Friday, January 29, 2021



1) MCO压平曲线及筛检冠病迷思

- 听说MCO即将要结束不再延长,然后进入CMCO,请问MCO有达到政府的目标压平曲线控制疫情吗?下周已经可以安全松绑了吗?

- 一些商家、经济学者甚至是医药界人士也提出替代方案,允许经济和行动松绑,同时大力推广全民筛检作为重启经济和公共卫生的必要措施。请问这个建议和说法有根据、可行吗?
答:我認同,平衡經濟和公共衛生需要是必要的。我也認為,一旦疫情不受控制,即使沒有外在的限制如行管令,經濟也必定會遭受衝擊和損失。這個邏輯很簡單:我國相當大層面的經濟活動需要勞動力來操作,一旦有更多員工生病了、或必須被隔離而缺席工作崗位,或因有員工確診商店、工廠或企業必須停止營業操作,這些成本可能不少於目前MCO 2.0限制下的規定。過早的經濟和行動鬆綁會導致MCO的前功盡廢:看看去年12月初過早解除跨州跨縣禁令和外出人數限制,導致今天的局面。
至於更廣泛的全民篩檢是不是一個必要的措施?我的看法是,若不是被追蹤病例或在加強行管令區的居民,一次性的篩檢沒有意義。為何我這樣說呢?首先,各位必須了解篩檢的局限:受感染的前幾天不會被RTK Antigen或RT-PCR檢測方式偵查到陽性;再來,如果一位無症狀患者康復後,依然會被RT-PCR偵查到陽性,不代表他還有感染力,而他就必須承受10天指示居家隔離,若他是自僱人士就被迫斷糧了。

- 近来看到某某议员也通过某某诊所和医院,推销70或80令吉的RTK Antigen检测盒筛检配套,也收到私讯广告推销某些品牌的检测盒寄去家里自行检测,这样做有问题吗?
答:首先讓我回應後者:各位千萬不要自己購買檢測盒居家自行檢測。因為獲取樣本進行檢測必須是由有經驗的醫護人員來執行。自己或家人不懂如何正確刮取喉嚨樣本的話,結果出來是假陰性(false negative)就不足為奇;再來的風險是,你可能把協助你的家庭成員暴露在受感染的風險當中,因為當你張開嘴巴的時候,他必須近距離直接面對病毒傳染的來源。衛生總監諾希山前幾天也說明了,這些廣告推銷是非法的,因為任何醫療產品廣告必須獲得衛生部醫藥局批准,一般上要求非常嚴格。
再來,就如之前我所說的,全民篩檢有其局限和弊病,一次性檢測無助於防疫,反而增加了自己的虛假的安全感(false security)。那些推銷的RTK Antigen檢測配套,價錢也不菲;要知道若根據PERKESO的配套,僱主僅需繳付僱員40令吉,為何那些議員們可以推銷70到80令吉的配套?我只能說,這看來是一門好生意。

- 还有,最近有消息传出说公寓管理单位要求住户自行做检测,一些则要求外籍移工而已作筛检,请问这有必要吗?是否有助于防疫和抗疫?


- 安华挑战慕尤丁和政府的根据是什么?
答:安華以他身為國會在野黨領袖的身份,通過行動黨國會議員藍卡巴星代表,入稟法院申請司法審查(judicial review)首相慕尤丁給予最高元首的勸告不合法也不符合國家憲法,特別是針對在緊急狀態時暫停國會這事宜。所以,首相的勸告導致2021年緊急條例下的第14條,安華要求法院宣告不合憲法。
- 今年1月14日颁布的紧急条例里面有说明国会一定不可以开吗?到底应该要怎样解读?
14. (1) Bagi tempoh darurat berkuat kuasa—
(a) peruntukan yang berhubungan dengan memanggil, memprorog dan membubarkan Parlimen dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan tidak mempunyai kesan; dan
(b) Parlimen hendaklah dipanggil, diprorog dan dibubarkan pada suatu tarikh sebagaimana yang difikirkan sesuai oleh Yang di Pertuan Agong.
(2) Mana-mana mesyuarat Parlimen yang telah dipanggil sebelum tarikh permulaan kuat kuasa Ordinan ini tetapi belum diadakan adalah dibatalkan.
我來翻譯好了 – 在緊急狀態落實當兒,在憲法下的有關召開、休會和解散國會的任何法律條規皆無效;國會何時要召開、休會和解散,最高元首有權斟酌何時最為恰當如此做。
當然,安華的控狀裡提出在緊急狀態之下暫停國會不合法,在憲法下其實是有根據的。因為吊詭的是,緊急條例在最高元首名字下有小句留尾說:[Akan dibentangkan di Parlimen menurut Fasal (3) Perkara 150 Perlembagaan Persekutuan]

