Friday, November 09, 2007
Contrast of applying a Police Permit in UK and in Malaysia
For the information of the event, please check this:
We'll do a rally outside Malaysian Students Department, which is located at Queensborough Terrace, Queensway, London , from 2pm to 4pm. We'll hand in the memorandum (same as the one back in M'sia) and take turn to give short speeches in order to voice out our views.
I just want to talk about my personal experience - the first time to deal with London Metro Police to arrange a gathering and obtain a police permit. To my surprise, it's so easy, nothing to be nervous about. They just wanted to know the nature of the gathering (what are we planning to do there), where is the venue, how many participants, what time the rally started and ended, who is the one in charge. That's all, and then they just gave me a Police reference number as an approved permit, asked me to leave them my number and told me to arrange with the traffic police department tomorrow, so that they could co-ordinate the traffic conditions on that day itself. So nice and smooth! I did not get a lot of questions regarding the purpose of this gathering. They just thanked me for cooperating with them and informed them about this. No troubles or intimidation. Wow... I guess the organizer in M'sia would be so jealous about this at this moment.
Soon many overseas students will be graduated, gone back to the country and serve there. They will be the elites of the society one day. I wish each one of them (including me) will be the conscience of the society and be a part of the change that our country desperately needed. I know many friends would turn down the invitation (as they don't like politics that much), but that's not the main point. At least they know about the noble cause why we want this rally and thus raise a bit of their awareness. My housemate discouraged me on the basis of why bother to ask many of my friends who are definitely political-apathetic to come? My reply is simple: for those who care about politics they already know where they stand, not too much to worry about. Therefore those friends who are political-apathetic, are the group of people we should really target at, to educate them about their rights and raise their awareness. To do that, no other ways, other than approaching them actively (also have to make sure not to bother their feelings too much, to be effective).
I'm still new in everything, just try to do my best for the good future of my country! This is how i love my country. =)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
我们可能在一段时间与某人逐渐熟悉后,就忘记做一些基本的礼仪,说一些简单的问候语。我们或许也开始作假设(make assumptions),以为对方依然是如此对你好,不需多操心了,或者一些举动是多余的。很多时候我们以自己的方式去关怀对方,自以为已达到目的了,没有去检讨自己的方式是否有照顾到或忽略了对方的感受。渐渐地,当体谅和关怀之心已不被对方感受到,就影响了双方的感情,开始出现裂痕。
他需要的也许不是花言巧语或哪些很难办到的事,可能只是你发自内心对他的主动关怀。’Say it when you mean it’ – 说些你真正在乎的话,哪怕那只是‘谢谢你’,‘对不起’,‘你好吗’,‘我想你’或‘我爱你’,让他感受到你的真诚用心。有些关怀方式看似很简单,却不是很多人能了解其用意及真正做到。若你已经麻木了,你可能已把基本的问候关心都忘了。
Friday, September 28, 2007
不少华人有时那样问:‘我爱这个国家,但这个国家爱我吗?’首先,国家不是人物,就好比如,你无法问土地,树林和河流,你爱我吗?第二,为何要这个国家爱你,你才可以爱这个国家呢?我会怀疑你说第一句时的诚意。第三,你爱这个国家的基础是什么?你会继续为它付出(施)吗,还是会因为自己没有得到(受)或得到不够好处而放弃爱这个国家?美国前总统肯尼迪曾说过那么一句著名的话:‘Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country’。若你真的爱上一个人,你会轻易放弃他吗,而不去思考你能为他做些什么?同样的道理应用在国家上。施比受更富有;无法/没有能力付出(施)的人的爱是贫瘠的。
Monday, September 24, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
This is a strong advice to the government today which its senior ministers announced the crackdown on the bloggers and cyber activists.
Quote: "We want blogs to be clean, a place to obtain accurate information, a reference point for honest opinion, not a platform to abuse and slander people," Nazri, minister in the prime minister's department, said.
