Thursday, March 13, 2014





制衡政府 vs 加影行动


民生亲民牌 vs 司法公正不要政治迫害牌








New Direction, New Life in Penang

I have been inactive on FB for sometimes, maybe many of you guys are not informed -- I'm back to Malaysia for good, after I obtained my doctorate degree in Infection Biology 2 days prior to the beginning of the recent Chinese new year. And now it is already into the third week of my new job in Penang Institute as a senior analyst in the Economic studies cluster. My move has certainly raised some eyebrows and some might even have questions for me.

The most common one is, why did I choose to come back to Malaysia?  There is already a brain-drain situation happening here in Malaysia where people have the perception that once someone left the country to go overseas to further studies or to develop their career, is bound to stay there and subsequently apply for PR and maybe eventually adopt the citizenship of that nation. For your information, I have spent 4 years in London, UK for my undergraduate and master degree studies, and then another 4 years in Hannover, Germany for my PhD degree studies. In a total span of more than 8 years abroad, it is already kind of a living experience to stay in Europe.  Sure I would miss those wonderful days sometimes. As my age is lapsing into 30 (‘milestone?’), many factors for consideration I have to think about. So to decide where I would want to be for a foreseeable future, I have to ask myself what do I see in myself for career and family.  These two are the main reasons for the homecoming.

Higher paid salary, higher standard of living and more efficient delivery of public service and social system are in place in developed countries such as UK and Germany than in Malaysia , I have no doubt about that. Along with the PR status, these are just externalities to me. What concerns me more is the aspiration for my career, a job which can satisfy my ambition and ideals.  And I have also made a promise (a proposal) to xiao hui to start a family here back in our homeland.

Another question would surface among many is, why switching to another field after graduated as a PhD in biomedical science? Someone who is close to me would probably understand that, although I was a scientifically trained researcher, I have diverse and wide arrays of interests in many areas, in particular in socio-politics. I know where my potential and my strength are, so I do not want to restrict my ability just by doing science in the laboratories. I want to take the path in which fewer people would venture into, to make an impact and contribute to the causes I believe in. It is not like I abandon or do not want to advance my field, I just consider that I can contribute myself better in another track with my potential and special abilities, beyond being just another researcher in a biological laboratory.

On the other hand, maybe some would presume or expect that I would be involved directly in political party politics. Nope, that is not what I intend to pursue. I would never say never, but at best at this moment I do not consider. I would like to continue improving myself in terms of knowledge and skills, as an academician/ academic researcher. At the forefront of ‘Reformasi’ and ‘Ubah’ socio-political movements, our nation does not lack sincere and passionate individuals and active politicians in party politics. I would like to commit myself further to the movements by putting down my action, and transferring my doctorate expertise to policymaking. What is there we call a change of government and then a good hope for future, if we do not have good quality researches on better public policies in all areas affecting our daily life? Politicians definitely need those inputs also, as they have so many activities to attend to and they need to be well informed to carry out their responsibilities (and don’t forget sometimes they are also busy embroiled in party politics and at the same time firefighting for the local issues, too). That is why I join Penang Institute, the think-tank for Penang state government, to communicate intellectually with the general public and interested parties about inspiring ideas which could transform and improve our daily life. “Making ideas work” is the motto for Penang Institute, also what I believe in. For new politics, we need new flourishing ideas to make things work much better in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and the creation of happiness.

Although my principal interests lie in healthcare reform and scientific development, upon joining Penang Institute I first take the position under the Economic studies cluster. Why? This is a golden opportunity for me to learn and acquire one of the most important and powerful tools in policymaking, which is finance and economics. As all public policies would definitely involve cost and benefits analysis, I cannot allow myself to be ignorant in economics if I would like to be effective in formulating better policies in future, especially in my areas of interest. Healthcare improvement and scientific development do require a large sum of budget. The training and the transferable skill sets I acquired from my previous discipline has not gone to waste, they are still very relevant to this very job I just started.

The next possible question is, why Penang, and not KL-Klang valley (my hometown) or Singapore (where my fiancée is currently working and living). The fact is that, just when I saw the job opportunity from Penang Institute came to me, I just could not resist the temptation and let it pass because it is just so close to what I really would like to do. To relocate to Penang is not a problem and I quite like this place.  Right now I stay at the southern part of the island (Relau, Bayan Lepas), where there is still plenty of lush greenery and 3 sides surrounded by hills. The immediate environment is nice and the air is fresher than in KL. Even at the peak of rush hour traffic, a car trip would normally only take about 45 minute, and a (RapidPenang) bus trip takes about the same amount of time plus 12 minute walk to the institute. So it is quite a good place to stay and to work and I might even consider settling down here for longer term if xiao hui and I are happy with the living experience here in Penang.