- 国会重开对于安华和希盟领袖来说,有什么作用? 为何他在记者会上强调他有什么人数反对紧急条例,还要说拥有朝野两边的支持,用意何在?

- 还有什么人马现在也加入行列入禀法庭挑战政府?他们之间有什么控诉上和策略上的分别?

- 你如何预测结果:紧急状态会持续到8月吗?国会会在紧急状态下重开吗?
答: 維持緊急狀態的正當性主要與疫情發展掛鉤,因為這正是首相慕尤丁的1月12日緊急狀態致辭的重點和提出的正當原因。除非政府有意不要那麼快壓下疫情,不然如果下定決心的話,應該可以在兩到三個月內壓低至一個安全水平。那麼,到了5-6月的時候,慕尤丁就得面對更大的政治壓力。而所謂緊急條例下成立的獨立委員會可能會‘勸告’最高元首取消緊急狀態。如果那能成事,我看很快我國就得要面對全國大選了,因為巫統已迫不及待要逼宮慕尤丁解散國會,不然就拉倒他。我看他也沒有太多其他的選擇…所以我目前只能期望他不要拿疫情和人民的健康和生命為他的政治賭注綁架起來!那是我的最大擔憂。

- 什么是环形疫苗接种?这个与全民疫苗接种策略有什么不同?

- 疫苗接种计划的接种对象的排序阶段是什么?政府计划的接种速度合理可行吗?

- 最大的挑战在哪里?政府能获得在预定时间获得足够的疫苗供应吗?

- 人民可以选择要打什么品牌的疫苗吗?

Unnecessary for condos to force swab test on residents

 Malaysiakini's interview report: Unnecessary for condos to force swab test on residents - medical experts

Third World Network public health researcher Lim Chee Han reminded that the public should not be superstitious towards swab tests but understand the conditions and constraints of getting screened.
He said swab tests have limitations, such as the inability to detect those who are newly infected. For those recently recovered from the virus, there can be a positive result when undergoing RT-PCR tests, even if they are no longer able to infect others.
Lim agreed with Cheong that swab tests could only detect whether a person is infected at a particular moment, and it is too expensive for the public to get tested regularly.
"I can understand why employers have to bear responsibility and screen their workers; this is because their workers have to go out and get in touch with others for work purposes.
"But why is there a need for condominium residents to get tested? After all, the costs are high (unlike pregnancy tests which are easier to conduct and cheap).
"Besides, a one-time test doesn't have much use in curbing the virus," he said.
The management should not carry out mass testing aimlessly, and it will only cost the residents.
"I think contact tracing is more important… unless there is a confirmed case in the building, then they can trace the close contacts and ask them to do swab tests," he added.
The Health Ministry previously announced that Covid-19 patients who are in "Category 1 and 2" will undergo treatment and quarantine at home while being strictly monitored by health workers.
Cheong worried that if the condominium management doesn't allow residents who have tested positive to enter, these patients will not be able to quarantine at home.
Agora Society of Malaysia policy researcher Lim Chee Han, a health economics and public health specialist, agreed that such measures contradict the Health Ministry's home quarantine requirement.
He said the ministry is getting overwhelmed because of the spike of confirmed cases, resulting in a slow down of Covid-19 tests conducted and the admission of those positive into hospitals. As a result, an infected person would not be sent to a hospital immediately.
On the other hand, Lim warned that if someone uninfected goes to high-risk places such as hospitals or clinics to get tested, their risk of contracting the virus will increase.
He further explained that a medical paper issued last May found that a Covid-19 patient's symptoms will improve on the fifth day upon symptoms onset; after the 10th day, their symptoms will be gone and they will lose the ability to infect others.
For those who are asymptomatic, they are considered as recovered patients 10 days after the date of their first positive test.
According to Lim, because of the lack of resources, it may take up to seven days for the Health Ministry to take a Covid-19 patient to a hospital.
Under the ministry's guidelines, a patient can be discharged after 10 days as they are no longer infectious.
Therefore, Lim pointed out that swab tests are not necessary steps unless the patients have very serious symptoms, or do not have suitable conditions for home quarantine.
Lim said that 80 percent of Covid-19 patients are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms.