Blogs and cyberspace are the breakthrough to obtain in depth information about the blackbox operations of the ruling party, and some insider stories about the opposition parties as well. One thing to be certain is, the mainstream news is never a channel to provide accurate information in the first place. They lost the credibility to pronounce that because according to the global chart of The Freedom of Press, they did even worse than some African countries. It is such a shame that we couldn't express our honest opinions about the governance. That's why many people are inspired and enlightened by the civil movement that demands a clean, and transparent government and Freedom of Expression, through cyberspace. I am very sure that many well-known bloggers such as Jeff Ooi, they are responsible, credible and mature enough in their writings and most likely could provide us the stories and analysis closer to the reality, than the mainstream media which tries to hide many things. I need not to give many examples, it happens just too often. The possible involvement of DPM Najib Abdul Razak in the Mongolian Murder case is the glaring example how the mainstream medias were instructed to hide the stories.
So, i urge the ruling party and the government to be brave to face public's scrutiny. If you do not do something wrong, let's not be afraid, but please be very afraid if you ever did. No matter how hard you try to hide is in vain. Just wait for the 'judgment' days -- we bloggers will not be afraid expose anything related to hypocrisy and corruption and abuse of power of what you have done. This thing will go down to history one day!
I know why these days you, the ruling party is so impatient with bloggers. Because you are afraid to face the truth now! If you think bloggers are simply slandering, abusing and defaming people, please clarify to us the real story behind which is different than the blogger's version. Come, sue them if you dare. This is still not Singapore, you cannot stop political awareness through cyberspace! Old and corrupt politics must die!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
在两个星期前的小学朋友十年大聚会,原本由于要迁就一些已开始工作的朋友,才从去较远的地方一日游改去吉隆坡一日游。结果那些被迁就的朋友最终还是选择了不露面。相反的,我的小学好友还特地从老远的柔佛士古来工大风尘仆仆赶过来,他的这种精神实在让我感叹 --- 那就是有心人和不是有心人的分别了。同样是已开始工作的另外两位朋友最后也是出席了。我大部分的时间身在国外,我非常希望能乘这个难得的机会见一见大家,有些人还是选择错过了。我觉得很可惜。
虽然地点选择在闹市的广场里和出席人数不是很理想(对于一个被称作‘十年大聚会’的聚会来说),我们同样很开心地度过了那一天。我们上去了KLCC的sky bridge,晚上还去了Luna Bar (那全都是我的第一次)。间中我们有说有笑,感性和疯狂时刻都有。我真的很感激,因为至少我还有一班朋友在乎。吊诡的是,我的小学母校是在巴生,但是当天出席的竟然没有一个人是来自巴生/住在巴生的。以前我小学朋友圈的MSN group网站也是半天掉,总是热不起来,好在这两年来看到了一些热心的朋友参与和贡献。记得去年年底,有一位朋友在我们的网站宣布她的结婚消息,即刻造成轰动!该消息的讨论区的参与度甚至创新纪录,一些从来没有在该网站留言的也来凑一凑热闹,很搞笑!我的老友思满做得最多—他甚至完成了一个不可能的任务--- 他做了我当年六年级M班的通讯录,也包括了部分老师的联络方式。真的不简单。我希望我们这一群小学朋友可以继续联系,来年再举办聚会。我更期待再10年以后会有另一次的大聚会!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Small thought
1)Always happy with what you have
2)Always work hard to pursue your happiness
Yea, we shall not trap in the frame of the mindset when comes to choices. Both answers are still THE answer you should select - they are not conflicting at all.
You should be happy with what you have because this belief will not make you easily letting go of something you would probably regret someday; in the meantime, you should always work hard to pursue your happiness, to bring up the level of your happiness, so that you could be happier with what you have achieved so far.
Happiness won't fall just right from the sky. Those who works for it would appreciate it better.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
It seems like there is no time for me to rest. I gotta move out of house before i can go back home! yea, I'm already waiting for this day for much too long. Looking forward to see everyone i miss. I'll be arriving on 3rd July. So, see ya! :D
p/s: I felt very strange that one day when i opened my mailbox, one of my blog entry suddenly becomes the host of a forum for discussion about my country. Very interesting. Maybe one day i'll answer them.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
My Webshot album is being featured!
That time i was still using my previous camera. I'm still not satisfy with my current semi-pro camera. Now it seems like i have good excuse to request for a better pro camera. :P
If you haven't visited my webshot photo album site, here's the link:
I will continue to contribute my effort, for the art of photography and the pleasure of the viewers. This is the only art i can do the best. ^_^
Looks like a deserted place? Update bout my recent life
Exam and further studies
My final exam was not too bad. There's very high chance that i can pass the minimum requirement to enter my master degree in Imperial College next (academic) year. Let's pray for me too, when the time comes (result comes out at the end of June). However, I failed to make it to Oxford University, haih... rejected even before i show my exam result to them. Nevermind. I'm quite happy to stay in Imperial College.
