Monday, May 28, 2012

《Rock Against Najib》/ 摇滚是反叛的艺术表达自由




Greg Graffin

The Offspring, Dexter Holland (vocalist)
而庞克摇滚乐队里的成员也不尽然是蓝领阶级人士,至少我崇拜的Bad Religion主唱Greg Graffin现在是个在美国加州洛杉矶大学任教的生物进化论学教授。我喜爱的乐队The Offspring的主唱也个是微生物学博士。他们都是知识分子。就是有了一些美国新派庞克摇滚的中坚份子在非主流地底下长期默默耕耘,Green DayThe Offspring到了90年代中期才终于找到了突破,开始受到赏识进驻主流市场,从此就深深地影响了后来许许多多的摇滚乐队。Green Day的反战立场鲜明,在布什政府发动美国第二次的伊拉克战争后,推出了American Idiot这张概念性专辑对准布什总统批判谩骂,获得了空前的好评和成了一时的佳话。在2004年布什寻求连任总统之前,各方的庞克摇滚队更筹集了2张合集共54首歌曲来表达强烈反对的立场,专辑名称为Rock Against Bush



龐克搖滾自從小時候受我大哥影響啓蒙后,就一直成為我的音樂動脈和精神面貌。而第一張我能接受和熱愛的專輯,就是當時風靡全球Green Day的《Dookie》。接著我發掘了The Offspring的《Smash》后就欲罷不能了。

龐克搖滾,沒有浪漫沒有風花雪月沒有矯情造作沒有喧嘩取眾簡單幾個power chord再加上快速的節奏一般上在3分鐘以內把一首歌呈現完畢他們獨立的精神,不理主流市場是否青睞堅持不妥協依然要唱出自己的歌曲心聲,用龐克音樂來直接表達他們對社會的關心。在Green Day The Offspring成名之前,玩龐克搖滾的樂隊並沒有‘錢途’的。也就是說,他們做音樂的堅持絕對不是爲了換取物質的回報沒有被市場和金錢捆綁著,而是要保留和散播一把真誠不願意被收編埋沒、獨立自主的聲音,是一種龐克搖滾精神。

隨著時代的改變龐克音樂也打入主流市場成爲了潮流也多樣化發展了這音樂產生了不少支流除了傳統的new school新派Punk/ skate punk , 還有Pop Punk (比較著重在歌唱部份的動聽旋律的樂隊,一般比較為主流大眾接受), Ska Punk (龐克音樂的骨幹加上了大量的銅管樂,一般上趨向開心party音樂), Hardcore Punk (主要是憤怒的音樂,大量的嘶喊), Emo (情緒搖滾,敏感情緒起伏的音樂,可抒情可激昂,可溫馨可哀傷)。龐克搖滾就充分地表達和包含了我日常生活的各種情緒,也代表了我的精神面貌。

雖然如此,我的音樂世界也是很開放的,能接受和欣賞各種不同的音樂(不只是搖滾而已)。對於我這個沒太多音樂才華的我,能夠把音樂當做藝術欣賞,將音符融入我的生活,我已經很感激了 ^^

中文‘純’龐克搖滾樂隊,我不曉得還有哪一個。早期的花兒樂團(在‘洗刷刷’之前),和新褲子樂隊(都是中國的樂隊)是我可以想到的例子。不過如今很多樂團和藝人的一些歌曲都有龐克搖滾的曲風,比如說五月天的《終結孤單》《阿姆斯壯》《花》(一般上被歸類為Pop Punk, 張震嶽的《愛情你我他》《自由》,蘇打綠的《漂浮》《狂熱》。

Pop Punk – Blink 182 Green DaySimple Plan
Skate Punk / Street Punk / Punk – Bad Religion, Pennywise, NoFX, Rancid, No Use For A Name
Ska Punk – Reel Big Fish, Less than Jake
Emo – Jimmy Eat World, The Get Up Kids
Hardcore Punk - Thrice, AFI

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Rindu Setengah Mati

 這是一首非常emo,真誠動人容易融化人心的一首印尼語(馬來語)歌曲, D'Masiv 的 Rindu Setengah Mati。西方人並不能明白什麽是‘半死’的概念,所以我不能翻譯去英文。

ku ingin engkau ada disini  (我想要你在這裡)
menemaniku saat sepi          (陪伴我寂寞的每一刻)
menemaniku saat gundah     (陪伴我傷心的每一刻)
berat hidup ini tanpa dirimu  (沒有你,生活很沉重)

ku hanya mencintai kamu     (我只愛你一個)
ku hanya memiliki kamu       (我只擁有你一個)
aku rindu setengah mati kepadamu  (我想你想到半死)

sungguh ku ingin kau tahu    (我真的很想讓你知道)
aku rindu setengah mati         (我想到半死)
meski telah lama kita tak bertemu   (一定是我們很久沒見面)

ku slalu memimpikan kamu            (我一直夢見你)
ku tak bisa hidup tanpamu              (我的生活不能沒有你)

aku rindu setengah mati kepadamu  (我想你想到半死) 
sungguh ku ingin kau tahu               (我真的很想讓你知道)
ku tak bisa hidup tanpamu               (我的生活不能沒有你)
aku rindu...                                        (我想念)



