Monday, March 28, 2022

提升在职产假与陪产假 + 边境重开,你怎么说 ? (3月27日)

日期: 2022 年 3 月 27 日(星期日)

主题:提升在职产假与陪产假 + 边境重开,你怎么说 ? 









国会 3 21 号通过 2021 年雇用(修订)法案三读,把女性的有薪产假增加到 98 天;而男性的有薪陪产假则是 7 天。





2. 一些先进国家,比如,日本、韩国、欧洲等等,在产假总天数这方面,都是走在比较前面。





還有,一些國家也提供育兒假(parental leave)給雙親,計算津貼的方式不同。這個我國暫時沒有。



3. 保护女性职场权益的政策出台,是不是有人欢喜有人忧?这样的政策改变对女性或者家庭单位来说,都会带来正面意义吗?(或者我们从不同的立场来说一下。比如说,对于打工一族、私人企业雇主、或者自由职业者这类无法从相关法案获益的群体来说,他们的反应是如何呢?)




4. 我们拿日本、俄罗斯来做例子,这些国家透过财政补贴,协助承担产假为企业所带来的损失,所以对企业的影响比较小。一旦缺乏国家财政的支援而给企业带来额外的负担, 可想而知将会造成私人企业在招聘男女员工的选择上出现偏颇。目前我国政府在这方面有什么样的政策支持私人企业,确保法案能够落实到位吗?



為了不讓私人企業在招聘方面出現選擇偏頗,那麼國家也應該提高男性僱員的陪產假天數,如此一來養育孩子是雙方父母的責任,就不能怪女性生產 那孩子也有爸爸需要來照顧的!


5. 大马统计局的数据显示,我国也即将在 2030 年出现人口老化的现象。除了积极推出各项应对人口老化的政策,如何提高生育率也是需要面对的课题。









6. 我们也想请两位来聊一聊,男性陪产假的意义。如何让产妇、小孩、家庭一集男性本身受益?





7. 当然,身为伴侣,男性扮演的家庭角色是非常重要的。但是从男性陪产假天数和女性产假天数的落差就很容易延伸到一些老生常谈的两性社会课题。我们现在在说的,不是女性产假应该多长或多短。而是在探讨产假和陪产假这两者之间的天数落差。会不会某个程度上,也变相加剧了男女不平等的现象?(包括把照顾家庭的责任更大部分地加诸在女性身上?或甚至加剧女性职场竞争力的弱势?)





8. 这次的修正案把女性有薪产假增加到 98 天,以马来西亚国情和发展进程来说,是符合时宜的吗?(相比其他发展中国家/东南亚国家?)




自从新冠疫情肆虐以来,这 2 年各国政府都致力于应对新冠疫情,希望能够把疫情对社会伤害降到最低,协助国人渡过难关。


我国政府在 3 8 号,也就是当时每日确诊超过 3 万起病例的时候宣布 4 1 号开放边境, 虽然现在每日确诊数回落到 1-2 字头,但每天 5 位数还是相当骇人的。

1. 第一个问题我们想谈的,就是政府当时是基于什么考量在这样的时刻宣布开放国门呢?





4. 刚刚主要谈到的都是旅游相关行业(也有提到全马接近四分之一的就业人士在从事旅游业)。相信其他行业的人士也会想要知道,这次开放边境,除了旅游相关领域,还会有哪些领域在短期内能够受惠呢?




5. 那如果现在在看节目的观众有一部分会在想,他既不是旅游相关行业的业者,同时也没有打算出国旅游或深造,是不是政府的这个决策就跟他没有关系呢?国门开与不开,对于这些民众来说生活会受到哪些影响?





6. 为了做到最大程度的防疫,卫生部长凯里星期四有提到,外国游客入境我国必须严格遵守各种 SOP 标准作业程序,包括必须填写准确的资料,不然会受到法律的对付。






7. 只要国门一开,国人真的就能够说走就走吗?出国这件事相比起疫情之前多了什么样的考量?(哪里能去?哪里不能去?世界各国瞬息万变的防疫政策和 SOP、疫苗的种类、金钱上的开销、时间成本方面等等。



9. 国门重开,政府计划接下来如何吸引外资、从商人士、贸易、劳工和人才引进、或马来西亚第二家园计划?




