Monday, January 30, 2006



我亲自下厨两道蔬菜佳肴- 马来风光蕹菜和红酒芥兰。此外,我也首次尝试烧了叉烧肉。结果,全部我都很满意。有朋友说,我的叉烧烧的味道像肉干,让她想念起肉干了。她说,这不含任何的贬义,只是说,像肉干的叉烧哪里找?哈哈不错吧!其余的精华有Andy 的北京帝王鸡,炸饺子,和肉碎香脆杂菜蒸日本豆腐。Dave的好菜有:咖哩羊肉和羊骨汤(不在照片里,他竟然没有摄影到自己的菜肴,是不是很奇怪?)。Boon Koh 则负责煮茶叶蛋,和上海春卷(与他朋友合作)。感觉不错吧?是不是也很每道都想尝一口?那晚只有八人,十道菜式晚餐对于我们来说实在是有点太多了。本来预算我们的屋主会参与其盛,可惜他失约了。我们只好把剩余的食物留起来给另一天的午餐或晚餐。

除夕半夜,像往常一样,爬墙穿越过已关闭的Hyde Park到隔岸Bayswater的朋友家去参与他们的Party。这并没有什么好提的。比较突发的是,在去Party前,突然转道到佳影的家去拜年(到了她的家门才call她),手信是两粒柑!

今 天,还是去了 唐人街(应了朋友的邀请吃点心)。今年的唐人街感觉上比去年好很多,至少我还能在人群中穿梭流动。过后,还理了头发。我知道很多人一定说:‘这可不行呀! 这是新年禁忌。’我可管不了那么多。当天的理发店顾客超少,一进去就可以直接接受理发服务。再加上理发师没有压力,可以慢慢用心地剪我头发直到我满意为 止。开心。


P/s: 很多人看来还是不明白我的MSN personal message放着的句子:去年没有‘鸡’到,今年很‘狗’。也许只有中马区的朋友可以明白这句话的含义?我可以肯定我的弟弟和康辉一定懂。


Happy Chinese New Year 2006!!!

I just had a great dinner yesterday night, that was CNY's eve. All our housemates had put some effort to make a big, wonderful, special yet delicious reunion dinner. We had around 10 different dishes. I cooked 3 -- 2 vege dishes (Sambal Belacan kangkung, Red Wine Kai Lan) and 1 roast Char Siew! (One of my friend said my char siew taste like 'Bah Gua' -- well, i take it as a compliment since she likes this taste very much-- a Char siew with Bah Gua taste, where can you find?) whereas, Andy cooked Beijing Emporer's Chicken, Mince meat with crunchy vege steamed Japan Tofu and fried dumplings. Dave cooked mutton curry and mutton vege soup. Last but not least, Boon Koh cooked Tea-leaf boiled eggs (char ye dan) and Shanghai fried spring roll (with help of his friend). Altogether 10 course meal, isn't it tempting for you to join us? hehe... we only have 8 people that time (including our friends as our guests), just can't finish everything. No choice but reserve the food for the next day.

Today I went to chinatown this afternoon for dim sum lunch. Nothing special to mention about. Crowded. But this year it is better than the last year, where i still got space to squeeze among the crowd to find my way through. I even cut my hair on the Chu Yi day. Well, i don't care about all kinds of the end, i am still a science student.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

狗年走 _ 运



最近我的情绪并不是很稳定,对于我的学业问题感到很茫然。也许渐渐失去了信心可以继续我的硕士年因为我感觉到要平均在各科都必须获得B / second upper 以上,对我来说是件很困难的事。何况去年的最后3张会考,我拚了全力,原本期望其中两科可以获得 B 的,结果还是很失望。我到底能不能进入第四年,在今年暑假时就可揭晓了--或许都不用等到那么久。这次的考试就有好看了。唉~ 也许我是真的失去耐心了?距离考试大约还有少过三个星期。祝我好运了。

当然,今年的新年是狗年,我不想走‘狗运’。无论如何,祝大家新年快乐,万事如意,红包寄过来!(对不起,不收email version 的)还有,我想念新年糕饼。我可不可以与你们分享一些你们吃的,好吃的不要帮我吃!

