Thursday, March 25, 2021



笛卡尔式质疑正是哲学其一特征方式:系统性怀疑一个群众普遍相信的真相,通过质疑论证。这个过程为了建立事实的确定性(certainty)。而康德的《纯粹理性批判》著作里解释和区分两种知识产生的方式:先验(A priori)和后验(A posteriori)。前者依靠分析得出,后者则胥视经验证据。科学知识,一般都是后验命题,通过反复对某事物的试验观察后得到的经验论据。


















Tuesday, March 23, 2021

BFM Interview 23 March 2021: Vaccine registration

 Podcast is here:


Dr. Mahesh Appannan, Deputy Director, Crisis Preparedness Response Centre at MOH | Dr. Helmi Zakaria, Project Director, Selangkah | Dr Lim Chee Han, Senior Researcher, Third World Network and Co-Founder of Agora Society

23-Mar-21 18:00

With MySejahtera playing a huge part in ensuring Malaysians register for the vaccination programme, we speak to experts in the field about its current limitations, how the gaps can be addressed and what technology can do in the battle against COVID-19.


1. Is MySejahtera the best way to approach vaccine registrations?

It would be one of the good options for the people to register for vaccine, as it is already commonly used by most people in daily life for registering and checking in places.

Since this is an active app, it would be good for people to check and keep track of the status in one place, rather than having other technical issues, for example, not receiving the email or sms… these notifications might get easily lost or overlooked.


2. How does this compare to the way that other countries have registered their citizens?

I did some quick searches on several countries coming to my mind: Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, UK and Canada. All these countries provide an appointment booking system on their own dedicated health authority website. Some do provide options for people to book by phone or the person could drop by his or her own clinic for registration.

In Malaysia, we also provide ways to register our own residents via government’s dedicated website as well as registration by calling a hotline (you can find the number on the website)


3. What are some zero tech options that the government could expand on?

The website registration method would still require people to have at least a mobile phone or a computer. Phone dial in method could be challenging if the volume of calls is huge and waiting time is long.

If the government could identify localities where the registration in the community is low, then it is better for the district health officers go to the ground and start the vaccination registration campaign. It would be helpful especially to those who can access to registration help with ease and convenience. Furthermore, the health officers could communicate with the locals, trying to answer some people’s doubts and queries, as a way to convince them joining the vaccination drive later.


4. What experiences does Malaysia have in rolling out vaccines and what lessons can we take from there for the Covid-19 vaccine rollouts?

Malaysia has very successful national immunisation programme for the newborns and children, with immunisation coverage over 95% for many categories of vaccine-preventable diseases. Our statistics is higher than the world’s average.

The success of the ongoing national immunisation campaign is due to engagement and follow ups from the community or health clinic teams with the new parents. They start engaging with the parents once they received the notification that a newborn is officially registered. The government who make this programme a regular daily routine, and now it is the bedrock for our functioning public health system.

Though this time it is slightly different, the vaccine is going to the adults and the elderly themselves, not their children. Therefore, this might need further persuasion. One thing we can learn from our own successful national immunisation programme is that, the local health care team could provide the crucial link to the local community, the mere physical presence could provide the necessary interaction and communication, stands better chance to persuade people to join the covid-19 vaccination.


5. According to the Selangor Task Force for Covid-19, 90% of the elderly in the state have not registered for the vaccine. How user-friendly is the app from your point of view?

I do not think that the app is the main problem for the elderly not registering for the vaccine. If they would like to do that, they could have already asked their friends, children or even grandchildren to help. I guess the main issue must be the vaccine hesitancy they show. It is hardly surprising to learn that, from the MOH vaccination survey last December, a third of respondents either hesitate or outright reject vaccination.

If the app or the website could be the issue, then maybe some elderly who are not well versed with either English or BM, they might find it daunting to register. Perhaps the government should provide Tamil and Chinese option for them to register.


6. What other forms of outreach might be the right way for this group of people?

The government can communicate better through media such as TV ads, radio channels, mainstream media, trying to present the information as clearly and as laymen as possible. It would be best targeting at addressing some fears or doubts from this demographic group. Lastly, it would be good if the local health authority could make their own presence in the community, to start promoting the programme and persuading the local people to sign up for vaccination. If these strategies still do not work, then the government has to review their messaging and find out why it didn’t work.

The government should work together with the local NGOs and elected representatives for promoting vaccination programme due to the latter's extensive network on the ground. People in the communities would be more familiar with the local faces hence easier to be approached and persuaded.