Sunday, March 20, 2022

Omicron peak likely past, say experts (TMI interview - 18 Mar 2022)

THE peak of the Covid-19 Omicron wave may have passed, and this will be clearer in the next two weeks following the Johor elections that was held on Saturday, an infectious disease expert said. 

Dr Lim Chee Han said new cases reported in the next two weeks will show whether the spread of the virus is on a downward trend. 

Lim added that the current Covid-19 situation is different from when Sabah held its elections in September 2020, after which political activities in the run-up to the polls were blamed for causing a new wave of infections.

Lim said at the time of the Sabah polls, Covid-19 was still a “new” virus to authorities; vaccination was not yet available, and campaigning activities had fuelled the spread. 

For the recent Johor polls, he said the timing appears to have been after the worst of the pandemic, which, according to him, was mid-February, well before nomination day and the start of campaigning on February 26.


Lim said with the country moving towards endemicity and most economic activities resuming operations, elections cannot be solely blamed for any new infections. 

As long as movement is allowed for people to carry on with business activities and daily life, there will be cases. 

“You can’t pin it all on the elections.” 

Read the full article here:

疫情过了高峰期 专家预计州选后病例不反弹 (透视大马采访 3月18日)











Friday, March 18, 2022

Malaysia's tourism hinges on reopening (China Daily's interview: 17 March 2022)


Lim Chee Han, a senior researcher at the think tank Third World Network in Kuala Lumpur, said the government has encouraged people to get booster shots even before the start of the Omicron wave. More than 65 percent of Malaysia's adult population have received booster shots as of Wednesday, according to official data.

Vaccination campaign

"Even at the peak of the Omicron-led pandemic wave here in Malaysia, the government can still manage the hospital admission load," Lim said. "The vaccination campaign makes a significant difference in terms of reducing healthcare facilities burden, especially for ICUs and ventilators. This is nothing like the Delta-led pandemic wave back in August last year."

He said unless a new and more infectious variant emerges, Malaysia is not likely to receive imported COVID-19 cases that can seriously threaten its public healthcare system.

Full article here:


Question: do you think this is the right time for Malaysia to reopen? Is the country prepared to reopen borders - and it's even timed at the start of Ramadan?

Full response: 

It is only a matter of time, WHEN Malaysia should reopen the borders, given that many countries have already done so. When the National Recovery Council recommended in February for the borders to be reopened in 1 March, many felt that it was too rushed and premature. Indeed, the omicron-led pandemic was just getting the grip in Malaysia and the cases were on the upward trend.

However, when the Prime Minister Ismail Sabri made the announcement on 8 March for the Malaysian borders to reopen on 1 April, the situation was much different. 

First, the announcement was at least 3 weeks ahead for all the coordinations and adjustments to take place. 

2) Given how intensively the government launched the booster vaccine dose campaign prior to the omicron-led wave in Malaysia, now 98.7% of the adult population is fully vaccinated, 65.1% got their booster shot. They should feel more secure facing any possible infection. 

3) Even at the peak of the omicron-led pandemic wave here in Malaysia, the government can still manage the hospital admission load. The vaccination campaign makes a significant difference in terms of reducing healthcare facilities burden, especially for ICU and ventilators. This is nothing like the Delta-led pandemic wave back in August last year. 

4) Looking at the global pandemic trend, most countries, especially in Europe and America, have gotten over the peak of their omicron-wave. Their daily cases are already in decline. Malaysia is going that way too in the weeks to come. Hence, barring any emergence of any newly discovered riskier variant, Malaysia people may not get more covid import cases that could seriously threaten our public healthcare capacity. 

It is in the Prime Minister's intention to let members of Malaysian Family (Keluarga Malaysia - his popular slogan) come back to the country for family reunion before the Eid festival, so with this announcement, it makes things possible, starting from Ramadan month. They have one month to prepare for the return.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Tenancy as a viable and rational affordable housing option in Malaysia


The ancient Chinese idiom “yi-shi-zhu-xing” (clothing-food-shelter-transportation) has been long regarded as spelling out the mankind’s basic needs.

It is a constant challenge for many countries and societies to ensure that people live in happiness. A roof over their heads can provide for people’s physical and mental wellness, as well as basic security.

