Monday, April 25, 2011

Q & A on 'MCLM' . My political science guru answered

CH, i wonder what is your take on MCLM from a political participation point of view? Are MP/ADUN candidates from MCLM worth the public support without doing the political groundwork or service to the constituents/voters? What would be the political significance of those independent candidates without a party platform to support, how far and what's good they can bring to this country? Would love to hear from you
    • Chin-Huat Wong
      In brief, I dont think modern democracy can function without party. When NGO wants to run in elections, they become effectively a party, even though they may want to deny it. The question is therefore will they make better parties than the existing ones. And if yes, why?

      One must also remember there is a "natural number" of how many parties can be viable in a society, depending on the number of cleavage and the strength of electoral system. First Past The Post is a very strong electoral system and it will keep two parties at every constituency. Given the strong state we have in Putrajaya, the trend towards two parties is also inevitable nationally.

      Hence, if you ask me, I would not cast my vote for MCLM if there is a three corner fight, no matter how good their candidate is. Unless the candidate can be leading in the anti-BN camp, winning over even Pakatan partisans. I dont see any such character so far in the line-up MCLM presents so far.

      I believe in the wisdom of this saying: Often the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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