我亲自下厨两道蔬菜佳肴- 马来风光蕹菜和红酒芥兰。此外,我也首次尝试烧了叉烧肉。结果,全部我都很满意。有朋友说,我的叉烧烧的味道像肉干,让她想念起肉干了。她说,这不含任何的贬义,只是说,像肉干的叉烧哪里找?哈哈…不错吧!其余的精华有Andy 的北京帝王鸡,炸饺子,和肉碎香脆杂菜蒸日本豆腐。Dave的好菜有:咖哩羊肉和羊骨汤(不在照片里,他竟然没有摄影到自己的菜肴,是不是很奇怪?)。Boon Koh 则负责煮茶叶蛋,和上海春卷(与他朋友合作)。感觉不错吧?是不是也很每道都想尝一口?那晚只有八人,十道菜式晚餐对于我们来说实在是有点太多了。本来预算我们的屋主会参与其盛,可惜他失约了。我们只好把剩余的食物留起来给另一天的午餐或晚餐。
除夕半夜,像往常一样,爬墙穿越过已关闭的Hyde Park到隔岸Bayswater的朋友家去参与他们的Party。这并没有什么好提的。比较突发的是,在去Party前,突然转道到佳影的家去拜年(到了她的家门才call她),手信是—两粒柑!
今 天,还是去了 唐人街(应了朋友的邀请吃点心)。今年的唐人街感觉上比去年好很多,至少我还能在人群中穿梭流动。过后,还理了头发。我知道很多人一定说:‘这可不行呀! 这是新年禁忌。’我可管不了那么多。当天的理发店顾客超少,一进去就可以直接接受理发服务。再加上理发师没有压力,可以慢慢用心地剪我头发直到我满意为 止。开心。
P/s: 很多人看来还是不明白我的MSN personal message放着的句子:去年没有‘鸡’到,今年很‘狗’。也许只有中马区的朋友可以明白这句话的含义?我可以肯定我的弟弟和康辉一定懂。
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Happy Chinese New Year 2006!!!
I just had a great dinner yesterday night, that was CNY's eve. All our housemates had put some effort to make a big, wonderful, special yet delicious reunion dinner. We had around 10 different dishes. I cooked 3 -- 2 vege dishes (Sambal Belacan kangkung, Red Wine Kai Lan) and 1 roast Char Siew! (One of my friend said my char siew taste like 'Bah Gua' -- well, i take it as a compliment since she likes this taste very much-- a Char siew with Bah Gua taste, where can you find?) whereas, Andy cooked Beijing Emporer's Chicken, Mince meat with crunchy vege steamed Japan Tofu and fried dumplings. Dave cooked mutton curry and mutton vege soup. Last but not least, Boon Koh cooked Tea-leaf boiled eggs (char ye dan) and Shanghai fried spring roll (with help of his friend). Altogether 10 course meal, isn't it tempting for you to join us? hehe... we only have 8 people that time (including our friends as our guests), just can't finish everything. No choice but reserve the food for the next day.
Today I went to chinatown this afternoon for dim sum lunch. Nothing special to mention about. Crowded. But this year it is better than the last year, where i still got space to squeeze among the crowd to find my way through. I even cut my hair on the Chu Yi day. Well, i don't care about all kinds of taboo...in the end, i am still a science student.