Saturday, December 11, 2010

Utusan1Malaysia - 非Utusan非1Malaysia,而是连体怪婴。

让我郑重推荐一个facebook Page, 叫 (
这算是我的一个project,这个Page的起源是由于黄进发博士的建议而有所启发的。我做的是网路报章导读,或‘剪报’,把有关<一个大马>的领袖动态和言论定期呈现给大家,主要在嘲讽有时鞭挞但不谩骂,为的是揭穿一些政客的两面人面具和口是心非表里不一的言论。目前,我主要专注在标准巫统的喉舌-Utusan Melayu。

或许你们会很不屑,为什么要读极端的报章?可是会不会也同时感到疑惑和不解,为何有关<马来主权>(Ketuanan Melayu),土著(bumiputera)和新经济政策(Dasar Baru Ekonomi)精神论述可以在多元种族的大马社会和国度立足,而且还可以得到不少的马来基本盘的坚决支持。难道马来人不会思考国家的未来出路?为何他们还继续吃巫统和Utusan这一套论述呢?



To all my dear friends in Malaysia who concern about Malaysian politics,
it's been awhile since this facebook page is started by me, let me recommend to you this Page called 'Utusan 1Malaysia' (
It is my project, inspired by Dr. Wong Chin Huat to take up this idea. What did I set up is some sort of a Press journal club, which I routinely select some article highlights about 1Malaysia's latest activities and what the leaders of 1Malaysia campaign preaching to us, and so I check or examine the consistency between their words and actions. Usually I would do my best to use subtle satire to present the case, just a matter of style. So far, I could only manage to focus on , the mouthpiece/propaganda of the current government of the day (and more specifically UMNO).

So, why should you read/follow this Page?
Maybe many of you would even resent to this idea as you claim that those papers are for the extremes or racial/Malay right wing fanatics. But at the same time, don't you also realize that why are there so many people out there still reading? what makes it so appealing to a certain Malay community, until they believe what they read unquestioningly (even willing to defend what they read)? What makes the ideology/concept 'Ketuanan Melayu' , 'Bumiputera' and 'Dasar Ekonomi Baru' stand the test of time and they even persist in a multiracial multicultural plural society?

I follow articles from Utusan for quite some time now, found that the logic or the deduction of their arguments are rather funny. However, to those long-time subscribers/readers, if they do not read other papers or go online, lies if were said 100 times, it might turn to be the truth or something they believe in.
That's why if you want to disintegrate UMNO's racial hegemony in preaching racial thoughts, one must go deep into their mind to understand them, then it is possible to communicate with the people possessed with these thoughts, persuade them over to your side. This is even more important to those who directly involved in politics, at which the political education to the voters is very important in the long run.

This page is written in 3 Malaysian languages (Malay, English, Chinese) -- because this fits better to 1Malaysia mah! (ok, I did my best for Malay language already, minta maaf). I do this for national service, a volunteer work only, but still I do my best with heart, just to share with you all my effort/input about the online newspaper articles highlight and the database (I am still trying to improve my art of Satire, just to make it more interesting) If you like it, please leave comment sometimes, or even better help me to promote this page.

Now I do hope to recruit more volunteers who are willing to monitor other Malaysian mainstream newspapers and mass media, and make any interesting report contributing to this page. If you are kind enough to help out, please let me know, so that i can put your name in the editorial team =)

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