Sunday, January 22, 2006


目前的我正积极面对着考试,也感受到考试带给我的压力了。(考期是二月15日至17日,两科主要科目)。与其说我要争取更好的成绩,倒不如我先担心我可能连去年考取的成绩等级都会失守。这是我较实际的担忧。我曾检讨过为什么我不会做得特别好。首先,‘特别好’在很多人的定义是要获取第一等级学位。我在心态上从来都不追求这东西-管 它叫虚荣也好,功利也好,或正面意义的学术能力也好。我认为,我是有可能可以达到这地步的,如果我肯放下我身边很多的活动或个人兴趣。是的,认识我的人都 知道我的兴趣实在是太广泛了。我的个人兴趣也是我的生活的一大部分,难以分割。虽然我是来到远方求学,我的生活平衡还是必需兼顾。我不希望只是过着读书的 生活。

确实,我会每天 用不少的时间阅读网上新闻,也许也会花些时间在娱乐方面(音乐,电影)。我的确因为额外选修政治学和德语班,而用不少时间专注在那些方面。不少人,甚至我 妈都会嫌我参加舞蹈会浪费太多的时间,再加上本身也参与不少其他的学会。但是,我不认为那是我的成绩不好的导因。

我必须承认的是我有面对学业上的一些难题-比如说我读书/温习功课时的专注力不够,读书的效率和进展总是很慢。很难说那是为什么-- 也许我满脑子总是有太多的东西想,也许我不会拒绝别人或外在的诱惑,也许自己碰到不喜欢的科目领域而萌生起的逃避心态有时自己对此蛮懊恼的。

再说,一个不争的事实,自从Form 5 开始,我的学业表现疲弱,逐渐走下坡路这可能与我的心态上的转变有关系。对我来说,读书的意义是真的为了获取有用的知识,以便将来可以实践它,运用在生活。成绩并不能说明些什么--最重要是你读书的热忱。到底什么是你的目的或驱动力才是每个人必需回答的问题。我从来不把在大学所选修的科系当作未来‘赚大钱’的跳板。想象一下,潜意识首要目的是‘赚大钱’的医生或律师会是一个怎么样的人?崇高的职业道德和任务去了哪里?






I will have my first 2 major exam papers in middle of the next month. Currently I’m striving hard in the preparation for it. My fear is that I could not even ‘defend’ my last year’s grade – which is not very satisfactory too. My aim is only 2nd upper class and above, is it too demanding? No. I don’t think so. But it is already a very big challenge for me to achieve it.

I’m facing my study problems also – my progress doesn’t look good. You can say it’s not efficient or just too slow. Perhaps I get too many distractions and also I am not good in declining ppl’s invitation (to chat or to go out, etc). Also maybe it is due to the fact that I am kinda in the ‘escapism’ mood when I encounter those topics in my subjects that I really don’t like.

Although I understand my obligation as a student (in one of the top universities in the world) here at overseas, I cannot disrupt or concede my healthy and balance way of life that I’m living now just to acquire my grade as high as 1st class honour. I do not really care about how the grade will look like, as the knowledge I learnt in university is for the practical application in my life in future. Result is merely numbers and alphabets which mean nothing, if you do not use the knowledge in a constructive way with the respectable objective committed for your profession. Instead of ‘what is the grade you obtained in your degree’, I rather being asked ‘what is your contribution to the society, country and your people with the knowledge you learnt at overseas country’.

Sometimes, I admit that I am weak in my will, I need more support or more motivations from my friends. I hope them not to assume that I should have no problem with my life (esp academically), like how they remind me in the past when elementary or secondary school period.

Friday, January 20, 2006

吳淡如的幸福人的座右銘 (改版)

有一天,我在朋友的博客网游览,读到她说她最近很喜欢一本吳淡如写的书,尤其是书中的一些蛮有意义的句子。她就摘节了 以下这三句放在她的生活记录。




有 一天,北极熊要出门。不幸地,家门卡住了,锁上了。面对着关上的门,她又记得有人说过:‘‘如果老天爺為你關一扇門﹐一定會為你開一扇窗’。 想着想着,窗口果真奇迹般地为她打开了。她欢喜若狂。可是,问题来了... 她挤不出那扇窗,卡在腰部。那时,情急的她,泪如雨下,哭说:‘人人都有缺點﹐不能改良﹐也只好承認它’。 承认它吧,北极熊怎么改良还是北极熊,只‘缺’一‘点’人形。:P


Surat terbuka

Surat terbuka kepada rakan-rakan sekolah bangku saya yang amat dikasihi:

Merujuk kepada perkara lawatan ke rumah guru-guru pada Tahun Baru Cina tahun ini, yang disimbolik sebagai tradisi yang amat mulia bagi tahun lepasan sekolah kita, yang sudah berterusan banyak tahun yang lalu.

