Saturday, December 24, 2016


我很開心你特別愛跟粑粑玩。可能因為粑粑比較癲,動作聲音比較誇張和幼稚,所以適合你口味,呵呵(即使再誇張幼稚,我也是蠻創意的,ok?)。粑粑的拿手把戲是唱兒歌比手語。粑粑也開始給你接觸書本啦 給你摸和玩兒童硬皮繪本。那天緒莊叔叔才跟粑粑講解了很多有關兒童繪本的知識。
好啦,粑粑就寫到這裡。我們一家三口也祝大家聖誕節快樂!(你的叔叔和阿嫲還在泰國蘇梅島玩樂慶祝呢 xD


24.12.2016 (平安夜)

Friday, November 11, 2016

US Presidential Election and Pakatan Harapan

The US presidential result you already know, many
analyses you might have already came across, so I waste no time here.
What I find relevant is the observation of low voter turnout on the US polling day… 46.9% reported not voting.
This trend of lower voter turnout is actually also a current issue plaguing our opposition coalition here in Malaysia for the past 2 years.
In the last General Election, Malaysia had achieved the record highest turnout rate: 84.8%. Due to malapportionment and Gerrymandering flaw practices by EC in our electoral system, BN managed to hang on their governance seats in Putrajaya, despite losing popular votes for the second time in history (first in 1969).
Following by-elections held after Teluk Intan (including the most recent twin-by elections in Kuala Kangsar and Sungai Besar), PR/PH’s electoral performance had been marred by lower voter turnout and less enthusiastic supporters' sentiment. Even the combined number of votes for the opposition parties still could not overcome BN's.
What caused more than 10% depressed voters decided not going to poll stations in the recent twin by-elections? Maybe the same question is also for Hillary in US -- what happened to the 5% voters missing from the poll, and another 2-3% more voters rather voting for unelectable third party candidates?
If the Democratic Party’s main campaign was to go against Trump, portrayed how bad the Republican candidate is and hope this would work to pull more people voting for their party candidate Hillary Clinton, then they know how wrong it was. Michael Moore’s pre-poll prediction is correct, the Hillary problem and depressed voters would give way to President Trump. The difference between Obama and Clinton is that, the former represented hope and vision. That actually gave impetus and reasons for voters to vote FOR him because they believe in him, rather than they voted for him because they were so disgusted with another candidate. Some might have even volunteered and campaigned for Obama. We could see less number for Clinton this time round.
Same here for Pakatan… if they do not go to ground (in rural and mixed areas) collect sufficient feedback from the middle-lower and lower-income households, find and devise good policy solutions to the general (and specific area) problems, then I imagine it would be difficult for Pakatan parties to urge fence-sitting voters coming out to vote for them (don’t even mention to convert BN supporters). Banging BN probably will be same old tunes to many voters' ears, that would not be enough to deliver the crucial winning votes.
Many would want to hear more fresh and coherent ideas from Pakatan, and how Pakatan's vision and policies could be different. Whether or not Pakatan wants to admit it… in the last GE, their manifesto was populist and their policy proposals were too-urban centric (eg. abolish tolls, lower car price). As far as I understood, there was also no serious policy research done before drafting out the manifesto and policy framework… will Pakatan Harapan be any different next time? I worry.

BN always hold two sets of strong cards in ‘racial’ and ‘religious’ identity, does Pakatan have good, consistent, coherent and clear counter-arguments that could win hearts and minds for all (if not most) Malaysians, or at least stop the lingering doubts about Pakatan's stand? Vagueness would not instill confidence for many voters.
On socioeconomic, sustainable development and environmental issues, can Pakatan distinguish themselves from BN policies? The current two PH-governed states have to show good examples so to convince voters that their actions are actually consistent with what they promised before.
With the Bersih 5 rally date approaching, the general public enthusiasm is still quite dampening at this time point. This signifies the change of public sentiment and it is very telling even for civil society.
Will our opposition coalition also suffer from the ‘Hillary problem’ – too much political baggage, lack vision and direction (besides united to defeat BN in one-on-one fights – most voters wouldn't even care), too elitist until stay out of touch with grassroots’ daily life concerns?
With the next general election will likely be called within 2 years, Pakatan Harapan must present and sell ‘HOPE’ to general masses, as much as they claim themselves representing ‘Harapan’. No use just talking about power-grabbing and seat-arrangement strategies. Lower voter turnout will dent their hope in Putrajaya even further. If that is the case, poor Anwar would have to suffer in the jail for longer period.