在社會公義上,很多人不願意做的,我願意做也能做,就這樣做出了改變(it does make a difference),一個或許深具意義影響的改變。


Jangan Menyerah (Don't Give Up)

I find this song from D'Masiv very meaningful and inspiring.  I am not religious, but this is simply very motivating to those who are nearly given up on certain things they believe in. Please hold on and stay true to yourself, and never give up! 
 Tak ada manusia              (There is no Man)
Yang terlahir sempurna    (who is born perfect)
Jangan kau sesali              (Don't you regret)
Segala yang telah terjadi   (over everything which had happened)

Kita pasti pernah              (We must have had)
Dapatkan cobaan yang berat  ( the severe letdown)
Seakan hidup ini              (As if this life)
Tak ada artinya lagi          (bears no more meaning)

Reff 1:
Syukuri apa yang ada      (Appreciate what you have)
Hidup adalah anugerah   (Life is a reward)
Tetap jalani hidup ini      (Keep walking down the path of this life)
Melakukan yang terbaik  (Do your Best)

Reff 2:
Tuhan pasti kan menunjukkan  (God will sure reveal)
Kebesaran dan kuasanya           (His Mightiness and His Power)
Bagi hambanya yang sabar       (to those humble lifes who are patient)
Dan tak kenal putus asa            (and never give up)

Jangan menyerah (6x)             (Don't give up)

Saturday, May 12, 2012



我国的选举制度是参考英国西敏寺的单一选区简单多数获胜(First Past the Post)的选举制度。在现实中,能左右最终的选举成绩,除了民意,选区划分就是关键。虽然如此,选区划分的工作也不可能是完美的,因为在这个选举制度下胜者全拿,败选者的选票就好似‘作废’了,再也无法代表该议席败选政党的民意支持,继续影响全国选举成绩。







改革选举体制这问题,可大可小,即使选民认同,未必现在的朝野政党会充分认同。虽然可以通过国会修改宪法改变选举制度,我本人认为最好的方式是回归给人民用公投的方式进行表决,就如英国(虽然他们版本的替代选票Alternative Vote选举制度最后被公投否决)。 一般上传统的大政党并不喜欢比例代表制,是不争的事实。但是我国的朝野阵线的各政党都是政治联盟,比例代表制将给各政党有选联盟的自由灵活度。比如说,如果下届国阵战败了,或许面临联盟瓦解,民政党和人民进步党和各东马地方党就可以利用这比例代表制的优势,来日增加政治筹码和延续政治生命。在目前的FPTP制度,况且赢得议席的在野党都已没有太大的政治空间和资源,更何况是没有赢得议席的政党呢?比例代表制也可以改变政治风气,让大多数的政党更趋向中间主流而非极端,趋向妥协共识性政治而非一言堂霸权强势政治。德国有规定任何政党必须要获得至少5%的全国支持率才可以获得政党名额议席,这个可以把极端政党排除在外。中间主流的政党一般上都会选择与接近同样性质和理念的政党联盟组成政府(为了政权,或许也有一定的伸缩性包容性就如行动党和伊斯兰教党),尽量不接受极端政党。如果在这样的制度下,极端的政党仍然还可以获得大多数选票,就证明这国家的‘极端’是普遍的,很有问题了。

(part 1)


Friday, May 04, 2012



Thursday, May 03, 2012

Bersih message

Bersih campaign is not about to let which party to win elections, but it is to let any party to win it fairly , cleanly and deservedly so.

Why is it so important? Because we want a legitimate democratic government which is duty bound to serve for rakyat's great interest BUT NOT obsessed with self interest and to pursue personal greed.

Clean and Fair elections are always the first and most crucial step towards an accountable, responsible, rakyat-caring democratic good governance. Good or bad policies (or laws), are dependent on such assumption of good governance.

The government which is not BERSIH, is not legitimate when they did so by 'stealing' or cheating in the elections.  Mandate is not even given by rakyat, why do they bother about rakyat after putting themselves to power through back door?

Therefore it is totally up to the rakyat, us, even at overseas, to demand for BERSIH, a complete overhaul reform on electoral system.

If we are weak, we fail; if we stay strong, eventually we could win. People are the boss. It is time to put rakyat back to boss seat!


Without clean and fair election, without legitimate government.
Without legitimate government, without democracy and liberty.

Malaysia is a beautiful country... So make sure it is BERSIH!!!
Please don't ruin it.