Moving House
The next thing is the mission of house-hunting. I'm confirmed moving out next year, to a new house. Since that possibly could be my last year of studying (unless i go higher to PhD), i might as well change the environment and aim for better living standard. After two years of staying 'underground' (basement flat), it's time for change. Some good and bad about this house. Furthermore, it's not up to us to decide whether we could stay. The house condition is much worse since the first day of moving in. Especially for this year. I have 'no eyes to see'. I already do my best, but when cleanliness and thriftiness are not other housemates' top priority or concern, i would just give in. Not that i did not do the role of controlling and correcting the situation, just that a habit is still a habit to some people. Now i wonder if we can return the house to the landlord as what it is like when we move in.
I will push harder prior to the date of moving out.
Once my senior had given me this advice, when he first moved out of this house. He said, it's not that this house is not good, but that was his housemate's decision. He said: 'It doesn't matter with which house you are staying... Good house is not hard to find, more important is who are you living with. Good housemates are not easy to meet and also each one is not easily replaced.' That sounds right to me now, i realize that some role of a member in a house are not just easily replaceable. Now i miss Andy. hehe
At current stage we have settled the group of housemates for next year. The only thing left is the house, since we're quite happy with each other (future housemates) now.
Ok. Update until here. I do have much more things to say, including some interesting stories...hehe. That's one 'scary story' happened at the 'backyard' of my house last time during my exam days. Want to know? tell you next time :P I have some thoughts to share about the current affairs of my country too, but once i start writing it, i'm afraid i just can't stop. I'll save it for next time.
Don't think i have nothing to do, this 6-weeks project is crucial to me. I'll keep myself busy with that. In the meantime i will update my blog once in a while.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Chronology of notes Borrowing
1) During that time, the first time i asked her about the first subject's notes borrowing. In principle, she said ok. But she was using it, she claimed. Then she told me to ask again when she finished revising on that subject. I agreed.
2) She took quite a long time, until we moved on to the 4th subject. This time we were parted. While i was busy with my coursework for this subject. She came and told me i could borrow from her now. But i really have no time to start revising on that subject while i totally lost the pace in this final 4th subject. It's meaningless to have it. Therefore I asked her whether i could borrow it later when i finish this course. She was not so happy and can't give assurance or guarantee.
3) Ok. Finally, i've done with all my final coursework (computer project) and German language tests. By that time the term ended, our Easter holiday starts to kick in. Now i want to start my revision on the first subject. Again, i called her up one afternoon, and wanted to talk about borrowing, she said 'I'm busy!' and shut me up without giving proper reason (or even excuse) on what she's busying at. I was irritated. I hate people, especially who i consider as friend being insincere and not honest by giving me excuse to muddle through (敷衍)me. If she told me she was using it or want to use it that night perhaps i could understand. But when i asked her, she said she didn't use and not using. When I offered myself to collect it at her door, she kept on saying 'I'm busy! no time!' and hung up... it's been such a long time i have no friend really treat me like this impolite. I was angry…really angry…grrr…
4) Later the next day, when we have our regular dinner (kitchen group) meeting, she handed the notes over to me, but ‘warned’ me that I could only use it for ONE DAY. I already ‘put off’ my fire, and asked her what happened to her yesterday. She said she’s just busy studying, didn’t like people disturbing… She implied that, when she said she’s busy, she’s studying…. Oh then only I understood bout her term used. I don’t ever know her ‘busy is only equate to studying’. She also mentioned that, even though she was not directly using it, she needed it for ‘cross-referencing’ (wow… what a nice word). I lamented her on that point, how come she couldn’t spend just few seconds explicitly said that and explained to me, so that I don’t feel insulted? Dave also joined in, said that she was selfish, coz she is only willing to lend me in less than 24 hours (even Library short loan couldn’t be any shorter than this). She rebutted, saying that no one can ask her to change or affect her study timetable, she MUST study according to her own schedule. Fair enough, she couldn’t just give me few lecture notes in parts (even I offer myself to give it back to her immediately to her room when she needs it), don’t allow me to photocopy her notes (scared that I will spoil her notes). I am speechless… damn, I said to myself, this is really really the last time I would borrow anything from her.