Being able to relocate here to embark on my new life journey, I would like to dedicate my thanks to my fiancée and my mum for their continuous loving support, and their understanding. I would like to thank Penang Institute also for giving me the opportunity to prove my worth even though I might pose an uncertainty or a risk just because I am from the outside field and untested. Of course I have to thank my dad for the financial supports all these years, enable to free myself from many financial constraints for job consideration, so that I would not have to think about the ‘return’ for his education ‘investment’ in me until master degree (for phd studies, I had a scholarship and was financially self-sufficient when I was in Germany). I consider myself lucky in this, so I have no excuse for not pursuing my ideal career path and realising my potential in making positive changes and contributions for better Malaysia!

People might think that patriotism is the powerful call attracting overseas talents return home to contribute. I beg to differ. While I would not say I am not patriotic or doing this because I am patriotic, I think my decision for homecoming is really beyond patriotic sentiment. It is more towards what I can do and want to do back here in the homeland, and what (legacy) do I want to achieve in the end. If I were a very enthusiastic scientific lab researcher in the previous track, it would serve me better should I stay in Europe for further academic development (the default route: Post-doc, fellow/small group leader, associate professor, and professorship). I would not do the same thing in Malaysia, due to many surrounding negative factors and inferior environment which I do not think I could change as a scientist. But now my current job empowers me to make the necessary changes, so that next time I want to make sure the scientific and academic environment here in Malaysia is more conducive for returning talents.

In addition, I also want to do the right things and fight for what I really believe in, for the love of my family and my future family, my friends, my relatives and larger communities and finally extending to the whole nation. I want to see a significant improvement in our living standard and life quality. I want to see, finally there are reasons for a smile on everyone’s face; until all people reside on this blessed land call this place home and continue living happily ever after (while still actively participating in matters matter to them). Reformasi spirit and the fire still live deep inside of me, I strive for democracy and social justice. I want to make sure our political system is reformed until the currently endemic corruption and the blatantly abused state power are no more there as the source of unhappiness to all of our people.



相信很多人頭上掛著不少問號。首先,最讓親朋戚友不解的是,為何要回國?或許我國的人才流失現象實在太嚴重,也或許現今的國情和國家前景仍暗淡,以致大部份的人都有一個印象認為‘流浪’去海外的國民,不管是去深造或開創發展事業,都很有可能一去不返直接在異鄉落地生根,哪怕是成為當地的永久居民或放棄國籍直取當地的公民身份。如果不說我要回國,你們很多人都可能以為我已經是他國的PR(像阿牛的阿花永遠不再回來了啦)-- 沒錯,我在異鄉呆了很久,前前後後差不多九年了:四年在英國修讀學士和碩士學位,然後四年多在德國完成博士學位。我知道有不少人其實很嚮往海外的生活甚至恨不得馬上就去,但對我來說,九年,差不多一個年代了,真的已經很足够。當然偶爾我也還會想念緬懷旅居在英國和德國的日子。現今我的年齡也快進入三十的里程碑,有很多人生決定需要慎重考慮。所以在決定何處方為落腳之地之前,我必須先問自己:我的人生規劃是什麽,要何時何地和怎樣成家立業。就是‘成家立業’這四個字讓我最終成爲了‘海龜’派。



可能當中也有人會誤以為我是政治狂熱份子,回國後就必然會選擇參政(政黨政治)。不,那不是我的意願。雖然我不會放話說我以後絕不從政,但在這個階段我暫不考慮。我會繼續提升自己的知識和各方面的能力,才不會愧對於學術人士和知識份子的身份。我國在‘烈火莫熄’和‘烏巴’政治浪潮運動的衝擊洗禮下,從不乏真誠熱血理想派人士從政。我本身也受到這些政治運動的感召和一系列國內政治事件的影響,毅然付出行動朝著這些運動的目標挺進。我要利用我的學識和專業精神投身在政策改革。改朝換代有何意義,如果我們沒有良好素質的替代公共政策研究,又如何確保日後我們的新政府能有效地改善我們的日常生活呢?有理想的政治人物肯定也會對這類型的研究感興趣和有需求。但現實是,他們本身的職務早已讓他們太忙碌難以分身投入更多的時間與精力在政策研究。忙碌不能成為他們的藉口,制度上同時必須支援和協助他們以確保他們對政策議案有足夠的瞭解和掌握,從而讓他們在議會里充分發揮與執行人民代議士的立法修法角色。這就是為何我加入檳州研究所,檳州州政府的智囊團,以成為州政府和公眾的知識溝通橋樑,希望能貢獻更多有創造性和改革動力的點子。“Making ideas work”(讓點子動起來)是檳州研究所的口號(motto)以及中心思想,我也非常認同它的重要價值。一個新的政治論述終究需要更多的新點子來支撐,以便這些點子能很好地發揮其作用以提升整體社會的效能效率和創造幸福與快樂。到底一些新點子是不是更好的點子呢?我們就得認真地做研究分析這些點子在政策上的利與弊,然後再研究如何落實和貫徹一些好的新點子。