However, in Malaysia, housing often takes the lion’s share of expenditure in the average household.

According to the Household Expenditure Survey 2019 conducted by the Department of Statistics Malaysia, on average, 23.6% of household expenditure was spent on housing, including rental or mortgage as well as utilities bills. In the same year, 77% households in Malaysia are homeowners, while tenants make up for only 20%.

The reality about the housing market in Malaysia is that since 2010, the average prices of houses have doubled.

The average housing prices in a number of states have been identified and categorised by Bank Negara Malaysia as ranging from “moderately unaffordable” to “severely unaffordable”. The latter includes densely populated cities such as Kuala Lumpur and Penang.

Despite this people, especially those who just started new families, are often encouraged to buy their own houses.

The government also often promotes its policies that gear towards helping first-time homebuyers to fulfil their “dream”.

However, this is definitely a costly dream for aspiring new families, putting them under the pressure of hefty household debt at such a young age when they are still building their career.

For the past two decades, the average growth rate in salaries and wages could hardly keep up with the steeper growth rate of average housing prices.

Recently, due to the pandemic and war in Ukraine, the economy has gone into recession, and it is getting more difficult for many to successfully apply and secure a mortgage from banks.

In fact, in some countries, which put emphasis on social equality, such as western Europe and Scandinavian countries, home ownership is not necessarily a social norm, nor is it an ideal policy which their governments would specifically promote.

From the homeowner ratio: Germany (51.1%), Austria (55.3%), Denmark (60.8%) and Sweden (64.5%), we can deduce that one-third to half of the households in these countries prefer to rent a house. To them, this could be a rational choice.

Home ownership v tenancy: difference in social values

I spent four years each living in the United Kingdom and Germany while studying abroad.

I deeply resonate with German society’s prevalent housing tenant culture and norm. Compared to the rental price in the UK, Germany was much more affordable for me.

My guiding professor at that time lived in Hannover for almost 20 years. I used to visit his house, which I found out he had been renting all those years.

Considering his salary level and financial capability, he would have been able to purchase a house if he decided to do so. So, why then could his family live calmly and happily in a house they rented for close to 20 years?

I am sure many Malaysians would quickly whip out a calculator, press a few buttons and tell me later that if this happens in Malaysia it would be such a “waste”! If my professor were to take out a bank loan, he might have been able to repay the mortgage soon enough, and be able to “own” the property instead.

This is exactly where social values diverge: housing policy in certain countries is to ensure people could access and afford housing, and not to encourage the rent-seeking and investment-nature of economic activities.

Surely in common Malaysian understanding, people would point out that the professor has “wasted” an opportunity and financial resources by not owning a property.

However, he may have other important considerations. Twenty years ago, he was just a young scientist whose career had just started, and probably he was not well-to-do and financially unstable.

Furthermore, a professional in the field of science would likely prefer to have mobility options, should he meet a great career development opportunity that requires him to move to another city.

Being a tenant gives him considerable freedom and flexibility, for he need not be tied down by a property.

Indeed, shortly after I graduated, that professor was headhunted and promoted by a research institution in Aachen, another city in Germany. He then moved his whole family over to the new city, and consequently was not troubled by property issues.

Legal rights protection crucial for tenants

Germany has a massive tenant population as well as a relatively affordable housing market. This is largely due to laws that confer tenants considerable rights and protection, and at the same time there are some rent control regulations or mechanisms in many states.

Landlords cannot arbitrarily raise housing rent, make unreasonable demands, impose unfair treatment to tenants or force eviction. In return, they could enjoy the certainty and legal protection of their rights as landlords.

In addition to the massive mobile tenant population, landlords need not worry about rental demand or their steady stream of rent income being affected.

In Malaysia, the housing property market is often too skewed towards home ownership, which inadvertently leads to developers having the upper-hand in controlling housing supply and sales.

This also would encourage the larger society to have a mindset that treats housing purchase as a “strategic” financial investment, resulting in distorted housing prices, as well as a mismatched and inefficient housing property market in terms of demand and supply.

The common symptoms of this phenomenon are: (i) long-term growth rate in average housing price outpaces the growth rate in household income; (ii) large number of unsold (or overhang) properties while large demand for housing still persists and lastly, (iii) high decline rate of mortgage applications by banks.