5) That night/day I was rushing like hell… could only manage to finish 6 lectures (12 hours of lectures), but only 1/3 of the whole subject. And then I returned it to her on time in the next dinner meeting (that was Tuesday). I was waiting the next time. She told me to ask her again on Saturday ‘night’. I said ok.
6) On Saturday, I called. She said cannot, tomorrow. I said ok lor (what to do?). On Sunday, I called again, she said she’s still using it, tomorrow again…
7) And today I called her around dinner time (7.30pm), she was angry… she meant that her ‘night’ is ‘after midnight’, asked me to take it from her that time. I couldn’t stand all her ‘weird’ definition of the term she used.
I caught fire again… Almost burst… (ok… after I am writing so much, I feel much better…) We shall see the next episode ‘tonight’… But if she didn’t keep her words again, I’ll tell her to eat her own notes!!! (it’s not like I don’t borrow I’ll die)
UPDATE on 1.07am
Finally, she lent it to me. At last she kept her word. As a true friend, keep a promise to me is very important. : ) Be frank and honest, is equally important too.
So, u guys know the way to upset me liao... haha, better don't if u r my friend~ :P
Monday, April 02, 2007
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Way to remember an order of sequence
The order is like that:
I tried my best to think of a way to link all words beginning with the alphabets in that order in a sentence.
First, i noticed B and F are together, almost automatically i filled in 'Boy Friend'. Then, i know i gotta add two adjectives in front. First, i put 'Dedicated' echoes to the characteristic of BF (hehe). Next, another adjective... hhmm... at first i can't think of many choices...then i went 'google' it. Almost instantly i got my result, with a page of adjectives all starting with 'A' ... wow... 'Amazing' is the first word i think is very nice. A lot of choices but I picked 'Awesome' :P
Next thing, after RNAP (RNA polymerase), should be a verb starts with a 'E' and i want the word of the following 'H' to be 'Her'...
So, again, i was puzzled. I can't think of many words, except 'eat' :P (well... a dedicated awesome bf can't 'eat' her/his gf). Then something funny came to my mind...'educate', 'eliminate', 'embarass'... all are not suitable, then i googled it again but without any immediate result. I sorted to find it in dictionary to see which is my best and favourite word. In the end, you know what? i found 'embrace' ^^
(a)' Dedicated Awesome Boy Friend (RNAP) Embraces Her '
Wonderful, isn't it? ; )
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Das Beste
es tut so gut wie du mich liebst
Vergess den Rest der Welt,
wenn du bei mir bist ~
* Dieses Lied wird nur für meinen Liebling gewidmet. : )
Song can be downloaded follows the link below:
Silbermond - Das Beste
Monday, March 19, 2007
肥胖的问题哪有男女之分? 还有,不是每个人都喜欢瘦巴巴的身材,也不是每个人都特别注重身材的.再况且也没有人对标准的身材有一定相同的看法. 我本身不认为有那种必要去认同某些人的定义或看法—审美本来就是多元化的。
Monday, March 12, 2007
Update about my life
Here's my little schedule for the upcoming events in the next few months to go (to finish off my undergraduate degree):
16/17th- Presentation of a research paper (not mine)
20th- an Interview for my Master degree in Imperial
21st- German level 2 oral exam
22nd- German level 2 written exam
26th- Deadline for computer lab project
23rd-27th: Final exam for all 4 subjects for this academic year (45% of my whole degree)
30th - June 14th: 6 weeks Final year project (15%)
15-19th: Viva (oral exam) bout my project
20th- 30th: holidaying + packing to go home! :) --> so looking forward to this!
I'm expected to be back in M'sia in early July.
For all these reasons, in this meantime, i gotta be serious. Honestly, i'm still lagging behind in studies while the final exam is only 6 weeks left. Although this is the last week of my last subject,and i will have a long holiday but i don't feel anything. Just a bit of anxiety and worries whether 4 weeks of intensive revision is sufficient to get the result i want? i don't know but hopefully the answer is 'yes'.
