go down to history one day!

I know why these days you, the ruling party is so impatient with bloggers. Because you are afraid to face the truth now! If you think bloggers are simply slandering, abusing and defaming people, please clarify to us the real story behind which is different than the blogger's version. Come, sue them if you dare. This is still not Singapore, you cannot stop political awareness through cyberspace! Old and corrupt politics must die!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


才在昨天我发现,原来我学记朋友圈的MSN group的网站因为太久没有活动,结果被关闭了。我觉得有些遗憾和伤感。以前我们每年都会举办的至少一次的聚会,现在也没有人再提起了,我能不伤感吗?也许现在我们拥有各自的生活,已失去了过去的情怀。有很多朋友已好久没见面了,不知道他们还好吗?

在两个星期前的小学朋友十年大聚会,原本由于要迁就一些已开始工作的朋友,才从去较远的地方一日游改去吉隆坡一日游。结果那些被迁就的朋友最终还是选择了不露面。相反的,我的小学好友还特地从老远的柔佛士古来工大风尘仆仆赶过来,他的这种精神实在让我感叹 --- 那就是有心人和不是有心人的分别了。同样是已开始工作的另外两位朋友最后也是出席了。我大部分的时间身在国外,我非常希望能乘这个难得的机会见一见大家,有些人还是选择错过了。我觉得很可惜。

虽然地点选择在闹市的广场里和出席人数不是很理想(对于一个被称作‘十年大聚会’的聚会来说),我们同样很开心地度过了那一天。我们上去了KLCC的sky bridge,晚上还去了Luna Bar (那全都是我的第一次)。间中我们有说有笑,感性和疯狂时刻都有。我真的很感激,因为至少我还有一班朋友在乎。吊诡的是,我的小学母校是在巴生,但是当天出席的竟然没有一个人是来自巴生/住在巴生的。以前我小学朋友圈的MSN group网站也是半天掉,总是热不起来,好在这两年来看到了一些热心的朋友参与和贡献。记得去年年底,有一位朋友在我们的网站宣布她的结婚消息,即刻造成轰动!该消息的讨论区的参与度甚至创新纪录,一些从来没有在该网站留言的也来凑一凑热闹,很搞笑!我的老友思满做得最多—他甚至完成了一个不可能的任务--- 他做了我当年六年级M班的通讯录,也包括了部分老师的联络方式。真的不简单。我希望我们这一群小学朋友可以继续联系,来年再举办聚会。我更期待再10年以后会有另一次的大聚会!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Small thought

Life is a choice. Choose how do you look at 'Happiness'?:

1)Always happy with what you have
2)Always work hard to pursue your happiness

Yea, we shall not trap in the frame of the mindset when comes to choices. Both answers are still THE answer you should select - they are not conflicting at all.

You should be happy with what you have because this belief will not make you easily letting go of something you would probably regret someday; in the meantime, you should always work hard to pursue your happiness, to bring up the level of your happiness, so that you could be happier with what you have achieved so far.

Happiness won't fall just right from the sky. Those who works for it would appreciate it better.