Friday, January 20, 2006

The picture speaks for itself?

I often received forwarded mail with pictures or with some news that are never heard before. Sometimes, people just forward it without second thought, because they believe that they do it for a good clause. I think, probably they hold on to this principle: '宁可信其有’, or '有杀错没放过’ (better wrong than do nothing), and just spreading around to ask people to beware of something or someone, or just to raise the awareness about some issues.
There were few times i received some defamation emails telling stories about some different guys (with their life photos on, in respective mails) that they were some bad guys from XXX college, who always cheat on girls and try to get the best out of them (eg. having sex around and dumped those gals after that) ... I often observed that the story is ridiculous and unreliable, i even suspect what is the intention of the initial mail sender - maybe out of jealousy or hatred , he/she did this despiseful trick to take revenge or humialiate someone. This is really a poison.
'Coz few months later, i read the news about the press conference from the 'main character' of the mail - the victim finally showed up and retalised all the venomous claims in the forwarded mail. His image is in jeopardize and was put under a great pressure and harrassment after the exposure of the forwarded email spread uncontrollable. He stressed, he did nothing wrong and the accuses in the mail are not true at all. Later, He reported this case to the police.

That is why i urge everyone who holds responsibility before circulating/forwarding any email that you haven't verified the truth. If you are not careful enough, then you might wrongfully put an innocent people in trouble that he/she doesn't deserve.

Just like this picture i put... it's a really quite misleading picture series. If you are observant enough, you would quickly differentiate the first 3 pictures and the 4th & 5th are not the same (me didn't observe it at first, but has been told by my friend). It is funny that they are still telling that the picture speaks for itself -- it is just a lie. Sometimes pictures can cheat you easily, if you didn't use your brain to distinguish the truth or lie. Think about it. Don't let this group of people incite the hatred between people so easily by this cheap trick. Do this for the world peace.

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