Friday, June 16, 2006

This is probably my last blog entry in June

Look at the timeline of my schedule, you will probably know why...

19-20th June: Final Exam - Protein Science (paper 1 & 2)
21st June: Leaving to Prague (for travelling ---early in the morning)
21-23th June: In Prague
24-28th June: In Jena & Dresden, East Germany ( visiting a friend there, and travelling, of couse not for World Cup matches, although i really would like to, if i have a chance)
28th June: Back in London.
28-29th June: Packing and clearing my room
30th June: Moving house, back to last year's student hall (staying temporarily for 2 months)

3rd July: Start working

Up to this point, after i come back from the trip, most probably i will be overwhelmed by the workload (or a huge 'project') of moving house. I don't think i have time to blog. Even if i have time, it's only at the night of 30th June.

Anyway, just wish you all having a good time (whether you are working, studying or in holiday) when i'm not around (or busy). Ya, give me all your luck, i need it badly for the exam next week.

P/S: just drop me a message or email, if you wish to tell me how much you miss me. :P

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Just received my Humanities and Language result

Yes. Just today. I got 'B' for both. I don't know the exact marks for my German Language course. a 'B' for me is just fair enough, not too disappointed. I could perhaps score better if i had a better performance in my oral test, and if i did not 'explore' too much in my courseworks (i lost quite substantial marks there, i know).
For my Politics Studies course (registered under non-credit course), i scored 67 marks, a high 'B'. Just another3 marks to 'A'. I'm quite pleased about it. I strongly believe that i could obtain 'A' grade if it's not because of my weakness in the language (English) that could penalize few crucial marks off. So far, this is my best score in Imperial College since the first year i stepped in here. Not even my major course (Biotechnology) could ever reach that score, sad right? This could maybe a good indicator for me, about where my potential lies. Indeed, a genuine interest in the subject could make you perform better in that specific area. I hope i do the same for my Biotech now, looking forward to the next year when i could choose my own favourite options.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


This morning, when i opened my mailbox, i found that there is a spammer/many spammer sent tons of unrelated comments in my blog, together with their links to promote their Poker website and etc. I felt outrage, then i just deleted them one by one. Due to the issue of blog security and better comments management, i decided to change the setting a bit - to allow word verification, after you type your comments. I don't know whether this is enough done to at least stop the interest of those spammers. Sorry about the inconvenience. Hope this won't discourage you from leaving me comments.

I will talk about some internet security issue someday.

P/S: i have only one week left to my exam. worry, worry... have to work harder and harder liao.

P/S: Yesterday's dance grading test went fine. I have confidence to pass those 2 tests. Although i was not perfect that day, but still i think it is good enough for me to pass. Thank you for your concern. I am so touched~

Wednesday, June 07, 2006






这个周六就是我的生平第一次舞蹈考试。我即将要考的是Ballroom(华尔兹waltz ,狐步 Foxtrot,和快步quicksteps)舞蹈。回想起从踏入大学的第一年至今,差不多都跳了两年,有很多很深的感受。舞蹈比赛也几乎出席了主要的大部分,赢得了两次(第4,第5名次),也曾是去年其中一场大专赛新人赛被寄予厚望的我校代表(虽然那时只止步于半决赛)。能跳到今天的地步是我从来不曾想过的。

曾经在竞赛队里有一位中国朋友(今年已不跳了),她坦率地告诉我,说她看得出我在舞蹈是没有天分的,但是对我的勤奋弥补先天的不足,赞许有加。当时,我听到她这么说,其实一点都不生气,因为我有自知之明。坦白地说,去年的我确实很努力地提升自己。一方面是来自我前舞伴的压力,再加上老师的谅解和耐心地教导。我看到了,也感觉到自己的进步。从第二年开始,事情就不那么顺利了。首先是那位舞伴‘另谋高就’(确实她有本事和天分),少了一位主要的压力和纠正者。另外,老师分配于我另一个舞伴。她本身是初学者。她就像我,没有一定的舞蹈天分。当时,她很努力配合及加紧脚步赶上我的水平,我也相当有耐心地协助她。奈何,我们并没有受到老师的器重,派遣加入学校的主队竞赛。她遇到了进步的障碍,再加上时间的局限(她是硕士生,很忙碌),难于兼顾舞蹈。老师开始对她不耐烦了,刻意冷落了她。那时的我其实也眼看着其他的新人都赶上来了,甚至比我跳得更好。而我却感觉在原地踏步。而本身的‘天分’问题又再重现我始终无法把握舞蹈音乐的节奏,还有我天生学习东西比较慢(尤其是我没天分的东西)。加上从本学期我平均每星期用在舞蹈的时间大大减少(自从休赛后),一开始我就很吃力地跟上silver medal水平的舞蹈课的进度,原因是上个学期因为忙于为比赛练习和忙课业,很多东西仍在学习着,包括了这次的考试舞步。不知为何,老师开始也对我很不耐烦了,到了现在好像放弃了我。她总是以我已有跳舞两年的资历,又是参加比赛的选手啦为理由,质问我为什么可以跳得比第一年新生还不如?她不明白,她所教的舞步,比如说‘狐步’其实我才在上个月才接触而已。近来几个星期她一直在课里数落我,针对我,大声骂我,到了现在连纠正我,回答我的疑问都省了,让我自身自灭。首先,‘狐步’的节奏我之前根本没有接触,自然不懂何去何从。我总得花一些时间搞个清楚。还有,当我连一些舞步都还没有完全确定时,我更难‘一心二用’跟着节奏。现在的情况,我跳得一点都不开心,每次都带着战战兢兢的心情上课(终于了解到我的那位硕士生舞伴的感受了),信心被老师大大打击了。我知道她没有义务每时每刻都体谅我,了解我的处境和感受。可是,她的方法一点都帮不上我。(或者她也许现在都不想帮我了)不明白为何不能好声好气,耐心地教导我?难道她是真的不知道我需要花时间学习和熟悉它吗?我做错了,或做不好,或没听懂你的意思,她可以不要用那种面孔,那种语气对我说话吗?haih~ 没有天分的我,我还能说些什么了呢?

Sunday, June 04, 2006




Lost love

这是我在其中一条伦敦街后巷发现的涂鸦壁画。本人觉得蛮有意思和艺术的。所以拿来与大家分享。到底它要表达什么,就留待大家去诠释吧!涂鸦壁画有时是可以很 有艺术的,或传达某种讯息,不一定是破坏市容的。希望大马的涂鸦者可以有多一些艺术和文化气息,不要整天都只写或画粗口或色情的东西而已。

Thursday, June 01, 2006

汪洋中的一艘船 Sailing in the sunset


You can decide your own fate. The direction that you steer your life-journey yacht is in your hand. Remember to seize every opportunity when it comes. Even if there's no luck at the moment (no wind blows), you do not have to be upset. Just sit down and take a look around -- this world is still wonderful.