That's why i resist a lot of temptations asking me to go for holiday break (andy: Milan, Italy ; Lip Shien: Scotland). No way, study is more important :P will enjoy life to the fullest after my degree (in that 3 months summer holiday before the hell routine of my master starts kicking in).
I can't say i won't post anything during the meantime, but who knows? i always have things to say/write in my mind to share with all of you. Sometimes it just needs some motivations for me to take the initiative to do it!
It's actually quite spectacular that i almost completely disappear from many club and society activies this term. It's especially my favourite Dance!!! It ain't no fun when dancing becomes another source of burden or stress (as i proceed further to advance level). I also hate myself for not completing Latin dance as what i wished earlier on. I always 半途而废 (10 mins passion), *sigh*
I also need more and more motivation to push me harder for studies too. The current status is still not looking good. : (
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Personality tests
My Personal Dna Report
Test 2:
Your Dominant Thinking Style: Modifying |
![]() Super logical and rational, you consider every fact available to you. You don't make rash decisions and are rarely moved by emotion. You prefer what's known and proven - to the new and untested. You tend to ground those around you and add stability. |
Thursday, February 15, 2007
真的很想留在她身边与她一起度过昨天的每一刻。虽然无法见面,但是我通过电话陪伴她一直到她昨天节日的最后一刻。听到她说打开我送给她的礼物满心欢喜的那一刻,我很欣慰,顿时紧张焦虑她不喜欢我送的礼物的心情也云消雾散。她甚至要我回来时为她亲手戴上去(那对耳环)。^ ^ 我相信她明白我非常重视这日子,和体会到我为她用心构思的每一个点子和努力,包括情人节倒数至前夕的创意‘活动’。
说真的,昨天我看到校园内和到处都有人(包括朋友们)都成双入对的,我心里蛮羡慕的。前晚更听我的屋友qi zhen说要给他的女友一个surprise trip到巴黎去度过情人节,我都快要眼红了… 。其实,也许是因为有了分离才体现出相思的价值,更懂得珍惜在一起的日子,学着怎样体谅和迁就互相配合对方。或许就是在这种情况下,心灵上更为接近对方,更能肯定对方在自己心目中的地位。
在我与她还未开始这段恋情时,我们已清楚即将面对的严峻的挑战。在鼓励我,祝福我的当儿,身边的朋友和家人都好像在好心劝我别太认真和投入。我的屋友甚至举例很多他认识的朋友的案例都几乎全以失败告终来说明长距离恋爱的存活率近乎零的残酷现实。我不愿去相信,因为那些个案都是人家的,我与他们未必相同。再况且命运是掌握在自己的手中的,如何经营,发展和造化一段感情的方式和观念因人而异。距离和时差是两个具体现实的限制而已(physical limitation),不是决定一段感情持久与否的必然条件。君不见即使居住在一起的情侣也可能不合而分手,为什么感情出现问题就要怪距离和时差呢?我已算是幸运了,虽然聚少离多但是还可以至少每年回国见面几个月。我相信那是上天给我们的感情的一个考验。真金不怕火炼,经得起考验的感情更显得珍贵和璀璨!
有时在谈及我的感情展望的言语中,朋友都批评我过于理想化和乐观。我知道,而她也知道,要破除因距离时差而产生的恐惧和不安定感,需要保持一些正面的因素(feel good factors)和对这段恋情的期望-- 这些在日久以后可以让感情有个方向和目标。与此同时,我们对感情的信念和坚持在有了目标和方向后,会显得更具体和有意义。理想化和乐观,并不代表不考虑现实层面,也是要常提醒自己要有上进和进取心,努力不懈地朝向理想走去。这样才有真正实现的一天。若两人都有同样的信念,就信任对方吧!
无论如何,我真的希望能与她继续走下去直到最后。: )
对于尚未有情人的朋友们,我也祝福你们 yo!!! ; ) 大家加油吧!
p/s: 上个星期日是我的一个小学朋友的婚礼,看到我的朋友们一班人去捧场祝福,感觉很温馨!虽然知道那新娘子朋友应该不会阅读我的部落格,我实在替她感到高兴!=D
Friday, February 09, 2007
US people are stupid?
My friend featured and linked this video from youTube to his Facebook page.
