Saturday, June 02, 2018

7 dating years to XH

Happy 7 dating years to my dear wife, Xiao Hui!
We are looking forward to many years of happiness and fun (surely certain side-effects of tension and arguments would occasionally arise).
Just the day before, Yee Chern also marked his official augural visit to a childcare centre. He was all smile, no tears (and even reluctant to leave by noon for the first half-day session). Even before we were sending, you asked him if he is ok and he wants to play in the 'school' without papa-mama, he nodded and replied 'want'. You asked him whether he would cry without papa-mama in 'school', he shaked head immediately without hesitation. You broke into tears. Yes, our boy is becoming more independent and he is ready to socialise and get used to a fun-learning environment. This would make you feel very much at ease when you start your new job in coming weeks. Indeed, YC holds his words and he did not cry when seeing both of us leaving after dropping him. We were delighted to take the LRT train to Bangsar/KL together, and this will be very likely to be our new routine. (and we have to wake up at least 1 hour earlier than usual for this new daily routine)
It has been more than 2 years and a half since you resigned from your last full-time job, I am glad that you found passion for the upcoming new job and the challenge you are ready to take up! It was rather tough for you to pass through 4 interviews and secure the job in the end. You have my full support!
Today you went to cut and do hair in Bangsar. You said you cut your hair rather short to the level I never seen before I met you. Indeed, but that looks very nice on you, feel light. It seems like you shed certain burden overall and make it very refreshing. So funny that when you were doing your hair, our YC was also roleplaying in 'school' as a saloon stylist, he seems pro though!
You asked me if now I would have developed 7-year-itch (七年之癢), yes I whole body is very gatal still, if got time and convenient, please help me, ok? (是的,很癢,我全身都很癢,有空和方便的時候求你幫我搔搔癢吧) 😝
oh ya, surely my character would sometimes irritate or annoy you. Time-lag in certain response/reaction, is not intentional, it is just me, my natural weakness. Sometimes you think I am stubborn, I am still honest with you about what i really thought in mind and said it out regardless whether you like it or not. Whatever it is, I am just an imperfect human, I still luv you lah...
Your Laogong,
P/s: i don't think i will be so cliche to say, I give you zero-rated GST for today anniversary 🤪


raynnowui21 said...
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