1. 公寓是冠病传染或簇群爆发的主要场所吗?多少%的簇群来自公寓?
答:昨天在當今大馬公佈的病例發生的地點,就有7個是公寓的住戶。我不能確定有多少簇群來自公寓,因為去年10月,衛生總監諾希山已表明不會再以事發建築物命名簇群。在這之前以公寓命名的簇群有Menara City One Condominium , Kondo Sierra East, Condominium Hulu Langat.
由於出外工作的人終究需要回家,所以若有公寓出現感染病例不足為奇。但如果說公寓住戶因接觸到另一單位的住戶而受到感染的,恐怕並沒有像一般人的想象嚴重或容易。 對比工作單位,一大夥人可能在空間限制下同一時間一起操作。要知道,新冠病毒的傳染方式最主要是通過人與人近距離接觸。在行管令的限制下,公寓住戶之間的社交互動本来就應該不多,也不一定在同一時間會與其他住戶碰面,所以即使公寓裡有傳染病例,應該是住戶出外辦事或工作时不幸地被感染。
一般上,公寓裡最大風險的地方是升降機內,由於窄小密封空間造成住戶之間的人身距離靠近。其他要關注的是入門處手把、升降機按鈕等,但只要住戶記得回家勤洗手,公寓管理層有做好定時的消毒工作,其實也沒有什麼好害怕。 2. 既然大部分感染群是来自工作场所,要求公寓住户做筛检,是否有助防疫?

我要籲請大家不要太迷信篩檢的作用,要了解在什麼適當的場合和條件下使用比如說RTK Antigen和RT-PCR等的檢測。尤其對於前者,請公眾務必要參考衛生部的新冠指南Annex 4c。大家必須了解這些檢測的局限:比如說,剛染病的前幾天可能這些檢測方式無法偵查到病毒; 早已康復的無症狀受感染者也有可能被RT-PCR偵查到病毒的殘骸,不代表他還有感染力,等。但篩檢的最大問題是,到底需要多頻繁,要做多少次才有效?即使結果正確是陰性的,不代表那人隔天就不受感染,是吧?
目前衛生系統已過度操勞疲累了,衛生部也已頒布新措施也呼籲那些無症狀的密切接觸者甚至是確診的一級二級患者自行居家隔離(如果居家條件理想),我怎麼看都不需要一般公寓居民勞師動眾自行自費做檢測,除非衛生部通過病例追蹤鑒定哪座公寓有高密度和高風險如去年3月尾的Kluster Menara City One,該棟樓被EMCO lockdown。 3. 部分公寓的规定是针对移工群体:移工必须交检测报告,才能租房。这造成一些移工无法租房,这会有什么影响吗?
答:這些公寓更加不可理喻,這分明是有歧視的成分。根據我的最新了解,除非那些公寓是某些僱主向人力資源部通報為他們的移工勞力提供的正式住宿地點,這些篩檢還是由僱主負責,和公寓管理單位監督,這就不同。若不是這個情況,一般上,比如說落單和獨立工作的外籍人士住戶,他們不應該被約束。我不曉得這些公寓管理的做法是否合法,我認為非常有爭議性,甚至可以被挑戰。是否這些公寓管理層誤會了Perkeso的外籍移工篩檢政策,還是他們被誤導? 4. 这是否会抵触卫生部居家隔离(针对一级、二级患者以及密切接触者)的政策?甚至是违反传染病预防及控制法令?
答:我認同說這公寓居民篩檢措施是不需要的,也與你說的最新居家隔離政策相互抵觸,可能還會造成反效果——把原本沒有受感染的人推去高風險地點如醫院或診所進行篩檢,增加接觸到受感染人士的機會,這不僅違反了行管令限制外出的用意,也無助於防疫。 大家應該要了解,除非你有令人擔憂的症狀發作,即使你真的受感染了,80%的情況你是無症狀或輕微症狀的,大約10天后就失去了感染力,檢測結果是什麼已不太重要了也沒有了意義,反而你會增添你的財務負擔和精神緊張,再況且衛生部已過度操勞了無法為你做些什麼,或許結果還是一樣叫你居家隔離而已。所以,何不在這段期間充分地居家隔離,檢測能免則免?