I think this street interview video is bias… First, it’s not appropriate to say that American people are stupid because they do not know some general knowledge or current affairs (although I must admit that some of the questions are really basic). They are just ignorant, living in the world of their own. Second, most of the interview took place in the
call him Snowboy... coz he's small !
Let my little snowman aka snowboy to say 'Hello' to all of you! With his arms wide open, he's welcoming you to witness the heaviest snowfall in London since i came to London!!!
His eyes are made of two 5 pence coins, and his nose is actually Queen's face 1 pound coin!!! This is just a 5 minutes effort though, 'coz i was then rushing to attend my lecture. :P
Below is one of my Hyde park winter shots, just to contrast with the same picture (in my best 50 album) i took in Spring last year!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
For good laughs... haha

Title: how to hit aeroplane
ermm.... should be interesting, 'cause it's a Military book, published more than 40 years ago. :P
what do you think? guys out there, would you buy if you found one? *wink*

Saturday, January 20, 2007
Thank you!
我也要谢谢Andy,Dave(近来他比较喜欢我们叫他杰伟),和Tong。因为他们送我这个‘特别’的背包。hhmm... 那书包外形,设计,和素质都看起来很不错。不过,好玩的是那背包上的图形里的文字有点,err...那个。知道顽皮的他们是这样的啦,不过有时背着它出去时怕会被人笑咧!
Take a look at this bag i received from Dave, Andy and Tong:
Then take a closer look....
wahhh...i don't know what it really mean....i don't know/want to translate in Mandarin, please...
别怕明年后我们不能为对方庆祝生日,只要有心,何怕你我在天涯海角,我都会将温情祝福往你寄送!认识你是我在英国念书的其中一大收获,能做你的朋友更是我的福气,记得把握这段得来不易的缘分喔!(你真的是从网上学习做芝士糕的啊?那么厉害?不如也给我那网页吧,看我能不能做得比你更好吃?:P )
谢谢陪我吃生日晚餐(然后陪我玩扑克牌至深夜)的朋友,还有谢谢我的屋友Qi Zhen和Logan (not in the picture)晚上给我的惊喜蛋糕:
(the birthday cake is cute, isn't it? Dave is also...hehe)
Lastly, and not least, i want to thank all my friends who took efforts to wish me happy birthday in many ways. I appreciate it very much, even though it's just friendster message/testimonial, or Facebook wall message. Why? 'coz not everyone did it, but at least you show me that you do sincerely want to wish me. Among many, there are also some who i didn't meet or talk to often. For those my good friends who are still in M'sia who sent me sms, thank you so much -- i can feel the warmness of the sms flying 7000 miles across the continents (pls leave ur name there for me to identify you in the message -- coz the number from m'sia will only be displayed as UK no. most of the time)
Thank you everyone for making me a wonderful birthday. I was and am happy (until now).
B'day card front cover from darling ^_^
My bro & co 's homemade short film : Gotparted
Finally, their movie is finished and made the first premier at one of his friends' house. I was one of the lucky guests to watch it, and had fun. Honestly, for a bunch of guys (yes, the whole movie is without even a female actress) who did it for the first time and spent so little money in the production (just merely RM35++, with almost all the equipments they already have). Later, when they were getting more serious, they even wrote the soundtrack especially for this. 3 songs were written by my brother (all music; lyric and vocal), and his friends (vocals, and lyrics). They went into studio and had their songs recorded (in a full band, formed by the members of the same gang). Also they made side-products such as advertisements and Behind-the-scenes shoots. Many videos are already available on Youtube, and Google video.
I salute.
Here's their friendship site: which contains the movie and the details/descriptions. You can watch it there.
And all 3 tracks of their soundtrack (in English, Rock/acoustic) can be obtained here.
My family on Sept 24, 2007
This is one of the most recent family photos. I can also call this as a reunion photo. We took this in September, before I go back to
(from left: my dad, my mum, my elder brother - Chee Keong, my younger brother - Chee How, and me)
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Club 22
Today, I join Club 22.
Any significance? Every year is different, 'cause we're all growing up, and thinking not the same than it used to be. One year, can make a lot of difference, sometimes even one month or less you could see how a person turns into another (better or worse or unknown) person.
