Tuesday, December 25, 2018




麻麻說,今年好像只有她有聖誕禮物,問我要些什麼。其實,我個人沒有要些什麼給自己。有禹丞那麼懂事可愛的開心果,就很好了啊!我們都很期待明年妹妹的到來,那已是一個未來的大禮了。剛才我們才輪流對妹妹祝賀Merry Christmas,明年我們見!禹丞已懂分辨誰才是他的妹妹….不是那些阿姨叔叔們的“妹妹”,他的妹妹在媽媽肚裡。我看著你那麼溫柔地sayang妹妹,感到很欣慰。你說你已是禹丞哥哥了,會讓出床位給妹妹(其實近期你也沒睡在那裡了)、玩玩具娛樂妹妹、還說會買‘禮物’給妹妹(但問你要買什麼的時候,你說要買火車‘train-track😅)。我想,妹妹肯定會很喜歡你的,我也相信你會是妹妹的好榜樣。



我們那天對你毫不怯場的舞台跳舞表演感到驚喜(麻麻還喜極而泣呢!)。你的老師說,綵排的時候,你都不太愛動,表演的時候靈魂天份和魅力全都釋放出來!很有表演欲哦,我們很高興能當場見證並用相機錄下來那些片段。坦白說,我也因為你的學校選唱Satu Malaysia的歌,才開始接觸那首歌和懂得其中的歌詞,呵呵。你那麼會唱,在家裡也愛唱,唱到七情上臉,呃,國歌你都還不會唱咧?等下人家問我你愛Satu Malaysia是不是愛納吉時,我要怎樣解釋?😆

還有,你把你的best buddy死黨Noah(馬來裔)叫成‘阿華’(廣東音),是要怎樣?聽說你的叫法,全學校都懂,有時他們還逗趣模仿你這樣叫阿華呢!你真的很Satu Malaysia!童言無忌啦,不過,真的很可愛。‘肥肥’阿姨剛聽到這則故事時,也笑得嘴不合攏,你真天才!可是吼,你也不需要跟著阿華他做什麼你就做什麼啦,雖然我知道你喜歡他,呵呵。你的朋友Kay KayCaleb也很落力跟你一起玩啊,做莫你對他們沒有同等的熱情?

我們粑粑麻麻在家對你可說是‘相敬如賓’了,尊重你有時的選擇和作風。如果我們認為不適合或不應該的時候,你已到了一個階段開始可以與我們在言語上‘談判式’溝通。我們總是不運用大人的‘暴力’屈你就範,那是我們的last resort。其實你還真是個談判對手,我們粑粑麻麻總得想得出一些另類/創意的條件或稍微妥協,換取你的同意做一些我們認為適時的日常事情。大部分時間,你還算是通情達理,總算不浪費我們的腦汁和唇舌。當然,你還小,有時也難免因為心情或喜好而固執/執著,我們才不得已用‘暴力’(比如說,應該沒有小孩會喜歡吃藥這回事的,你生病的時候,這個真的沒有辦法咯)。你對媽媽短暫離別有時候也是歇斯底里,但是我已身經百戰,我有耐心讓你慢慢沉澱,最壞的情況也只是半小時而已。近來我可以在10分鐘內讓你接受事實並接納替代安慰。




25.12.2018 (平安夜起筆)

Monday, December 24, 2018

Interview with IDN TIMES journalist concerning ICERD ratification

Below are the email exchange/conversation on the questions posted to me by the IDN TIMES journalist Rosa:

The journalist asked: 

i) what's the reason behind this and why it's time for Malaysia to ratify ICERD? 

My reply: 
It began with the Pakatan Harapan GE14 Manifesto, under the Promise 26 entitlted "Make our human rights record respected by the world" it states "Suitable international conventions that are not yet ratified will be ratified as soon as possible, including the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights."

Then subsequently the Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad took to the United Nations podium in New York to speak during the General Debate of the 73rd session of the General Assembly on 28th September this year. That speech won a lot of applauses and approvals from Malaysia and all around the world, and seemingly affirmed to more human rights-based approaches and democracy promises. On the very issue regarding human right convention, below is the relevant speech text:

"9. The new Malaysia will firmly espouse the principles promoted by the UN in our international engagements. These include the principles of truth, human rights, the rule of law, justice, fairness, responsibility and accountability, as well as sustainability. It is within this context that the new government of Malaysia has pledged to ratify all remaining core UN instruments related to the protection of human rights. "

Fast forward to 24th October, P. Waytha Moorthy, the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department came out with a statement pledged that the government is committed to ratify all remaining 6 human-rights related treaties including ICERD in the first quarter of next year. This has initiated a strong anti-ICERD movement.

Why is it time for Malaysia to ratify the ICERD treaty? it is long overdue for the Malaysian government to do so, as Malaysia is only one of the 14 countries in the world which has not signed and ratified the treaty. The previous government Barisan Nasional might be reluctant to, because the legitimacy of their ruling based on large electorates/voters who support the Ketuanan Melayu / Malay Supremacy idea (which institutionalise racial discrimination). There is nothing wrong about the ICERD, and if the government is serious about signing and ratification of the treaty, they could still maintain the current affirmative action which favour Bumiputera/Malay ethnic. BUT they are required to also publish a timeline and intended measurable target for those affimative action measures. A fair-minded person would agree, those who believe in Malay Supremacy do not. So they misled and stoked fear among Malay communities about the 'consequences' of ICERD.

ii) Have you ever experienced first-hand discrimination as a result of the infamous Article 153? And if so, do you think by ratifying ICERD something significant will change in a positive way?

