Friday, July 27, 2012




我是人在理科,其實心系人文科。我沒有後悔過我當初的選擇,現在我是兩邊通吃的人。我承認當初我也存有人文科無法為我未來工作‘升值’ ,‘沒錢途’的利益考量,而最後沒有選修中文系或政治/社會學。



Wednesday, July 25, 2012


那天,你我在晴空萬里的北海自由翱翔比翼齊飛 ^^

Sunday, July 22, 2012

a truly inspiring TED talk on School Education nowadays

Truly inspiring and witty TED talk by this speaker below about school education nowadays that is killing creativity and richness of kids potential to be something great. This talk was 6 years ago, but all talk points still stand today.


1) 這篇梁友瑄撰寫的《獨立新聞在線》文章,也是本周我要推薦的。









梳邦烏達瑪國中華文學會-- 十年飛逝

看了梳邦烏達瑪國中華文學會的最新執委名單,有點感慨時光的飛逝,長江後浪推前浪,轉眼間我已離開那學會有十年了。所有名字我都不認識,除了現在的口才組(辯論組)組長-- 是我以前戰友李馨怡的妹妹咧!










Sunday, July 15, 2012


窮人只好這麼說咯,用大自然來詩情畫意一番 :P


3年的等待 -- 趙明福命案沉冤待雪




Saturday, July 14, 2012


那天在大學醫院的食堂,我與台灣室友吃飯聊天,例常向對方談起各自國內的新聞。恰好那天的新聞頭條之一是李宗偉拿著‘黑心金條’愉快的模樣。我就對他說有跡象顯示Dato李是國陣的支持者,而那金條產自黃懨懨選區內的黑心礦場。他說,有什麽好奇怪的,Dato李是國陣的人是自然不過的事;理智地想,到底是誰一直給他機會、贊助他、對他好呢?經他一這麼說,確實我覺得有道理。英文俗語說:Never bite the hands that feed you, 這也許就是Dato李的寫照。

無論如何,即將在3周后前往倫敦觀賞奧林匹克羽球決賽的我,還是會希望在決賽看到他。我也會放下政治歧見支持Dato李拿金牌為國爭光。我其實同時也希望他能憑良心認清那金塊的來由,然後拒絕那黑心的賜賞,這樣才能夠獲得全國人的尊敬 -- 即使不直接說明是爲了勞勿bukit koman居民的健康,也可以顯示他體育家精神,不為錢財而戰!

How to change Malaysia from Overseas

1) Read news from independent online news portals regularly, such as Malaysiakini, Merdekareview (Chinese & BM), MalaysianInsider (free). Don't just read news and absorb what is on the surface. Do read also opinion, column or news analysis articles to deepen your understanding about certain issues and learning more of the background. The depth of your understanding and knowledge would be very useful to form your own critical opinions later. (one shall also read broadly on world's issues, so that one can take good examples from other nations to improve our own)

2) Share the news article you read (which is very worth recommending) and share your ideas on Facebook , Twitter or Blog. This will encourage constructive discussion and interaction with some other fellow Malaysians. You will later found that you are NOT alone in this path to a better Malaysia, together we could make it. It is always nice to find like-minded Malaysian 'comrades' living abroad in this way.

Join also Facebook  Pages such as:
1) 1M Malaysians Reject 100-storey Mega Tower (
2) Curi curi Wang Malaysia (
3) MediaRakyat ( - for those who wants to get more political video updates.

3) Do involve yourself activities organised in your area. If you could, organise one yourself also, be it formal or informal one. Set up a group or an organisation, would be easier to keep everyone together and serves to attract interested members in future. Sometimes activity as simple as Forum or Talk doesn't seem very impressive, but very useful to upgrade your mind. Various groups at Overseas should share the same common vision and limited resources. Collaboration and interaction with each other should be greatly encouraged. Then, this could push further the momentum of change.

4) Go back home to Malaysia once in awhile, and take the initiative to talk to your family your friends (in your kampung) about your opinions, spread the words and explain to keep them informed, if they don't know or don't understand something. This is for the benefits of them also.

