Saturday, September 21, 2013

A strong and good man, succeed or not

*tears* to read this.. how many people can uphold their noble principles, beliefs and ideology and fight like him until the end of the day?

In his final wish, Chin Peng wrote: "In the final analysis, I wish to be remembered simply as a good man who could tell the world that he had dared to spend his entire life in pursuit of his own ideals to create a better world for his people.

It is irrelevant whether I succeeded or failed, at least I did what I did. Hopefully the path I had walked on would be followed and improved upon by the young after me. It is my conviction that the flames of social justice and humanity will never die."

Friday, September 20, 2013

2013年 中秋節感想


快樂可以很簡單--把月餅分成8份,想像每天吃一份,就可以快樂8天/8次了(物以稀為貴的原則). 結果我把事情搞複雜了,因為我忍不住吃了3片 >.<




(p/s: 明年我要提燈籠!)

Friday, September 13, 2013




沒有自由,就很難會有平等(比如說,存在著擁有自由和特權的階級之分);有自由沒有平等,自由的意義和作用也有限(沒有人要‘被歧視’的自由);要團結“意味着对相互条件的理解关心和相互体贴” ...沒有自由平等,各群體心裡懷芥蒂各自計較得失,不能互相信任,就不能夠對他人關心和體貼。


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

綠色運動505后路線 --小小見解



Sunday, September 08, 2013



梁文道娓娓道來溫哥華的故事,告訴了我們經濟發展與環境保護是可以互相兼容的。可惜我國的萊納斯稀土廠,邊佳蘭石化工業,武吉公滿的山埃黃金提煉廠,砂拉越的各大水壩工程,有哪個是可以‘永續性地發展'? 我一直掛在心中的問題是,一些經濟發展計劃真的那麼重要,可以罔顧環境的破壞嗎?我國的發展商可以至少像溫哥華機場承包商讓全民參與監督以確保發展工程沒有發生狀況?

On Shadow Cabinet post GE13

Although I must doubt the real intention of KJ and Nasrudin (Pakatan MP for Temerloh) behind the call for the parliament shadow cabinet, I do think that it is timely for the call and reasonable for Pakatan Rakyat to do that. The Parliament session has already convened, Pakatan needs to show that they are political organisationally different than BN, and they are serious enough to form a convincing coalition and hence able to put up a credible shadow cabinet line-up to persuade voters for their policies.

These days I read fewer news about Pakatan MPs discussing about policies (besides TPPA), this kinda bothers and worries me. What happens to the Manifesto, and who will be in charge of certain policies and further develop them? There are burning questions from some voters among us who have high interest to pursue for detailed policies and further clarification. Functionally, a shadow cabinet will allow ministers-in-waiting showcase to the public what their alternative Pakatan policies are, compared to BN's one. This is totally healthy, and the public has the right to know and to be informed about what the government-in-waiting could offer also.Then only this can be called a Two-party system (not a One-party system with a shadow opposition that doesn't dare to come forward).

Saturday, September 07, 2013

On Australia latest General Election

No forever winner and no forever loser in a truly democratic nation. Labor will come back strongly next time round, this time they have to let voters teach them a lesson they will never forget. 
Though i think it is a bit harsh to punish them on the issues of party the end, politics (read: election outcome) is always about perception. To Tony, you are just lucky to harp on your opponent's misfortune!

怕胖團 與 Pop Punk

我認識這個來自台灣的怕胖團,因為觀看了《逆光飛翔》這部電影。那個主唱,很胖也很punk! 這是他們的最新單曲。

這種音樂風格的搖滾,一般被歸類于Pop Punk (流行龐克)。Pop Punk是因為歌曲較著重歌唱調調要聽者容易朗朗上口跟著唱,曲風也比較輕快開朗,吉他電音、節奏與玩法也是有一定的特徵。Pop Punk真正當紅時是在大約14年前,由美國的Blink 182獨領風騷。曾幾何時我也是那音樂曲風的歌迷。現在聽到怕胖團的歌,感覺讓我年輕了很多。=)


同性戀者與無神論者 homosexual and atheist


In a deeply religious and conservative nation, I understand why some homosexual individuals avoid public declaration (even when they are questioned). They choose not do so it is not because they think it is wrong or it is a sin, but they worry about social condemnation/repercussion, worry if their friends and family cannot accept and start to alienate them. In fact, atheists also share the same fate.