Saya beri sokongan padu kepada cadangan tze mun yang berlandasan. Yuan Mei ialah calon terbaik dan tersesuai yang saya boleh fikirkan untuk misi yang agak mencabar ini. Biarlah kita semua pun bekerjasama dengannya, agar tahun ini kita boleh mengadakan rancangan pengunjungan ke rumah guru-guru dengan berjaya!

Saya tulis kata dari hati saya dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Inilah adalah 'tribute' saya kepada Cikgu Pua and cikgu-cikgu lain yang saya hormati dan kasihi. Saya sangat inginlah melawati mereka, hanya tetapi saya tidak berupaya. Jadi, kepada sesiapa yang masih ada hati, tolonglah, janganlah sampai kesal nanti hendaklah menjumpa mereka (saya tidak bawa makna yang lain). Sila menghargai sementara sentiasa menjalinkan perhubungan baik kita dengan cikgu-cikgu yang masih berada.

Itu sajalah mesej daripada saya yang sedih jikalau rancangan tahun ini gagal sekali lagi.

Saudara Chee Han.

The picture speaks for itself?

I often received forwarded mail with pictures or with some news that are never heard before. Sometimes, people just forward it without second thought, because they believe that they do it for a good clause. I think, probably they hold on to this principle: '宁可信其有’, or '有杀错没放过’ (better wrong than do nothing), and just spreading around to ask people to beware of something or someone, or just to raise the awareness about some issues.
There were few times i received some defamation emails telling stories about some different guys (with their life photos on, in respective mails) that they were some bad guys from XXX college, who always cheat on girls and try to get the best out of them (eg. having sex around and dumped those gals after that) ... I often observed that the story is ridiculous and unreliable, i even suspect what is the intention of the initial mail sender - maybe out of jealousy or hatred , he/she did this despiseful trick to take revenge or humialiate someone. This is really a poison.
'Coz few months later, i read the news about the press conference from the 'main character' of the mail - the victim finally showed up and retalised all the venomous claims in the forwarded mail. His image is in jeopardize and was put under a great pressure and harrassment after the exposure of the forwarded email spread uncontrollable. He stressed, he did nothing wrong and the accuses in the mail are not true at all. Later, He reported this case to the police.

That is why i urge everyone who holds responsibility before circulating/forwarding any email that you haven't verified the truth. If you are not careful enough, then you might wrongfully put an innocent people in trouble that he/she doesn't deserve.

Just like this picture i put... it's a really quite misleading picture series. If you are observant enough, you would quickly differentiate the first 3 pictures and the 4th & 5th are not the same (me didn't observe it at first, but has been told by my friend). It is funny that they are still telling that the picture speaks for itself -- it is just a lie. Sometimes pictures can cheat you easily, if you didn't use your brain to distinguish the truth or lie. Think about it. Don't let this group of people incite the hatred between people so easily by this cheap trick. Do this for the world peace.

Thursday, January 19, 2006






我也没有忘记要谢谢那些没有忘记我的生日的朋友-无论你们是以写email,或在Friendster网留我Testimonial或留言,或来电或留简讯sms,或在MSN messenger留言,或寄送我电子贺卡等等的方式来祝贺我的生日- 我都非常感激。

最后,更要谢谢这些日子以来一直照顾我的屋友们。还有要谢谢他们为我安排这次的生日聚会晚餐。: )


Thank you to everyone who remember and did something for my b'day! I was happy, indeed.





也许我可能也会以双语出击,或单单只是英文- 那就要看我的方便咯!我打中文字的速度仍不很理想。若不为了省时,我肯定写中文!

Welcome to my first personal Blogpage! This is the site you would expect to see the true colour of me, or another side of my deep thoughts. I would scribble things here now and then about my life and what I am up to. Mostly I would prefer to write in Chinese, in favour to my mum who can only understand Chinese. But don’t worry, I will sometimes write a brief about what I just posted in English. Or else, you can translate my passage/post in online free translator :P Also another brilliant suggestion for you, PICK UP MANDARIN from now! Hehe I don’t mind to be your teacher, if you are willing to learn.

Old posts

Below this is the link to all my previous old posts about my life in UK (for my first year) :