Saturday, February 17, 2007

Personality tests

Test 1:

My Personal Dna Report


Test 2:

Your Dominant Thinking Style: Modifying

Super logical and rational, you consider every fact available to you.
You don't make rash decisions and are rarely moved by emotion.

You prefer what's known and proven - to the new and untested.
You tend to ground those around you and add stability.

Thursday, February 15, 2007




真的很想留在她身边与她一起度过昨天的每一刻。虽然无法见面,但是我通过电话陪伴她一直到她昨天节日的最后一刻。听到她说打开我送给她的礼物满心欢喜的那一刻,我很欣慰,顿时紧张焦虑她不喜欢我送的礼物的心情也云消雾散。她甚至要我回来时为她亲手戴上去(那对耳环)。^ ^ 我相信她明白我非常重视这日子,和体会到我为她用心构思的每一个点子和努力,包括情人节倒数至前夕的创意‘活动’。

说真的,昨天我看到校园内和到处都有人(包括朋友们)都成双入对的,我心里蛮羡慕的。前晚更听我的屋友qi zhen说要给他的女友一个surprise trip到巴黎去度过情人节,我都快要眼红了。其实,也许是因为有了分离才体现出相思的价值,更懂得珍惜在一起的日子,学着怎样体谅和迁就互相配合对方。或许就是在这种情况下,心灵上更为接近对方,更能肯定对方在自己心目中的地位。

在我与她还未开始这段恋情时,我们已清楚即将面对的严峻的挑战。在鼓励我,祝福我的当儿,身边的朋友和家人都好像在好心劝我别太认真和投入。我的屋友甚至举例很多他认识的朋友的案例都几乎全以失败告终来说明长距离恋爱的存活率近乎零的残酷现实。我不愿去相信,因为那些个案都是人家的,我与他们未必相同。再况且命运是掌握在自己的手中的,如何经营,发展和造化一段感情的方式和观念因人而异。距离和时差是两个具体现实的限制而已(physical limitation),不是决定一段感情持久与否的必然条件。君不见即使居住在一起的情侣也可能不合而分手,为什么感情出现问题就要怪距离和时差呢?我已算是幸运了,虽然聚少离多但是还可以至少每年回国见面几个月。我相信那是上天给我们的感情的一个考验。真金不怕火炼,经得起考验的感情更显得珍贵和璀璨!

有时在谈及我的感情展望的言语中,朋友都批评我过于理想化和乐观。我知道,而她也知道,要破除因距离时差而产生的恐惧和不安定感,需要保持一些正面的因素(feel good factors)和对这段恋情的期望-- 这些在日久以后可以让感情有个方向和目标。与此同时,我们对感情的信念和坚持在有了目标和方向后,会显得更具体和有意义。理想化和乐观,并不代表不考虑现实层面,也是要常提醒自己要有上进和进取心,努力不懈地朝向理想走去。这样才有真正实现的一天。若两人都有同样的信念,就信任对方吧!


无论如何,我真的希望能与她继续走下去直到最后。: )

对于尚未有情人的朋友们,我也祝福你们 yo!!! ; ) 大家加油吧!

p/s: 上个星期日是我的一个小学朋友的婚礼,看到我的朋友们一班人去捧场祝福,感觉很温馨!虽然知道那新娘子朋友应该不会阅读我的部落格,我实在替她感到高兴!=D

Friday, February 09, 2007


A good article from a reader (in reader's comment section). I hope Yeoh Cheong Ee doesn't mind to share his articles with me and all of my friends who are still studying... : )

07年2月8日 下午2:24





在“血 腥星期天”我们看到勇敢站出来为受剥削的民众打抱不平的大专生被镇暴对殴打、驱逐;在“博大暴力事件”我们再次见证校方借学生理事会之手打压欲为新生服务 的博大前进阵线;在苏淑桦的案件中,我们又看到了校方欲借“大专法令”之手对学生进行迫害,企图制造“白色恐怖”,达到杀一儆百的效果。。。




US people are stupid?

My friend featured and linked this video from youTube to his Facebook page.

I think this street interview video is bias… First, it’s not appropriate to say that American people are stupid because they do not know some general knowledge or current affairs (although I must admit that some of the questions are really basic). They are just ignorant, living in the world of their own. Second, most of the interview took place in the Texas state, which mostly consists of rural or partially-urban areas. The samples they chose do not reflect the whole USA. Moreover, they may crop out some interviews with the interviewee providing the ‘positive’ and correct answers.

Basically, I think what is fair to comment and criticize about is their education system. All these embarrassment, ‘stupidity’ or ignorance could only be displayed with the US education system which failed to emphasize and engage their new generations to the global view and general knowledge.

For many other questions about the current affairs, I believe there are always correlations of the habit of reading news (international and national news, rather than entertainment, sport, or local news only) with one's knowledge about current issues. I really think that it is not difficult to follow and keep up-to-date with what is happening around us in this world (in a larger scope, roughly). It’s the mind of ‘not my business, I don’t care’ or/and ‘I have no interest’ that bars them from this daily simple effort. No, to me, it’s not about whether you have interest; it’s your obligation as a global resident and a good citizen in your country.

Well, don’t only mention about USA, if you go elsewhere in the world, you will still find a portion of people are ignorant to some general knowledge and/or current affairs (although the level of ignorance would be varied). It may be laughable but that is not funny. If you do the same survey in Bukit Bintang shopping district, then you might find a large number of teenagers or grown-ups are ‘immune’ to these knowledge. Nevertheless, I bet their knowledge on world map couldn’t be any worse than those US people in the video, >95% people could give the country starts with an ‘U’ correctly (you should understand sometimes the interviewee could be nervous and gave the wrong answer at first, that does not mean they don’t know) and >95% people know UK currency is Sterling Pound and Tony Blair is UK prime minister (the latter I have less confidence). All should know how to answer ‘How many sides are there in Triangles?’

For further questions about current issues in today's world, I have doubts. ‘What is the religion of Israel?’ the chances are likely that more muslim could answer it correctly. ‘Which countries are termed by G.W.Bush as Axis of Evil?’ could prove to be difficult to answer on the street. ‘Who won the Vietnam war?’ – Don’t expect too much, even if you ask them about the recent local war history ‘When is Malayan Communist guerillas ceased fire with government?’ , they could totally don’t know about this very important chapter of nation’s history event, not surprising at all. So, we must not be ’50 steps laughs at 100 steps’ (a Chinese idiom). It seems like a general trend that many people in this world (especially youngsters nowadays) become more ignorant, not because that they don’t have the access to information (excluding the factors of poverty and lack of formal education), just that they are becoming more individualistic/ self-centered in this neo-liberal world.

call him Snowboy... coz he's small !

Let my little snowman aka snowboy to say 'Hello' to all of you! With his arms wide open, he's welcoming you to witness the heaviest snowfall in London since i came to London!!!

His eyes are made of two 5 pence coins, and his nose is actually Queen's face 1 pound coin!!! This is just a 5 minutes effort though, 'coz i was then rushing to attend my lecture. :P

Below is one of my Hyde park winter shots, just to contrast with the same picture (in my best 50 album) i took in Spring last year!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

For good laughs... haha

It was since my birthday i didn't update my blog. But today i really cannot tahan when i see this picture i obtained from some random website. I laughed until my stomach makes hole...

Title: how to hit aeroplane

ermm.... should be interesting, 'cause it's a Military book, published more than 40 years ago. :P

what do you think? guys out there, would you buy if you found one? *wink*

Waooo...what a nice car number plate!!! Lucky Penang lang!!!