Saturday, March 20, 2021


題:高官双标公众渐松懈防疫 抗疫马拉松急需自律守法





1.     1.去一年,我国反复落实MCOCMCORMCO,疫情依旧严峻,是政府的防疫措施不够好,还是人民(包括官员VIP)醒觉/纪律不够强?

答:其实所谓的行动管制令,不管是什么字母开头的MCO,名目不重要,但实际有效的防疫措施严格程度才是关键。不仅讲究严格,当局也必须要有执行力。类似的行动管制令,其实环球举世实施的措施和方式都蛮相近:英国牛津大学旗下的Blavatnik school of government从去年3月开始就有个新冠肺炎政府应对措施跟踪指标(covid-19 government response tracker),里面举出的16项措施类别,我国都随着疫情的严重性履行大部分。那么为何第二波疫情我国政府控制得相当好,第三波又这么难搞呢?是政府的防疫措施做得不够好,还是执行这些的时候面对难题,比如执行不周、时间点不对,还有人民是否有纪律遵守。如果是新的SOP,政府没有宣传沟通好,人民不知情或没有醒觉是一回事,一些旧的SOP如在特定场合要带口罩、签到登记登门记录和保持每个人之间的人身距离,这个已不能说人民没有觉醒了。




2. 政府落实某防疫措施,评估疫情风险的同时,也考量很多其他因素,eg经济,人民是否应该盲目跟随政府的绿灯?(譬如:RMCO区开放旅游,浮罗交怡即刻涌现游客潮,引发传染风险。即使不犯法,但有人批评人民醒觉不够。)




2.     3.有另一派说辞,即须学会与病毒共存,不能够永远不社交、不外出堂食,只要不犯法做又何妨?你怎么看?





3.     4.一千到一万令吉罚款,是否真的能够起到阻吓效果?但与此同时掀起执法不当、政府双标的问题,提高罚款是否防疫上策?




Friday, March 19, 2021

RM10,000 is not fine (GBM statement)

Gabungan Bertindak Malaysia (GBM) urges the government to consider revising the RM10,000 fine limit or to specify the types of severity of violation under the movement control order.

The severity of such offences should proportionately correspond to the amount of the fine.

In criminal law, the principle of proportional justice is used to convey the idea that the harshness of the punishment should be proportionate to the gravity of the offence or the severity of the crime itself. Given that the movement control order is an order derived in accordance with the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 and the coronavirus pandemic is still a serious public health threat, we can understand that violation of certain standard operating procedures should result in a reasonable amount of penalty.

In this regard, we do not ask the authorities to waive all kinds of compounds and penalties for violators of the standard operating procedure, but RM10,000 as the default fine amount – raised from the previous RM1,000 and implemented since 11 March – seems to be out of proportion.

For example, the authorities should justify whether the kind of risk or severity of damage likely to be caused just by not wearing a mask in public places or failure to register for the MySejahtera check-in at the premise is commensurate with a RM10,000 fine. Whereas for the worst first category traffic offence such as speeding, exceeding 40km/h of the limit, the compound is only RM300 maximum.

In 2017, a Bank Negara Malaysia survey revealed a shocking finding that three out of four Malaysians could not even raise RM1,000 of immediate cash money for emergencies. The median salary or wage of employees in Malaysia was RM2,308 in 2018.

Hence, a RM10,000 fine looks hugely out of proportion to the severity of violation that may be committed. Therefore, this is not fine, but a huge burden for many ordinary people who are already financially struggling during the movement control order period.

Although the authorities claim that there would be a mechanism of discretion to lower the fine amount, there is no guarantee.

We propose that the government should first stratify the fine amount reasonably and clearly according to the severity of the movement control order violation. Only then can the appeal process to lower the compound amount on a case-by-case basis be justified.

Otherwise, with the default RM10,000 fine, this could easily breed corruption among certain officers who might extort a higher bribe amount due to the recent hike.

We could agree that certain groups of offenders such as venue operators, event organisers or employers who put many at risk may have to bear a higher quantum of fine, as they can be differentiated from other individual violators. Also, for repeat offenders, it may even be justifiable to raise the fine amount or jail term.

We wish the government would reconsider its decision. To many, even a RM1,000 fine is already harsh and deterrent enough, why the need for a RM10,000 fine, which is not fine?