Monday, November 07, 2016

Goodbye O'shirts and pants

Finally, I have to sort out my closet, since I tend to have the inertia not to throw or donate away my old shirts and pants mostly due to nostalgia reason and denial syndrome that one day I can still fit in those clothes...
Well, seems like I cannot afford to be too sentimental, 'cause space is limited.
In the end, rationality took place... with my wife's critical comments added weight, I have to do what is necessary...decided to throw away many with wrong size, wrong fashion/style, too old, etc.
Dear O'shirts and pants, if you are 'I am a shirt/ pair of pants' in the typical primary school Karangan , please do not write too harsh on me...

Saturday, September 03, 2016



孩子,你又長大了!恭喜你跨入第100天。比起2個月前的你,現在你已是個大baby了,個子和體重都有明顯增加。最讓粑粑麻麻欣慰的是,你真的很乖很好照顧。麻麻說,你看到外面天黑和聽到穆斯林祈禱聲(waktu Maghrib)時,就會鬧著要抹身喝奶,然後大概在晚上9點前就入寢。通常就這樣一睡就睡到凌晨4、 5 點早上,粑粑麻麻不用太勞累而有充足素質睡眠。你有這樣的睡覺紀律,真是謝天謝地啊!







Saturday, August 27, 2016


To me, doing housework is not just work or duty. It is responsibility, not something money can buy.
I might not clean, wash or mop as clean as a professional cleaner; I might not cook as good as a chef out there, but I am proud to do that for my family.
Unlike professional cleaner or maid who does the job for money, when I do housework I make sure I put my heart in, because I care and I value the works contributing directly to my family. I want the house feel hygiene, tidy, clean and comfortable , i want the food to be yummy yet healthy, etc.
At home, XH and I almost practise 'meritocracy' and preference... there is no fixed women's or men's jobs at home, we just figure out what is best each can do. So, the 'division of labour' goes according to ability and preference but not along the gender line. No paksa, only rela.
I cook, because XH thinks that I cook better (and I also enjoy cooking). She sews, because I am really chor lor and lunzhun, can't handle tiny things (and she thinks she is better too). We clean using different methods at different time. We wash dishes depending on who is more free at that particular time.
House belongs to the members who live in. Everyone has responsibility to take care of one's home. I was 'trained' to do housework when I was young. I learned to be independent when I was abroad. Do housework is just essential life skills, both genders should learn, no excuse. For sure, I would train my kids to do housework when they grow up.
I also find that, when doing housework yourself, you train yourself to be humble. You would appreciate but not look down on cleaners who also sweat for doing their job for the communities.
The way I see is, housework should not be difficult things to do, both men and women should be capable of doing the same set of housework. So, gender equality should start from home. Do not let anyone tell you that you should (or should not) do certain housework just because you are woman (or man). Tradition can be changed. Respect housework duties and responsibilities.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016





你現在不是半個,而已是整個檳城人了...因為你的MyKid身份證上顯示的出生州屬號碼是07,呵呵。告訴你一個秘密...爸爸媽媽堅決把你的宗教信仰那欄放空為Tiada Agama (無宗教) ,因為我們相信你有自由和權利在未來選擇(或不選擇)自己的宗教。宗教是你個人的信仰,必須日後在深思熟慮和深度認知後自己決定,我們不插手。爸爸媽媽也沒給你掛任何前頭(prefix)的英文名,需不需要日後由你自己決定....你可以叫David或Jeremy,Donald或Bernie,我們不太在乎,因為在家里我們還是會叫你禹丞(或有時交替叫你ah Boy)。



當初你得黃疸病時,我們在家把你放在藍光燈下陸陸續續地照了7天,雖然我們有點心疼,但你也沒太大的抗拒。帶你去Klinik Kesihatan打針驗血了不下10次,幾次後你也不怎麼大哭了。檳城大醫院的醫生說你被抽血樣本時,竟然出乎我們預料地沒哭。




Thursday, May 26, 2016


我們希望能給你一個幸福的小家庭,并承諾你一個快樂健康成長的童年。除了撫養你長大,我們同時也樂意作你的導師,協助你吸取各方面的知識和學習各項生活技能。我們堅持,學習是為了充實生活、滿足自己的求知慾,并不為了考試。所以,我們對你的學業沒有特別的要求。我們承諾不會給你學習壓力,更不會要求你的考試分數如何。你必須要有上進心,為自己的未來升學和前途而努力,我們會為你分析情況但不會強迫你。倘若你有特別的天份和興趣,我們絕對支持你選擇的路。只要你做自己,我們持開放態度,不管你是什麼戀都好。(只是,如果以後有伴,記得帶回家哦,媽媽尤其關心 xD)



P/s: 乖,聽媽媽的話,ok?