Thursday, May 11, 2006


夏日假期期间(七月至八月),我将参与我大学的医学系院血液学(Haematology)部门的有关白血病(Leukaemia)的研究工作. 与其说直接涉及该研究,不如说我只是去协助教授和博士生进行实验研究。是的,我是自动献议成为自愿工作者,拿无薪工作长达两个月。就当作‘买经验’吧!毕竟大学级最先进前卫的研究正在进行中,是多么难得可以从中学习。也希望可以借此燃起我对科学研究的兴趣。
其实,我的确是很想回家,想念家人和朋友.现在,预计在九月初才可能回来.回来的时间只不过长达一个月而已. 然后,再回英国修读我的最后一年.时间过得真快,第二年就很快要结束了.有些感慨. haih~

I just would like to inform you guys that i already successfully applied a summer placement in UK during this summer holiday. I will start working as a lab assistant, in Haematology department of Faculty of Medicine in my uni, from early July to late August. I will be involved in the recent ongoing research about Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia to help out my professor. I expect to come back home only at early September. Ya, i 'pay' for my job, 'cause i volunteer myself for it. So don't think i earn a lot of Sterling Pounds and take advantage of me after i return (hehe, just kidding.) It is really not about the money. A lot of things you can't buy with money. Imagine how precious this kind of experience to me in this job opportunity. Hope this could motivate me and make myself show more commitment in Biotech or Biomedical field.
Sekian, terima kasih.

1 comment:

Wei Kang 小康 said...

nice nice....tell me more bout ur research exp next time...