Saturday, January 20, 2007

Thank you!

我的生日才刚过了一天。虽然今年的生日不像第一年时搞得热热闹闹,很多人为我庆祝,然后较多的贺卡寄至我宿舍,但是那不是重点。重点是,今年我也很开心,因为我还可以继续收到我好朋友们的真挚祝福。即使是有些平时都没什么机会碰面讲话的朋友,也会通过email, Friendster, Facebook, sms, e-card,或在MSN祝我生日快乐。无论是什么方式,最重要是有诚意。所有有诚意的祝福我都会感觉得到,和深深感动。


我也要谢谢Andy,Dave(近来他比较喜欢我们叫他杰伟),和Tong。因为他们送我这个‘特别’的背包。hhmm... 那书包外形,设计,和素质都看起来很不错。不过,好玩的是那背包上的图形里的文字有点,err...那个。知道顽皮的他们是这样的啦,不过有时背着它出去时怕会被人笑咧!

Take a look at this bag i received from Dave, Andy and Tong:

Then take a closer look....

wahhh...i don't know what it really mean....i don't know/want to translate in Mandarin, please...

别怕明年后我们不能为对方庆祝生日,只要有心,何怕你我在天涯海角,我都会将温情祝福往你寄送!认识你是我在英国念书的其中一大收获,能做你的朋友更是我的福气,记得把握这段得来不易的缘分喔!(你真的是从网上学习做芝士糕的啊?那么厉害?不如也给我那网页吧,看我能不能做得比你更好吃?:P )

谢谢陪我吃生日晚餐(然后陪我玩扑克牌至深夜)的朋友,还有谢谢我的屋友Qi Zhen和Logan (not in the picture)晚上给我的惊喜蛋糕:

(the birthday cake is cute, isn't it? Dave is also...hehe)

Lastly, and not least, i want to thank all my friends who took efforts to wish me happy birthday in many ways. I appreciate it very much, even though it's just friendster message/testimonial, or Facebook wall message. Why? 'coz not everyone did it, but at least you show me that you do sincerely want to wish me. Among many, there are also some who i didn't meet or talk to often. For those my good friends who are still in M'sia who sent me sms, thank you so much -- i can feel the warmness of the sms flying 7000 miles across the continents (pls leave ur name there for me to identify you in the message -- coz the number from m'sia will only be displayed as UK no. most of the time)

Thank you everyone for making me a wonderful birthday. I was and am happy (until now).

B'day card front cover from darling ^_^


suayhwa said...

you know xiangying who is now studying in st andrews?

cheehan85 said...

hello suayhwa! you're her friend, right?

ya, of course i know her, if not how can i feature her blog link in my blog? ;)

suayhwa said...

haha, the world is quite small. im her hometown senior. she stayed with me in cambridge before flying off to spain 2 weeks ago.

you studied together in sunway?