This year, a different situation. First of all, i feel like bearing a bigger responsibility to accomplish my mission of my life in order to move on to another, before i could ever fulfill the bigger meaning of my life. Basically, when you come to this stage of life, your past is somehow shaping your future (although you still have some degrees of freedom), paving the way that you've already made up your mind. Well, in a way, this isn’t bad at all. This is the process of knowing yourself – what you want and who you want to be.
My wishes for this year, could be no more simpler than sailing smoothly on my studies, my relationships. I know I’ll also face the time when I bid farewell to some of my dearest friends during my IC years. Who knows what future will bring? Maybe one day we’ll be meeting again, and we’ll be more different than we are now. Maybe some are changed, and some are not --> that’s your heart, what you believe in, and have faith in. I really believe in friendship and will still give my true heart to treat you as my lifetime friend, as long as you were once in my heart. Good luck, and keep in touch~
On another note, to someone I love. I don’t care how far is the physical distance between 2 continents, because the real distance of relationship isn’t bound by the distance I just mentioned, but the distance measured between hearts. ‘Coz I can feel instantly when you send me your love, like I don’t feel any distance between us. What I know is, time flies, just like I spent the one month each in September and December back home. 6 months will be over very soon, and I’ll be graduating as Bsc. That’s all. ( It seems like I’m more looking forward to future than what I am doing now. However I must remind myself that I can’t have better future without handling well about the present.)
OK. Today’s just the first day of being a club 22 member. I only have a year to find out what’s in store of club 22. Hopefully it’s a good club (year) to stay and full of wonderful memories.
Haih… 柬埔寨的小孩年纪轻轻就被迫找吃了。他是个我懂的个案,我在那里看到还有其他的孩童,放学后兜售产品给游客。我实在怕了他们死缠烂打的招数—烦死人!看来,柬埔寨的孩童也不怎么开心和幸福。但是,金钱是否就能买到快乐呢?
Thursday, January 11, 2007
A decision seemed so right at the beginning...
That early morning, i was awaken by my mum. After wash-up, then i ready to go to leave home and go to airport. (I finished packing last night, and damn, i still have few kg space for the first time).
My flight was at 9.40am. Initially my mum said she wanted to bring me to the airport to have my breakfast, and then she and her friend will have their breakfast at Seremban. I came to think about the decision, and suggest another --- cause the food price at airport is at least 3 times higher than other place, thus i asked if she can bring me to a mamak restaurant (tanjung, 24 hours) at SS14 before i departed to airport.
I thought this is the best decision (at that time). Later when i reached airport, i found a long long queue to MAS counter for check-in purpose. When it's my turn, cialat, the computer system was down... i can't check-in and even get my boarding pass for at least 45 mins, standing in front of the counter. Bored at their problem.
Next, the flight is delayed. i was the last few 20 passengers who boarded the plane late. The whole plane was full, and all the rest of the passengers are taking their rest while waiting for the 'latecomers' like me. The aeroplane took off almost an hour behind the schedule. Also because of the weather condition, the plane had to slow down a bit because of the strong wind it experienced. Therefore it's one and a half hour late. Not my fault.
On the plane, i was so sick...sneezing all the way of the journey. Luckily there's a very kind and friendly Irish passenger sitting next to me, taking care of me by offering me some pills and tissues (i used damn a lot).
When i arrived in London, i called straight to my mum and my gf at the airport, telling them i was late and was fine. My mum was aslept and my gf was still waiting for my call before she can sleep. OK. After the immigration control point, the next bad thing happened is, my luggage was not there at the baggage pick-up point!!! omg... then i filed a complain at the service counter, and they reassured me that once they found it, they will deliver to my uk house. The reason it might get lost, i think it's because when the computer system was down, the check-in system also in disorder and confused. I suspect it gets to another plane to China (2 previous flight and one after are all to China).
Haih... so, if i decided to reach KLIA earlier to check in, i'll sure avoid all these problems. I don't have to stand for 45 mins in front of the counter like an idiot, and have plenty of time resting at the plane. My mum and friend can go to Seremban early and not wasting time waiting for me too.
And then i don't need to get that shock of losing my luggage. Luckily it arrived at my door today as promised. This is a good example of a decision made that changes the entire consequence. But who knows? i never regret of the decision i made at that time, cause it sounds more reasonable to have breakfast at Tanjung.