Tuesday, January 26, 2021



With developing nations struggling to obtain vaccines, the WHO has warned that the failure of wealthy nations to lend a helping hand will affect the economy of the entire world. We speak to Dr Lim Chee Han for some insights.


1. From an economic standpoint, why is it important that all countries in the world get vaccinated?

CH: In order for the global economy to function at full capacity, it has to take care of the dimensions of global demand and supply of goods and services.

For production of goods and provision of services, the economic output in many parts of the world still requires labour and capital inputs. Before talking about the total productivity factor, one should pay more concern about the health of labour, our workers.
In a world without vaccine as we know by the end of last year 2020, when the pandemic was ravaging and lost control, borders were closed (and are still closed), many areas were under lockdown, many workers were forced to stay home due to quarantine order or at hospital or quarantine centres due to COVID-19. There were also people went unemployed due to pandemic-induced economic downturn. So, from the economic point of view, it is bad, because the labour force is not utilized at full capacity, productivity suffers. Economic inefficiency is obvious and wasteful.

Also, the prevalent lockdown policy also would suppress the public demand for more goods and services, this in turn sends a negative feedback loop to the local and global economy. In such gloomy economic climate, investment for certain sectors would go slow or significantly reduced, thus capital inputs would also be affected.

Vaccine is the game changer that most people on this planet eagerly look forward to receive, in the understanding that it will effectively and significantly prevent the spread of viral infection, once the herd immunity could be achieved. This is still a good presumption currently, no one knows if the current crop of vaccines would all produce the efficacy of giving us a long term protection.
Since the global economy is very dynamic, more than ever the businesses would want the borders to be reopened for free movement of people and goods, if many parts of the world are still not vaccinated, it would be unlikely that the world can go ‘business-as-usual’, even the vaccinated persons have to be extra cautious, because the vaccine protective effect is not 100%.

2. This is in a larger sense a picture of how interconnected our global economy is. Could you break down for us how it impacts wealthier nations if developing countries don’t have the same access to the vaccines?

CH: As I have described just now, if the developing countries are still bogged down by the pandemic at uncontrollable rate, majority of the populations would be either sick or quarantined, economy got badly hit, people go unemployed, why do we expect the people in this part of the world still go on buying goods as usual from the developed countries? Surely the global aggregate demands for certain goods would be affected, because developing world is actually more populated than the advanced countries.

What about the outputs of raw materials, intermediate goods and products badly required by the developed countries, if few people are able to work on those? Thus the production lines and value chain in the developed countries would also face disruptions. Even if they don’t, they might have risk due to uncertainties about the pandemic situation in particular countries.