Badlishah Sham Baharin is chair of Gabungan Bertindak Malaysia. This piece was issued on behalf of the GBM executive council

(P/s: this statement i helped drafting, part of my intellectual collection)

Wednesday, March 17, 2021




日期:2021 年 2 月 28 日(星期日)

我國已經預購了美國製藥公司輝瑞(Pfizer)、英國製藥公司阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)、中國的科興生物(Sinovac)、中國的康希諾生物(CanSinoBio)和俄羅斯的加馬列亞研究中心( Gamaleya,Sputnik V)的冠病疫苗。首相慕尤丁於 2 月 4 日宣布政府將於今年 2 月底至 2022 年 2 月展開“國家新冠免疫計劃”,並將在全國設立超過 600 個新冠疫苗儲存中心,分三階段免費為全國八成人口或 2650 萬人接種新冠疫苗,以達成群體免疫的效果。於 2020 年 10 月 14 日成立的保證獲取新冠病毒疫苗特別委員會也於 2 月 11 日宣布此“國家新冠肺炎免疫計劃”也將惠及居住在馬來西亞的非公民,這符合其主旨,即“保護自己,保護所有人”。
另外,依據媒體報導,由馬來西亞理科伊斯蘭大學(USIM)所展開的調查問卷顯示,居於 1406 名受訪者對新冠疫苗的接受及了解程度問卷中,只有 43%的大馬人對新冠肺炎疫苗有良好的基礎知識。在所有受訪者中,有 65%的人士同意接種疫苗;大多數受訪者也認為該疫苗可以保護他們免受感染,只有 33%的人認為新冠疫苗可能無效。明顯的是還有許多人對疫苗的認識不深,對其原理、種類、適用性、接種方式、成效、安全性和副作用等或有疑惑。如果你想了解更多以解除疑惑,歡迎一起來聆聽這疫情系列講座三:【新冠疫苗:答疑解惑】。
我們很榮幸能 夠獲得專長於感染生物學的林志翰博士為我們分享。林博士的學位包括德國漢諾威醫學院感染生物學博士,也是英國倫敦帝國理工學院免疫學碩士及生物科技學士。他目前擔任第三世界網絡(Third World Network)的高級研究員、東方日報和透視大馬(英文)專欄作者、 時評人、也是群議社 Agora Society 創辦人之一。此外,林博士非常關心環保與社會正義課題,支持馬來西亞民主政治改革,目前主要研究領域為公共醫療衛生。
很難得的是專長於生物藥劑學的莊端嚴博士已經答應主持這場講座。莊博士畢業於馬來西亞理科大學(USM)藥學院,是一位馬來西亞註冊藥劑師。他在日本政府(文部科學所:MEXT)獎學金 的贊助下在 日本熊本國立大學完成藥學碩士和博士學位。他目前是馬來西亞國際醫科大學(IMU)藥學院副教授,西澳珀斯科廷大學(Curtin University)藥學院客座副教授、 熊本崇城大學藥學大學院、東京慶應大學藥學大學院客員準教授、也是馬來西亞藥劑師會(Malaysia Pharmacist Society,MPS)與中馬鐘靈校友會永久會員。


(still unpublished) interview 3.3.2021 - On COVID-19 data

1.  An overview: How has the government fared in terms of publishing Covid-19 data and figures? Is it transparent enough?

To be honest, if the public would like to understand the general COVID-19 trends and development in the country, state or even district level, the current data provided by the government might be sufficient for general public consumption. Just in one go, let me try to illustrate what kind of daily data provided by our government: new cases and active cases, from national down to mukim level, new and existing cluster updates, number of people tested, number of death, number of patients admitted to ICU and those who need ventilator, imported cases and country origin, cumulative cases and risk level by colour code for all districts based on past 14 days local infection cases, non-citizens statistics updates, daily surveillance cases, as well as R values.

As a health data researcher myself who manually key in some of the covid-19 data everyday, one big inconvenient fact is that, many of the data provided is in image format, it is hardly convenient for people to do any sort of data analysis. Most of the data also are not provided in timeline format, so unless one does data input like me everyday or get the data from such person, it is impossible to see the long term trends yourself.

Of course, government could also provide further breakdown of case data according to characteristic: I refer to Australia’s Victoria State and Hong Kong’s health department , they also provide breakdown to cases by age and gender, mode of transmission or mode of case detection; I refer to Singapore’s Ministry of Health, they provide breakdown to cases by symptomatic and asymptomatic (which our MOH used to provide in certain surveillance groups); I refer to New Zealand’s Ministry of Health, they provide breakdown to active cases by current location (how many are in managed facilities or hospitals, at home or self-isolation, or in ICU). Not to say that Malaysia is doing badly because we do have some data categories some other countries do not provide in daily updates.