Overseas Malaysian, not Malaysian?
If we don't LOVE Malaysia, what for trying so hard just to get the ballots?

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

A Letter seeking for endorsement of our cause for Clean, Free and Fair Election in Malaysia

 ( this is the email letter I drafted and sent to the German Green Party, from top leaders to local branch youth leaders about 1 week before 28th April. But unfortunately no one bothers to reply me, oh well. I wrote most of the text, with also a small help from a template circulated in Bersih Steering committee google email discussion group. I think this is well written, so I put it up here for documentation purpose)

To comrades from Bündnis 90/Die Grünen,


My name is Han, I come from Malaysia and currently I am doing a PhD study in Hannover. I represent the group "Bersih 3.0 Berlin" to seek your support and endorsement for our cause. We are going to hold a protest rally at Siegesäule, Tiergarten on next Satuday (28th April) from 14.00 till 17.00, and we would like to invite your honourable party to join us.

Sorry that I am not able to write well in German, but let me explain further to you in English, about our cause. "Bersih" is a coalition of 84 Non-Governmental Organizations in Malaysia, which is demanding for Clean, Free and Fair Election. “Bersih” means Clean (‘sauber’ in Malay).

[reference:  (DE),  (official introduction)].

We Malaysians for the past 55 years, have been living under the same government ruling coalition, named Barisan Nasional (or BN), uninterruptedly since the independence day on 31st August 1957. Your party would definitely also fancy about this idea (if you could replicate this achievement in Germany). However the sad truth is, this is done because the past general elections were conducted in a very corrupted and biased manner just to guarantee victory for the ruling parties. Our Election Commission (EC), which is required constitutionally to act independently, and without fear or favour to ensure free and fair elections, but instead it has shown itself as a stooge or an instrument of state that works in great favour to the ruling parties so to make sure they could stay in power forever. This is a sham and is considered cheating.  This works against the principle of democracy (1 person 1 vote, equal value) which your party must strongly uphold.

Hence, Bersih has listed out 8 demand points to the government and EC:
1. Clean the electoral roll
2. Reform postal ballot
3. Use of indelible ink
4. Minimum 21 days campaign period
5. Free and fair access to media
6. Strengthen public institutions
7. Stop corruption
8. Stop dirty politics
(further reading about the details of 8 demands: , and general facts about irregularities and the flaws in our election system at the footnotes)

The recent development in the Parliament confirms our government’s intention to continue to play dirty in the upcoming general election, which is believed to be held rather soon. ( )

Therefore, on 28th April this coming Saturday at 2pm, Bersih is calling for massive demonstration (a sit-in protest rally) at a size of 500,000 protesters, right in the heart of the capital city Kuala Lumpur at Independence Square (Dataran Merdeka) for comprehensive reform of the electoral process. Bersih reiterates the 8 points of demand and asks the all EC members to resign ( ). Simultaneously, there are 64 worldwide locations spreading across 29 countries will be also staging the same protest for Bersih cause (, Berlin and Köln are two of them in Germany.

On the same day same time, Stop Lynas Save Malaysia (Green) campaign will join force with Bersih (Yellow) movement, advocating for a serious health and environmental issue to stop an Australian mining firm named Lynas Corporation Ltd from operating a rare earth refinery at Gebeng, Malaysia. Stop Lynas Save Malaysia first began as a movement that was initiated in early March 2011 to provide a platform for the Kuantan residents to voice their objection over the Malaysia Pahang state government's approval of a RM700 million rare earth processing plant (will be the world's largest) in Gebeng, Kuantan, by Lynas. The campaign raises a lot of concerns and awareness from ordinary Malaysians about the impending toxic radioactive hazard arisen from the purposely poor and careless design waste management by Lynas. Lynas will use 720 tons of concentrated Hydrochloride Acid (sulphuric acid) per day and leave behind 28,000 tonnes of solid waste per year, enough to fill 126 olympic size swimming pools. A by-product of this waste is radioactive Thorium (Th) which is dangerous to human health. It is widely believed that Lynas wanted to bypass the strict environmental regulations and restrictions imposed on them in homeland Australia. Therefore, they are willing to transport the rare earth materials as far as 1000km by land and 4000km by sea, from the mine in Mt Weld, West Australia to Gebeng, Malaysia, just hoping to dump the huge amount of toxic and radioactive waste in Malaysia soil, which might be prohibited to do so in Australia. Oddly enough, Malaysian government welcomes Lynas investment by designating the company with “pioneer” status, and even offering them 12 years tax exemption. This leads to speculations that certain personals in the government at the top level might have been benefited from the under table trade, despite a strong objection and numerous protests from the people nationwide.