My reply:

The special privileges given/accorded under the Article 153 in the Malaysian Federal Constitution are these 3 categories:
1) Positions in the public service
2) Scholarships, exhibitions and other similar educational or training privileges or special facilities
3) Permit or licence is required for the operation of any trade or business

To ask if one feel 'discriminated', that would be depending on whether he/she is competing directly with the Malay/Natives on the 3 categories above. However, if they are positive discrimination measures ('affirmative actions) and are properly set out, other ethnicities should not feel aggrieved about discrimation due to losing out. Malaysia is unusual in a way that these affimative actions targeted at the majority not the minorities of the nation. Some of my Chinese and Indian ethnic friends did not get into their preferred public university or course due to the 'quota' set up in favour of Malay/ Bumiputera. The fact is also true that positions in the public service, especially most top positions in the leadership and management, are preoccupied by Malays/Bumiputera, many minorities ethnic claim that there is a ceiling in promotion, that would also results in 'discrimination' to them. Finally, regarding land and property purchase, it is a fact that bumiputera enjoy privilege in getting discount and favourable list. If the government does not set a timeline and measurable target for those affirmative actions, this would seriously harm the efforts by the government to promote harmony and unity in this country. The government needs to regularly use evidences and facts to justify the continuation of affirmative actions based on ethinicity.

By ratifying ICERD, this would push the government and all communities to engage in conversation about long term fairness and equality in Malaysian society, the government could review the current policies based on the evidence, consensus building and rational approach to meet the expectation of the New Malaysia. The government has to show their political will and strongly campaign to assuage the fear of certain community.  Righy now, a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding from the anti-ICERD opponents are circulating around, and this is the point I think the government did not do well and conceded too early.

iii) Now, what makes PH backtrack from the plan to ratify ICERD? Do they have the same mindset as BN in terms of securing support from the majority?

My reply:First you have to understand the dynamics within the PH coalition. PH itself did not secure the majority votes among Malay communities during GE14, maybe about 1/3 strong only and split with UMNO and PAS. Now UMNO and PAS work together in Malay-Muslim communcal political agenda, and champion the anti-ICERD campaign. The dominant parties in the current PH coalition are multiracial parties, where the non-muslim MPs are quite significant. Often this PH coalition gave the Malay community impression that it has weaken Malay's mandate in governance, even though the PM right now is from PPBM a bumiputera-champion party to rival UMNO. 

Due to the Malay votes deficit, and also Dr Mahathir's agenda to break and destroy his old party UMNO, he is now actively enticing the crossovers from UMNO to his own party to strengthen his hands in the PH coalition. Given how unpopular now is ICERD among the Malay communities after active campaigns by PAS and UMNO (one should not forget that some major Malay media press are still in the hands of UMNO), Dr Mahathir could not insist on ICERD while luring UMNO to crossover. He and his party want to be seen championing Malay rights back home (not at the UN HQ), that is why some members from his own party already went to media to stage their protest against ICERD too, together with Amanah, a minor Islamist democratic party.
Another factor is, there are upcoming 2 by-elections coming up, one in Negeri Sembilan which is a Malay-majority seat. Dr. Mahathir would not want the anti-ICERD sentiment to brew over too much until his coaltion would lose in the by-election otherwise that would boost the confidence of his main political opponents now, eg. UMNO, and make the UMNO MP crossovers harder to realise due to hesitation about future contest under the PH banner.

So, in short, what makes Dr Mahathir and the PH government backtrack is mostly due to political reason. If he is a true believer in what he said at the UN General Assembly, I cannot give you an answer for sure.

iv) Also, correct me if I’m wrong, the fundamental problem for ICERD supporters is not the existing affirmative action, but how to measure the goals? And once they are achieved then that will be the time for Malaysia to abandon such policy?

My reply:

ICERD supporters, in my opinion, are those who really believe in inclusive, free and fair Malaysia moving away from race-based politics. They might have realised how the so called affirmative actions have been abused in the past and currently they feel that Malay communities should be ready and can have the confidence to compete fairly based on merits. Even for those who have reservation and are in favour to maintain the affirmative action status quo, they might take it as a tactical move to allay the fear of the Malay community, while persuading the government and people to just sign it because those bumiputera policies would not need to be abolished right away. I would personally believe that the ICERD supporters would be happy to do away with the affirmative action if it outlasts its usefulness, and if greater equity has been achieved. To insist keeping the affirmative action beyond the intended targets, how is it not deemed to be racial discrimination? this will not do any good to the nation-building process.