There are also instances it is debatable to publish certain granular and specific data such as Hong Kong they publish current location of active cases down to building level, Singapore they name the company or location of the infected person is working or living or having activities.

So, if you ask me about whether the government is transparent enough, that sounds like if the question is about whether the government has some data to hide and can justify so. Given the public stigmatization on covid-19 is so great, the identity exposure of the group of people, workplace or public space probably would not help containing the local infection but hurting the community for a considerable period.  So, first the authority should ask if the data release would be helpful in their disease containment strategies and better health protection; what could be the downside of such action, for example, creating negative social impacts, unnecessary public panicky and witchhunting.  Some data are difficult to understand or worse if one does not understand properly the implication or interpretation of data, this would risk certain people twisting and interpreting the fact wrongly, this could create public fear and anxiety. Thus, for certain data, it is actually wise to share with only relevant authorities and competent data researchers via different channels, not in the open.


2.  The channels they have opted to use are Telegram, Instagram, KKM website, MySejahtera. And also Live PCs by the Health DG. Could there be better, and more coordinated methods that the government could use, in light of how our culture/society uses technology?

Currently almost all COVID-19 info is aggregated and coordinated in the COVID-19 dedicated website , including state-district-mukim levels daily data. This should serve as the main source of information. Telegram channel has a little more data on the case distribution map and new cluster illustration, but it is difficult to navigate using that app, especially if you want to track historical data.

For live PCs by the Health DG, these days he reduced the frequency of such PCs, it would be helpful for the MOH to communicate issues concerning them directly to the public, media can get to enquire and get further clarification and response on some matters. Even the PC videos are also uploaded on the dedicated website I mentioned.

For most urgent and important info, most of the population who has a mobile number will get updates from the National Security Council (MKN) via SMS. And some health information will get broadcast on TV and radio. Therefore I think the government has used plenty of right channels at different technology levels to disseminate the info catering to many layers of society, so the bigger issue is more about the messaging clarity and effectiveness.


3. There have been arguments about how the data published is not granular enough. Is there a need for granular Covid-19 data and what can it be used for?

I have somehow mentioned on this issue when I responded to your earlier question. Some form of most granular Covid-19 data should be restricted to the usage of relevant authorities and competent researchers, for example mySejahtera contact tracing data. The authority should have responsibility to protect the identity of patient, workplace, or public places but leave the decision to the premise or the individual to make public announcement themselves. Relevant authorities should have such data to act upon, whether to do contact tracing, closure or sanitization of premise.


4. Dr Jemilah mentioned that data scientists have been hired to go through the government's Covid data to see how it can be useful towards the fight against Covid. In your opinion, how can the data on hand be useful in the fight against Covid?

We need to understand the limitation of data technology too. For example, the MySejahtera app data can tell the authority who were at the same site during certain period, it couldn’t tell the authority how the people interact. Even if the app is working as best as the South Korea’s app measuring the period and distance of contact between one another, it still couldn’t tell you whether the two persons if they wear mask, if they hug or shake hands, or if the measurement is just between the mobile phones lying on the dining table next to each other.

For contact tracing, while the granular data could be still useful as a reference even though it may be very noisy data, it still has to go back to the health personal who is trained to do contact tracing via personal interview to find out who could carry the bigger risk.

To me, it would be useful to look at the local transmission data and analyse the pattern significance, then it would be very informative for the local health authority to take action to respond timely, whether to do targeted mass screening at certain locality or improve the SOP there. This is where the granular data could help.


5. JKJAV has begun announcing daily vaccination dose figures & registration numbers. Is this necessary, and why?

In my opinion, the daily vaccination dose figures and numbers would help and is necessary, so that public would know the progress of our National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme. That is the bare minimum for transparency to keep the public informed, give them the confidence about the programme and perhaps rally or excite them to take part. But whether the government should publish the data down to district level or Vaccination Administration Centres at this moment, I guess this could be debatable, I think maybe not necessary now.


6. In an ideal world, what would be the best way to disseminate news about the vaccination programme to the whole nation? How could it be pulled off?