According to statistics by the National Property Information Centre (Napic), in the first half of 2021, there were about 31,000 overhang residential units, of which the states that had the most are Johor, Penang and Selangor.

Paradoxically, most overhang residential units are priced at RM500,000 and below, which took the share of 53.3% (or about 16,500 units). Houses priced at RM300,000 and below contribute to 27.1% of the total share.

Thus, if residential units under the price range of affordable housing could produce such an amount of overhang units, the way to address this problem is that one cannot merely assume that adding more supply in the housing market can be a remedy to satisfy demand.

The need for a unified, standalone tenancy law

To normalise the housing property market and ensure that people can afford housing expenditure, it is high time for the government to look into the rental market, and encourage more people to choose tenancy.

Meanwhile, developers should be encouraged to offer more “rent-to-own” packages.

Hence, the government needs to introduce the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) to ensure fair and reasonable rights to tenants and landlords, so as to address current deficiencies of relying on various laws, which are especially poor and costly at resolving conflicts of tenancy due to lack of mechanism.

These uncertainties of tenancy rights and protection are one of the major factors that deter people from renting a house for the long term, because tenants often face unfair and disadvantageous contract terms, sudden hikes in rent, and unreasonable eviction or contract termination.

Since 2018, the federal government has already conducted research and consulted stakeholders on the RTA.

Last February, the government also published and uploaded the proposed bill’s context and explanation as well as policy research analysis, so as to seek public feedback.

Those who are interested may visit this webpage for more information.

To give credit where it is due, the policy of openness and transparency the government has practised for the RTA deserves praise.

I sincerely hope that the RTA would be a good policy solution for people to afford housing expenditure and live happily as tenants.

92nd article for Agora@TMI column, published on The Malaysian Insight, 14 Mar 2022 

Wednesday, March 09, 2022



我認真讀了政府咨詢公眾的住宅租賃法(Residential Tenancies Act)政策建議書後,有感而發寫了這一篇文章。過去我在德國居住和體驗給我深深體會,為何那裡的房租和屋價比起另外一個我旅居的國家英國便宜,為何德國人口有一半比較喜歡租屋而不是買屋擁屋。對比我國的房屋政策似乎鼓勵人民擁屋但屋價卻讓很多人高攀不起,但是又不甘心只是租屋而已。一些相關的現象是因為畸形的政策引導的社會價值觀造成。所以,這個住宅租賃法RTA來的正是時候,首先要保障租戶的權利,才可以讓人民有個可負擔、有彈性且有保障的房屋選擇。
p/s: 裡面還說了一個有關我德國教授的小故事😉














要正常化这个住宅房产供求市场和确保人民可以负担房屋开销,是时候政府正视房租市场,鼓励更多国人选择租屋,同时更多发展商也应提出“先租后买”(rent-to-own)配套。因此,政府需要端出住宅租赁法(Residential Tenancies Act)来确保租户和屋主公平的权利,解决目前依赖不同法令的不足,特别是缺乏机制处理租约纠纷的局面。而这些情况和权利不确定性正是影响国人长期租屋意愿的最主要因素,因为租户往往面对不公平协约条件,无端房租起价或不合理解约驱逐。



【大松绑遇佳节恐推高病例 公卫体系分流减压换空间】(八度空间华语新闻3月9日采访)











現在政府關注和嚴正看待的是入院率、重症加護病房入住率和死亡數字 – 這些已成為新指標衡量疫情是否嚴重,醫療系統是否能負擔。確診病例政府可以錯過,但剛才說的3組數字當局就會捕捉記錄到。








防疫責任漸漸地來到個人 – 我們需時時刻刻保持防疫和衛生意識。若能,一旦出現可疑症狀或接觸了確診認識就應該自我篩檢,該自我隔離的時候就該遵循,不要因為自己的利益而讓其他人暴露在感染風險當中。自己也應該通過mysejahtera向衛生當局通報病情,並了解和遵循指示。一旦發現自己或家人的病情惡化,趕快送往就醫。

【下班忙什么】0401国境重开!大马将迎来什么挑战?(CityPlus FM 3月9日採訪)






主持人:Emily Ng 黃佩玲 & 舒敏

Podcast: 这里
