Saturday, October 06, 2012

RIP Tony Sly (from No Use For A Name)

One of the most favourite songwriters to me. Your songs have been heavily influencing me since high school, mean a lot to me. I am really sad and shock, 'cause i just heard your news yesterday, although you have been passed away months before. I am honour to have at least once I saw you performing in full band in front of my eyes and up close in London. And I am deeply regret that I passed the chance to see the very last show of you performing just in my city (Hannover) right now, months months ago (i think it's in February or March).
I also did not know that you were having chronic and severe backpain and still performing to your fans for the love of music, although that meant that you had to take lots of painkillers and drinking alcohols badly to relieve the pain. That bad combination of lifestyle finally took the toll of you. My heart right now is so heavy.

Here are the acoustic versions of my most favourite songs from you, for the general music listeners who come to know you only for the first time.


"Black Box"

"International You Day"

"For Fiona" (his daughter)

"Not Your Saviour"

"Coming Too Close"

"Let Me Down"

"Justified Black Eye"

"Dumb Reminder"


Last show ever...

(someone posted on Youtube and wrote this description: When I posted video this just 3 days ago, I never imagined that this would be one of Tony's last performances. I literally grew up listening to Tony and No Use For a Name. He and Joey had a really rough day on 27 July; as they were stuck in an airport for most of it (and Tony hated to fly too). After the show, he was in good spirits and I feel so blessed that I was able to talk to Tony this evening. I shook his hand and thanked him for all of the wonderful music that he has written and how it has gotten me through some rough times. He then assured me that No Use For a Name would be back to Jacksonville soon - as it has been 7 years since they have performed here. He told me to drive safe and I never imagined I would learn of his passing just 4 days later. Rest in Peace Tony Sly!)

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