Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Is a 'B' too much to ask for?

Why am i always destined to get 'C' for everything since i come to university? I feel disappointed and depressed when i just received my final exam results a moment ago. This time i've got another 3 'C' for my 3 subjects. I had given my best and genuinely hoping to see at least a 'B' in any of the 3 subjects. I felt confident with what i had performed in the past exams after walking out of the exam hall. I thought i can show something this time... not Consistently 'C' , makes me feel like 'C' is for Constant... why oh why? of coz you may comfort me that i 'C'an do it better next time... so many next time i have given my try... and still C the same thing. I want a Change, i just want to C 'B'etter result like at least a 'B'... why is it so hard? i never come this close before... i am a 'B'oy, give me at least a 'B'... i won't give up trying...will give my 'B'est to obtain at least that result... c'mon!!! B is not that 'B'ad , at least better than a 'C'urse! i must 'B'reak this 'C'urse!!!!

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