The news article in the end came out here:

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

A government ill-prepared for ICERD

THE issue of the ratification of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, or ICERD, caused quite a commotion in Malaysia recently, stirring up Malay-Muslim nationalist and supremacist sentiments, and culminating in an anti-ICERD rally that took place in  Kuala Lumpur last Saturday – where the police estimated a turnout of 55,000.
Disappointingly, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad reiterated that the government will not ratify the treaty because “it does not allow the government to provide affirmative action based on race… and we will not amend our constitution”.
The government’s current stand on ICERD contradicts the position taken by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department P. Waytha Moorthy, who had declared that Pakatan Harapan would sign and ratify the remaining six core human rights international treaties by the first quarter of 2019 – including ICERD. This U-turn seems to suggest that the anti-ICERD protesters are in the right – but are they, really?
ICERD is not complicated, nor is it difficult to agree to – worldwide, only 14 nations have yet to sign the 53-year-old treaty. Malaysia is one of them, alongside Brunei, Myanmar, North Korea, and some small Pacific island countries. ICERD has 25 articles in its provisions, but the core principles and definitions are contained in the first seven articles (Part I).
The preamble of ICERD cites many principles originating from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; for example, “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”, as well as “all human beings are equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection of the law against any discrimination”.
ICERD also states that “any doctrine of superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and that there is no justification for racial discrimination, in theory or in practice, anywhere”. These are very basic and fundamental principles of humanity.
Given a choice, no one would openly admit that they are “racist”. The common defence these people use are proclaiming that they have friends from other ethnicity, implying that “naturally” they do not discriminate or exclude others. By and large, the most contentious point when it comes to identifying a racist is the definition of “racial discrimination”.
But Article 1 of ICERD has a clearly elaborated definition. The anti-ICERD individuals either did not understand, and consequently misinterpreted, the treaty text, or had failed to read it and subsequently were misled and manipulated by others with a political agenda.
A third possibility is that they may truly believe that differential treatment based on race is fair and should be allowed in perpetuity. Some of them claim that defending the rights of one particular race is not discrimination, and that the special position of the Malay race, as stipulated in the federal constitution (e.g. Article 153), should be retained.
On the other hand, Article 5(vii) of ICERD is often cited by opponents to accuse ICERD of implicating religious equality, when the actual content is not to discuss the position of religion but against racial discrimination in practicing the freedom of religion.
Based on past actions, the opponents of ICERD have provoked fear in the public realm, reiterating exaggerating claims that the Malays’ special position and Bumiputera privileges would be eroded and, eventually, totally repealed, if the government were to sign and ratify ICERD.
In fact, Articles 1(4) and 2(2) of ICERD clearly state that affirmative action and protection for certain racial or ethnic groups shall NOT be deemed as racial discrimination. The caveat is that affirmative policies must have a deadline; in other words, they must be discontinued if the policy has already achieved its intended target.
Many ongoing Bumiputera policies do not even have measurable targets and deadlines; in theory, these would have to be remedied and amended in order to fulfill the principles and spirit of the ICERD. I believe this is fair and just, because if the government wants to have affirmative action, the prerequisite is to prove that a certain racial group is still lagging behind and still needs state assistance.
If the situation of a certain group has improved vastly to the point of achieving equal footing with other races, then it would be hard to see how such policies are not advocating racial discrimination, if the government still insists on and persists with a flawed policy framework that benefits only a particular race.
In fact, affirmative action as practiced in many countries is beneficial to minorities – our government’s response is that we have different national conditions. However, the government probably does not want to admit directly that the Bumiputera privilege policies are temporary affirmative measures.
The New Economic Policy launched in the 70s mentioned a target to achieve 30% Bumiputera equity in the stock market, but up until today, there have been no updates on the status of this target, and whether it has actually been met. The NEP officially ended in 1990, but its basic form and spirit still lives on in many of our current policies. The Pakatan Harapan government seems satisfied to follow the status quo.
I wonder – when the government announced that they were going to ratify the six treaties, were they really prepared to run a strong publicity campaign to convince the public of the good behind why they wanted to do it? Given the general lack of public’s basic awareness of human rights, and the fact that most are still living within environments where racism is rather prevalent, the government should have anticipated fast-spreading opposition to ICERD, and responded effectively to the mistruths spun out in public. In this way, they could have brought the unnecessary vitriol under control.
The federal government has the advantage of huge machineries and resources to run a convincing positive campaign for policies it favours, instead of taking a defensive position. From the start, the government could have been swift to spell out its intended reservations, such as a promise not to make any amendments to the federal constitution (as with the United States and Thailand). Yet, it failed to take these early precautions, and when it finally did, it was too little and too late.
On the issues of social justice and equality, a responsible government with a reform agenda and political will must do the right things as promised, and stand firm on acting in the best interests of the nation, even though it might not appear to be a well-received populist policy.
This must come hand-in-hand with ensuring proper strategic planning. In the face of doubts and challenges, the government’s stand and arguments have to be rationally sound, complete, and persuasive.
The more U-turns a government makes on policies, the more it will lose its credibility, in the eyes of both supporters and opponents.
The article was published here at The Malaysian Insight, Voices, Dec 11, 2018.
The Original title is " ICERD U-turn, what is next?"

Sunday, December 02, 2018

ICERD U转,何去何从?
