2) For your personal, family’s and friends’ safety – Crime rate’s up. The number of crime cases has risen exponentially over the years. From 156,455 cases in 2004, the crime index figures released last year shocked the nation revealing that 224,298 cases had been recorded in 2007 (12.93% increase). .It was also reported last year that there was a dramatic 13.4% increase in violent crimes, of which rape cases were up by about 30% and gang robbery by a whopping 160%. Clearly, Police force is incompetent and failing to protect and guarantee the community safety. The proposed Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) has yet to be set up after recommendation from the Royal Police Commission in May 2005. Since then, BN government has abandoned the proposal.
3) For people’s benefits – BN = rampant corruption to core. BN is reluctant to endorse People’s Declaration, acts no interest on people’s welfare. BN and its cronies stole all from us!
4) For the freedom of mind and expression – BN’s owned mainstream media are often feeding people with lies and propaganda, suppress dissident’s views, fooling and corrupting people’s mind, in their interest. BN suppress rights of citizen to assembly and to express themselves freely through various means (for example, cracking down peaceful demonstration and prosecution of bloggers)
5) For the stability and harmony of the multiethnic society – BN component parties like to play racial card and incite hatred and distrust against other ethnic group, in order to champion themselves as the savior and protector of their respective race. Therefore they are creating more and more divisive tension in interracial relationship. For example, BN like to use May 13 incident to create fear among Malaysians. (However, from Dr. Kua Kia Soong’s studies, it suggests that it was actually a coup planned by UMNO)
6) For the continuity and tolerance of diversity of cultures and religion practices -
Under BN’s governance, more Hindu temples are demolished than built, less Churches and Chinese temples and no Chinese and no Tamil schools are included in BN’s development plan (except Election goodies). All this clearly shows that BN does not respect and appreciate the unique diversity of our lovely multicultural country and our rights to practice any religion.
7) For the good image and reputation of our nation –
BN’s members of Parliament are notorious for giving sexist and racist remarks in Parliaments. More corruption scandals are emerging and yet we saw no one is responsible for it and resign. An outdated and inhuman draconian law such as ISA is still applied to ordinary citizen. Our public universities’ standard are seriously compromised and plunged into new low when UUCA and Surat Aku Janji are in place to curb the creativity and the diversity of thoughts and to suppress the voice of conscience and integrity from students and academic staffs.
8) For better governance and transparency – BN does not promote an open tender system to allow competition from the best, but only offer to cronies. Too much bureaucracy for business and public services. No local council election and hence no heed to local community’s needs and demands. A seperation of power must be uphold - no more corrupted judiciary system, no more judge-brokering. Justice is not for sale, and no interference from executive arm of government is allowed!
9) For the future of our next generations – In the event of overexploitation of natural resources (petroleum, natural gas, forest trees, etc.) by BN’s current policy, our next generations have every right to live in a peaceful, harmony and economically sustainable nation and healthy environment. Our natural resources and lands are for all present and future Malaysian, not for sale to certain quarters of cronies. Our green lung should not be compromised in the name of development. The nation’s wealth shall be equally distributed to all. Positive affirmative action bases on class not race!
10) For the love of your country – Love our country by demanding for a government that truly cares for us, a system that is fair, equal and justice for all!!! No more discrimination, no more intimidation, no more covering up and fooling people. Say ‘NO’ to BN.
Please tell your family and friends to come out and vote on 8th March, Vote for any parties except BN. Show that you care for the future of Malaysia!!!

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