3. It is estimated that a delay in getting the pandemic under control could lower our global economic output by USD4.4trillion. What does this translate to in practical terms across the world?

CH: USD4.4trillion is simply an astronomical number, ordinary folks probably can’t get their heads around it. But if we put it in percentage, it means 5.7% drops of annual global output, compared to the level before the pandemic. Mind you, this is not the worst case scenario projection (USD9.2 trillion). In short, this means further global economic recession.

We also have discussed just now about how interconnected and dynamic is the global economy. Yes, a significant reduction of the global output is the big picture, but we need to scrutinize the effects down to the level of local economic sectors and how this phenomenon could snowball into massive socioeconomic problems in particular locality where the main economic activities are severely affected. We should understand that the pandemic effect hits some sectors at different magnitude and impacts.

4. How much of a priority is timing? In the sense that, does everyone have to be vaccinated at more or less the same time?

CH:When it comes to fighting pandemic, timing is at a premium. The goal is to achieve herd immunity as soon as possible, many countries give a timeline of 1 to 2 years, if they are fortunate enough to get hold of the vaccine orders.

Our Malaysian government gives a timeline of 1 and a half year is sensible though the challenges are huge. Given that we have about 33 million of population, it is practically impossible to vaccinate everyone at ‘more or less the same time’. In my understanding, the government had already set out a plan to vaccinate the population in 3 stages, first priority is given to the most vulnerable and risky populations such as frontliners, elderly and patients with co-morbidity, then come down the priority according to risk level.

That is only the vaccine delivery challenge. We need to talk more about the global challenge of vaccine production, procurement and logistics, too.

5. We see wealthy countries having much better access to the vaccines, and in a sense, leading to some amount of hoarding. Is there a way to get them to share?

CH: According to Duke University’s Global Health Institute, a small group of rich countries — comprising just 16 percent of the world’s population — have locked up 60 percent of the global vaccine supply.

Few days ago, the news reported that 39 million doses of vaccines have been administered in 49 wealthier nations, while Guinea is the sole low-income country on the Africa continent to receive doses, with only 25 people being inoculated so far. This shows the global vaccine inequality and shameful disparity.

Although the COVAX facility led by GAVI, CEPI and WHO, promise to deliver 2 billion doses for the 20% population from the 92 low income countries by the end of this year, only 5 vaccine producers showed commitment so far, one of them is Pfizer, they agreed to provide only up to 40 million doses, far short of the target.

Personally, there should be interventions from the world leaders and authority such as UN and WHO, to ensure the vaccines, as well as other medical products and equipments being shared equitably and efficiently. The time is now.

6. If we could look at some sectors in the economy, which are likely to be more affected without a vaccine?

It goes without saying, tourism-related sector is dying. Also, events-oriented economic activities especially those which involve mass gathering of people, for example, exhibition, concert, football game, even cinema, under SOP they would be only at best operating at sub-par of maximum capacity.

6a) And briefly addressing tourism - will we be able to travel again, if let’s say half the world isn’t yet vaccinated?

CH: Have you heard about a thing called ‘green bubble’ travel zone? That’s when both sides of countries got the pandemic under control within their own borders, then the bilateral cross-border movement could be made possible. Vaccination would likely help to achieve the desired effect of controlling the disease transmission, but even without that, some countries such as Taiwan and Vietnam can show that they could handle the pandemic very well.

Yes, we will be able to travel again one day on the aforementioned conditions, but perhaps we still have to observe the SOP wherever we go. The world is still not safe until all is safe.

7. Does the Covid-19 pandemic point to a place where globally we do need to have our health systems more in sync?

CH: The design of health systems could vary from country to country, and would likely to stay so, due to historical path-dependence factors for respective countries. It is very complicated to ask the health systems to ‘sync’. The set up is probably very much embedded into the social and culture of a particular country, take an example, NHS in the UK.