The programme publicity cannot be all top-down, one cannot underestimate the power of peer-influence. Besides the current variety of channels and technology platforms the government is using, the government should rally the support from the grassroot local community organisations and groups to help promoting the programme and get the people registered. It is always most persuasive if the people in your family and neighbourhood start talking about the programme and vaccine, show willingness to participate the vaccination. 



Tuesday, March 16, 2021


慈濟【二台午餐會 | 馬來西亞】20210312 採訪















疫苗不會改變一個人的DNA或基因組,這些疫苗也包括病毒載體疫苗如AstraZeneca mRNA疫苗如瑞輝疫苗。這些借由病毒或脂質體帶入的mRNA,沒有去到人體細胞的核仁nucleolus去改變什麼,mRNA也不能做什麼轉為DNA融入基因組。













𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐕𝐬 𝐌𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐬: 𝐂𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐝-𝟏𝟗 𝐕𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐀𝐥𝐥

 I was invited to the session organised by Charles Santiago, MP for Klang on 5th March, to present in Mandarin.

𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐕𝐬 𝐌𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐬: 𝐂𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐝-𝟏𝟗 𝐕𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐀𝐥𝐥

(Bilingual - English & Mandarin)
As the national vaccination program is set to roll out soon for the public. This webinar will focus on
1. Rebuttal to the vaccine conspiracies
2. How the vaccine works.
3. Importance of having vaccine (from a health and economic perspective)
4. Ways to register for vaccination

The video link is as below:

Chinese news report 光明日报报道

林志翰:民眾收錯訊息缺信心 中俄都有公佈疫苗數據


他說,只要閱讀相關科研報告,就可獲知中、俄都有公佈數據,如俄國的“Sputnik V”就達到91.6%有效性。














Tuesday, March 02, 2021

愛FM《名師早點》點評:疫苗護照可不可行? (2/3/2021)

















首批大約31萬劑輝瑞(Pfizer)新冠疫苗,終於在2月21日運抵我國,大好消息振奮人心,舉國上下異常關注。對疫情下疲困受苦的國人而言,或許是終結疫情的希望。接種計劃於2月26日分階段啟動,首相慕尤丁和衛生總監諾希山率先施打首劑。這項計劃的挑戰才剛開始,頗有雄心地策劃為超過八成或2600萬的馬來西亞人口在一年內完成接種。不過,除了康希諾生物公司(CanSino Bio)的單劑疫苗外,政府預訂的其他疫苗都需注射兩劑,目前首批來貨僅足以應付0.6%所需劑量。




目前全球疫苗需求極高,遠超過現有少數製造廠的生產與供應能力,「疫苗國家主義」加劇了世界不平等。疫苗採購合約地圖(World Map of Vaccine Contracts)顯示,一小撮富裕國家已訂走全球大部份疫苗,超過國內使用量需求多倍(如英國3.4倍、加拿大3.35倍、歐盟2.3倍)。截至2月12日下單預訂的95.9億劑量,倘能平均分配,就足以涵蓋全球一半人口。疫苗國家主義加上有限的生產能力,造成人為的稀缺(artificial scarcity),阻擾各國公平分配疫苗資源。


全球公衛緊急狀態下,短期內如何讓世界各地的合格廠商提高新冠醫療用品產量?知識產權如專利權、商業機密、工業設計和版權,被視為主要障礙。不少跨國企業既不公開授權,亦無意願向製造商轉移科技。即使自願授權(voluntary licence),一般上都制定對本身有利條件給指定夥伴,控制後者的供應去向、售價標定。疫情初期,美國藥廠吉利德科學(Gilead Sciences,下圖)已立下惡例:摒除接近世界一半人口(包括馬來西亞),不讓這些國家從替代供應商以更低價獲取抗病毒藥物「瑞德西韋」(remdesivir,因缺乏藥效,現已遭世衛組織除名)。不乏可靠證據顯示,知識產權確為醫療用品及時普及化的一大障礙。


為此,南非和印度向世貿組織(WTO)底下的「與貿易有關的知識產權協定」(Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights,TRIPS)理事會提呈一項議案,要求成員國在全球冠病大流行期間,對冠病產品和科技,豁免落實、執行和應用與知識產權相關義務。在這之前,TRIPS協定力求所有世貿成員國,若符合標準和條件,需予相關產品(包括醫療用品)二十年專利壟斷權。





反對豁免提案者或許會說,目前TRIPS協定的伸縮性條約,包括政府頒發強制許可證(compulsory licence),足以應付疫情。但那不是通盤的解決方式,無法讓政府迅速因應全球公衛緊急狀態,及時控制疫情。