Lynas is expected to throw into the operation soon in 2 months, if they are not stopped in time before the first bag of rare earth arrives. Stop Lynas Save Malaysia movement recognizes the importance of Clean, Free and Fair election, as the first step in establishing and advancing the environmental rights, so they decided to join force with Bersih group on 28th April for the massive demonstration. (  )

Hereby I wish your honourable Green Party could help us to voice out about these issues I have just mentioned in order to letting more German people know, and please advocate the cause and stay in solidarity with us, the Green movement and the Bersih movement back in Malaysia. I also wish to invite you to join us at Siegesäule on 28th April. Looking forward to hearing from you regarding this matter.

Yours faithfully,
Chee Han Lim
(Organiser of “Bersih 3.0 Berlin”)

Handy: 017632014363
Bersih 3.0 Berlin Facebook event page:  

* Together we can make the earth a better place to live *

1)  (Bersih 3.0) Wong Chin Huat: How To Clone A Voter In Malaysia
 (the video illustrates the problematic electoral rolls used for Election, and how they can be used to add more votes for the ruling parties)

2) About Bersih movement
In 2008 polls, the government's two-thirds majority was broken for the first time in 51 years by an Opposition coalition, Pakatan Rakyat (PR). That parliamentary majority had allowed BN to rewrite the Constitution at will. The next election, expected before June but legally required by April 2013, is a do-or-die scenario for BN, whose highest offices face allegations of corruption and criminality so devastating as to threaten their hold on power.
 Independent inquiries and analysis of electoral rolls have uncovered these facts:
·                    Over 400,000 dubious voters are on the electoral roll, enough to swing 35 federal seats either way and decide if BN reclaims its two-thirds super-majority in parliament, or the Opposition PR becomes the government
·                    31,294 voters have been transferred out of their 2008 constituencies without their consent
·                    42,000 voters whose status as citizens cannot be verified by the National Registration Department are still on the roll
·                    The electoral rolls carry 65,543 voters who are 85 years of age and older, and 1000 voters aged more than 100 years
·                    15,855 voters on the roll have identification card numbers showing they are of a different gender from that listed by the EC
·                    4,500 voters who are spouses of police officers are registered as postal voters in breach of the law
·                    Up to 1,000,000 (one million) Malaysians living overseas cannot vote in general elections from their residential countries because of laws that contravene the Malaysian Constitution. These Malaysians who are denied their constitutional right to lodge their vote from overseas could make up 10 per cent of the electorate. The same laws that prevent these Malaysians from taking part in elections otherwise afford that basic democratic privilege for up to 240,000 other Malaysian citizens, who may be regarded as financially obliged to their government, such as soldiers, government scholars and civil service members, as well as their spouses. Up to 90 per cent of ballots cast through Malaysia's postal voting system is believed to support the incumbent government.

In the 12th general election of 2008, Opposition coalition PR won the prized state of Selangor and wrested control of an economic and symbolic powerhouse in peninsular Malaysia; since 2008, the Selangor electoral rolls have ballooned by 22 per cent (over 340,000 voters) to more than 1.9 million, compared to a national average of 16.3 per cent.
Malaysia has refused access to international election-watch groups ever since the 1990 general election, when polling was observed by the Commonwealth Observer Mission, but the prime minister of that time, Mahathir Mohamed, suppressed their report.

Bersih 3.0 Berlin REPORT

Here is the report from BERLIN, the first time on Global Bersih map.

Venue: directly under the Siegessäule (Berlin's Victory Column), facing the world famous Brandenburger Tor from afar
Date: 28th April 2012
Time: 2-4pm (duration: 2 hours++)

Turn out: 40 participants, with 1/4 are non Malaysians International Bersih supporters (Many Germans, an Italian, an Indonesian) . Sad to mention, there is not even a Malay Malaysian joining, and far few students (JPA stern warning works?)

"Permit": 2 Police officers came up to me and handed me a letter with the confirmation number for this gathering event I notified them. And then they stationed nearby just dedicated to safeguard our safety until we finished our rally.

What did we do?: We distributed yellow flyers in both german and english language to the public. We told them about the issue and invited them to sign for support. Everyone was involving themselves in helping to set up the rally, for example, writing on placards. The climax of the event was when we kicked start the sit-in protest by gathering everyone sitting together in front of huge yellow banner.  First , a simple welcome speech by organiser (me), then led the protesters into chanting slogans. Then we stood up straight and sang National anthem 'Negaraku'. We took group photos after this.

What were special in Berlin?:
We had Malaysian artists (art students, one in Netherlands, one in Berlin) providing us 12 graffiti Bersih-anti Lynas theme posters to decorate the venue. We had a special Penangite cook providing the participants with homebaked Karipaps. We had the warmest day so far in year 2012. Many of the participants came from other cities in Germany, such as Hamburg, Hannover, Oldenburg, Dresden. A few traveling Malaysians happened to know our event and just joined us for the rally in time.

Best regards, and Salam Bersih!
Chee Han

P/s: Check out the album link here for photos! :