So, I would say rather say, information and knowledge sharing, resources sharing and more cooperation would be more tangible for many countries to come together, especially when facing global pandemic health threat.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Contact tracing and asymptomatic close contacts at home

 It is very unfortunate that our MOH already came to the stage where they could hardly keep up with the close contact tracing. They might have worked way past their capacity given what was reported in the news. The challenging situation could be very real and daunting - the average daily positive cases for the past 7 days is 3405 (13-19 Jan) , imagine if one newly confirmed patient has been in touch with 10 persons which could be later identified as close contacts, just on the number of phone calls alone, the ministry has to make over 30 thousands of calls a day!

It is not only the initial phone calls, the MOH officers also have to evaluate and follow up the situation for each and every close contact, and make logistical arrangements for them if required, for example, pick up for quarantine/treatment or arrange for testing.
The amount of workload should not be underestimated, while the number of officers and teams might not get expanded that quickly even if the MOH has done 'redeployment' to help out with the impending COVID-19 disease control tasks. Trying to tackle the overwhelming workload that creates more and more backlog is just not working for the system , in fact it stops making sense anymore (eg. being contacted after one is recovered).
The new directive for asymptomatic close contacts to stay home quarantine without testing may have saved considerable work burden for the MOH and actually this is also in line with the WHO guideline "Home care for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 and management of their contacts" issued on 12 August 2020, Still, this directive does not excuse the task for our health authority to identify, inform, evaluate and follow up with the close contacts. Thus, the backlog of close contacts not made it in time for tracing, this will become a big problem.
Recently, many also probably have heard from someone who had been infected, that he/she had to make personal communication first to notify those who are potentially at risk as close contacts, so that the latter could get prepared to self-quarantine before MOH could tell them so. Some of the contacts could barely live with the fear and uncertainty hanging on their head, decided to go first seek for COVID-19 testing in private settings. Even delayed contact from the MOH could leave many members in the community in great anxiety, and some may make the wrong decision and action for themselves, aggravate the situation.
Public should also understand the rationale for the new directive (on asymptomatic close contacts to stay home), it may not be the most desired thing for the MOH to do, but it could be the temporary solution at the moment. The MOH could no longer scrutinise the movement of the close contacts, hence it is imperative that once the close contact is being identified and notified as such, he or she plays the part of keeping others safe by observing the home quarantine.
It does not mean that asymptomatic close contact should simply go out and break the home quarantine order (given that the person won't even get a pink bracelet on his/her hand to be identified with), the whole community and the health authority would have to count on them having the discipline to observe the quarantine order. The Sivagangga cluster back in August 2020 already informed the nation the cost of personal indiscipline to the communities. Fortunately the plan ('new directive') could work better due to MCO 2.0 being imposed now, such that those close contacts should have no good reason to go out of the house anyway.
KKM should try expanding the local contact tracing teams especially in districts/areas with greater disease burden. If necessary, they should source help from the community and train more volunteers on the tasks performed for contact tracing.
It is true that only if the contact tracing system is still intact, the government could stand a better chance to get the pandemic under control and flatten the curve. The more close contacts not being traced , the greater the risk for community transmission unchecked.
For the time being, stricter MCO may need to be implemented if the situation in the coming weeks is still not yet under control, the government has to look into reducing further number of people going outside and get exposed in the community.

Inputs given above for the final Malaysiakini article:

Experts: Rope in more people to help with contact tracing

...Monash University Malaysia public health and health systems researcher Mark Cheong echoed the Gopeng MP’s proposal, saying other ministries could also contribute human resources.

“The government may want to consider reassigning manpower and resources from other ministries and government agencies to perform contact tracing operations,” Cheong said.

To further target its response, health economist Lim Chee Han proposed that the ministry trains voluntary contact tracers to be placed in red zones.

“The ministry should try expanding the local contact tracing teams, especially in districts or areas with a greater disease burden.

“If necessary, they should source help from the community and train more volunteers,” said Lim, the Third World Network public health researcher.