If all of us are doing these 4 points, this will generate ripple effect. Well done, I can see the change is coming soon =) Knowledge and information, plus Actions, will make ordinary powerless citizens becoming very Powerful! Those are the best thing to equip ourselves against a corrupted autocratic regime (generated from a fraud and biased Election mechanism) . No, we are not ANTI-government, we just wanna CHANGE government. We believe in genuine Democracy, and we will push for it for the better future of our motherland =)

Saturday, July 07, 2012





‘男主外女主内’的观念在东方社会至今还很盛行。照顾孩子和管家似乎是女性天生无法推卸的责任,即使是职场妈妈也没例外。但是在一个真正男女两性平权的社会里,男人亦可做全职爸爸。 我女友在瑞典求学时就见识到不少推婴孩车买菜的全职爸爸 (延伸阅读:Sweden: Land of the Stay-At-Home Dad

Manpower Research and Statistics Department &  Singapore Department of Statistics, Oct 2011





1)Are Malaysian Women Interested in Flexible Working Arrangements at Workplace?

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

A dichotomy between Private and Public (in Facebook)

Weekends ago, I spoke to a friend whom I did not have direct communication for quite sometime, at another friend's wedding ceremony.

I remember one very interesting part of our conversation (besides that insight he provided me about football betting industry) was about the usage of Facebook.

To him, Facebook should be seen as a private sphere, one shall not invade people's (wall) space too much with pushing/hard selling some business or political ideas. He wants to put Facebook for lighter use (such as entertaining news and jokes) and for updating with other people's life. He would not have a second thought to put a strict restriction to those users who 'violate' his privacy space.

To me, I see Facebook as a virtual public space. Spams and forceful direct-selling , of course I don't welcome too. However, my intention is always to make my Facebook wall and its news feed open to serve as an informative and learning centre, a public place where opinions and thoughts exchanged are greatly encouraged. I enjoy the freedom of speech or expression there, not only to spread my ideas, thoughts or opinions, but also be able to exchange with others and join others' discussion. For sure, in order to achieve that, I must have that set of friends who are more often than the rest to make a positive contribution and to share their original thoughts that spark the discussion or debate. There are some 'friends' in my list, are public figures or bordering to public figures. Some might not really know me in real person before FB, but FB just manage to expand my social network , to bridge me with other like-minded personals. Through that process, FB benefits me a lot, widen my knowledge and perspectives.

Despite I am enjoying also light moments on FB wall , and delighted to learn about others' life, I am rather conservative in sharing my private life. I guess, I quite rarely use FB to tell people about my whereabouts, about what I did at that time point, to rant or grumble about certain things or person (within my real life circle). I only spread my words about the current status, if there is any big event happening or had happened, at which my friends are supposed to know or get updated about. I do not intend to spam people's wall with daily itinerary, just because I don't think that would benefit much to those who read it. I do think that, the real life interpersonal relationship should retain its role, should not be distorted by the virtual social networking. If you care about someone, you would take the initiative to ask his or her well-being, and probably invite him or her out to get together and update with each other. For friendship, direct face to face meeting is still always the best and the most sincere way of  communication. It is also the best sign and gesture of appreciating someone. =)

Sometimes, some personal feelings or thoughts, I would rather to share them only on my blog, because the blog is certainly a private space of mine. There is still a huge difference between FB and Blog. Most of the people would just let the news feed passively flowing onto FB wall, and they read it not because they initially want to nor that they genuinely care to know about it. For personal blog, it is different. If someone really cares about me, he or she would perhaps bookmark my blog, and go take his/her initiative to check me out just because they care to know about me. In blog, they could seldom miss my post ('coz I am not a heavy blogger), but on FB news feed or FB wall, very soon the post will be fading into backlog and you probably don't notice it anything you have just missed. Blog is my space, I have the total freedom to do what I like , without causing some sensitive people discomfort or irking some others just because they think I took away some precious seconds of their attention and have spammed their wall (should they not enjoy my post). However, I would feel shameless and guiltless to post or to share something on FB, if i deem it to be informative, inspiring or could benefit someone (if not all friends). Sometimes I could also well tune and target my audience differently by using specific language I know, due to a diverse background of friends I know from all over the globe.

科学系统式训练 Result of scientific habit


我觉得这都是科学系统式训练来的结果 ;-P

I realise that, even though I am writing articles for my chinese bi-weekly column, I found myself difficult to withdraw from the habit of first seeking for supporting figures and facts to support my point of views and my argument.

I believe that , this is a result from the scientific training.

Sunday, July 01, 2012


近期很值得推薦的一部中文電影《第一次》-- 採用法式浪漫主義的小品電影拍攝手法(cinematography) (如Amelie般唯美非現實,色彩豐富),劇情非直線敘述并有出乎預料的曲折,對白和場景設計很特別,再加上非常動聽的電影原聲帶(如果你也喜歡一些搖滾音樂會更讚賞)。

在觀賞這部電影前,沒有抱有太高期望的我,最後竟有如此的驚喜,意外收穫,開心 =)



